New smoke detector law goes into effect on January 1 in Illinois

Residential fires were responsible for 97 deaths in Illinois last year. In nearly 70% cases, the loss of life happened in homes without a working smoke alarms.
Photo illustration: Николай Егошин/Pixabay

SPRINGFIELD -- In two weeks, Illinois' updated Smoke Alarm Law goes into effect across the state. The new provisions, which applies to homes built before 1988, require any smoke alarm being installed within a single or multi-family home be replaced with models that have a sealed, non-removable 10-year battery.

"With a long-term 10-year battery smoke alarm, there is no need for battery replacement, saving the average homeowner between $40-$60 in battery costs over the life of each alarm," says Phil Zaleski, Executive Director for the Illinois Fire Safety Alliance. "At the end of the 10-year life cycle, the smoke alarm will automatically alert the homeowner to replace the alarm."

He added that, "While many people deactivate their older model smoke alarms or remove the batteries while cooking, the 10-year model is not a cooking nuisance and has a 15-minute silencer button.

Zaleski said in a release that required model is "very affordable with the current retail price being about $15 and as low as $10 if you buy them in bulk."

A quick on search on Amazon today shows 10-year, tamper-proof models retailing as low as $13 each. Order a six-pack, and the price drops to $8.33 each.

Passed in 2017, Public Act 100-0200 required all Illinois homes to have a smoke alarm with the extended-life battery by the first of next month. The bill states that "Every dwelling unit or hotel shall be equipped with at least one approved smoke detector in an operating condition within 15 feet of every room used for sleeping purposes. The detector shall be installed on the ceiling and at least 6 inches from any wall, or on a wall located between 4 and 6 inches from the ceiling."

To avoid ‘false alarms’ from the new detectors, they should not be placed within 15 feet of a stove or within 3 feet of bathrooms because of the humidity to avoid tripping the alarm.

Alarms already installed in dwellings are exempt if the manufactured date is less than 10-years old on date of inspection, does not fail testing, and is in proper operating condition. Residents or landlords replacing smoke detectors that are not hardwired in the home must do so with the new 10-year model. Homes with hardwired systems or systems connected to remote monitoring services are also exempt.

There were 97 residential fire deaths in Illinois in 2021, and nearly 70% of those deaths happened in homes without a working smoke alarm, according to Margaret Vaughn, Illinois Fire Safety Alliance and Illinois Fire Association government affairs director.

According to the bill, homeowners without an updated alarm will get a 90-day notice to install a sealed battery model. After that, they can be fined up to $100 every 30 days until the correct alarm(s) are installed. Also, homeowners and landlords should note the law makes it a Class B misdemeanor to not have a working smoke detector installed as required.

National Fire Prevention Week: Play it safe in the kitchen

While annual Fire Prevention Week ends today, it is important to remember that fires as a result of preparing meals or snacks can occur at any time.

Data collected from around the country that between 2014 to 2016 notes that cooking was by far the leading cause of all residential building fires, nearly 50 percent of all fires in home across the nation.

"The most important step you should take before making a meal is to 'Serve Up Fire Safety in the Kitchen!'" says Fire Chief Jim Kreher, President of the Illinois Fire Safety Alliance. "A cooking fire can grow quickly. I have seen many homes damaged and people injured by fires that could easily have been prevented."

Cooking is the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries in the United States. Almost half (44%) of reported home fires started in the kitchen according to the National Fire Protection Association. Two-thirds of home cooking fires start with the ignition of food or other cooking materials. The most frequent cause of home fires is from cooking oil and grease.

"We know cooking fires can be prevented," said Lorraine Carli, VP of Outreach and Advocacy at the NFPA. "Staying in the kitchen, using a timer, and avoiding distractions such as electronics or TV are steps everyone can take to keep families safe in their homes."

The IFSA has safety tips that anyone cooking on a stove or open fire should observe to prevent accidental fires or flare-ups.

1. Never leave food to cook unattended. Stay in the kitchen while you are frying, grilling, or broiling. If you must leave, even for a short time, turn off the stove.

2. Create and maintain a "kid-free zone" of at least three feet around the stove and areas where hot food or drink is prepared or carried.

3. Always keep an oven mitt and pan lid nearby when you’re cooking.

4. If a small grease fire starts, slide the lid over the pan to smother the flame. Turn off the burner, and leave the pan covered until it is completely cool.

5. If you are simmering, baking, roasting, or boiling food, check it regularly, remain in the home while food is cooking, and use a timer to remind you that you’re cooking.

6. Be alert when cooking. Avoid cooking or baking if you are sleepy, have taken medicine or drugs, or consumed alcohol that can make you drowsy.

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