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Ferry-Morse — one of the largest U.S. gardening brands — wants to set home gardeners up for success by highlighting the top five benefits of growing your own fruits and vegetables.
1. Freshness that can't be beat
Produce can't get fresher than what you grow and pick in your own backyard! Grocery store produce is chosen for its hardiness because it has to endure long journeys and handling before it reaches the store, where it may sit on display for days. On the other hand, when you grow your own fruits, vegetables and herbs, you control the harvest, so you can pick them at the peak ripeness and enjoy that fresh-off-the-vine taste.
2. Nutritious and delicious
Homegrown fruits and vegetables are also more nutritious than their store-bought counterparts. That's because crops begin to deteriorate as soon as they're picked. The farther it needs to travel, the more nutritional content is lost. At home, you can harvest your fresh ingredients as needed, ensuring your meal is made with the crispest and most nutritious produce possible.
3. Boosted taste and flavor
If you did a side-by-side taste test of a homegrown tomato compared to a store-bought one, chances are you'll notice the one from your backyard tastes better and is more flavorful. You'll enjoy a bolder flavor when fruit and vegetables are allowed to fully ripen on the vine. Homegrown produce allows you to experience a crop's true essence and provides a culinary experience that is sure to delight your senses.
4. A feast that won't empty your wallet
By growing your own, you'll save quite a bit of money. While there are initial expenses when setting up your garden for the first time, according to Better Homes & Gardens, the average home garden yields $677 worth of produce. Once you set up a garden, you'll have the necessary tools to nurture it season after season, creating a self-sustaining food cycle.
Making the initial investment in live plants and seeds will benefit you in the long run, as you won’t have to spend your dollars on store-bought produce that can rise in cost throughout the seasons. To get started, find a reputable brand like Ferry-Morse that delivers live baby Plantlings directly from their nursery to your door.
For first-time gardeners who want to add striking fall colors to their outdoor spaces, check out their Flamingo Pink Mums or Flamma Orange Celosia, available in 2-pack, 4-inch potted plants. If you want to keep incorporating fresh veggies into your homecooked meals post-summer, try their cold hardy vegetable Plantlings, including Cheddar Cauliflower and Ruby Perfection Cabbage. With over 40 Plantlings varieties of annuals, perennials, vegetables, and herbs to choose from, there’s something to meet each gardener’s unique taste and lifestyle preferences.
5. Connect with nature and reap the rewards
Gardening is a fantastic stress reliever that allows you to connect with nature and discover the joy of maintaining your own little patch of Eden. You can escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, get your hands dirty and watch your plants grow into robust crops. Take in the soothing sights, sounds and scents of your home garden and reap the benefits to your well-being.
Planting and nurturing a garden is easier than you think and offers so many benefits to your palate, wallet and well-being. So grab your gardening gloves and spade and start your journey to a rewarding and nurturing harvest.
Try a homegrown meal for yourself
There’s no better way to welcome the crisp air and colorful leaves of fall than with a comforting bowl of homemade butternut squash soup. Earthy sage and rich browned butter infuse freshly harvested butternut squash in this easy-to-make dish, creating a symphony of fall flavors.
Start by melting 2 tablespoons of butter with 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large pot over medium-low heat. Add onion and garlic, season with salt and pepper, and cook for about 8 minutes to soften, but not brown. Stir in apples and butternut squash and cook until they begin to soften, about 10 minutes. Stir occasionally to cook evenly.
Once the apples and butternut squash have softened, pour in chicken stock, bring to a boil, and reduce to a simmer. Season with salt and pepper; cover and cook for about 45 minutes, or until the squash is very tender. Use an immersion blender or pour the soup into a blender, working in batches if necessary, and blend until smooth. Return to the pot and stir in heavy cream.
While keeping your blended mixture warm, melt a stick of butter in a medium skillet over medium heat. Add sage leaves and pan fry for about 30 seconds or until crispy. Drain the sage leaves on a paper towel-lined plate and sprinkle with salt. Continue to cook the butter until browned and nutty, stirring to avoid burning. Transfer to a bowl after 1 to 2 minutes of cooking.
Once your soup is ready to serve, drizzle with browned butter and sprinkle with optional salted seeds and a few fried sage leaves and enjoy!
Previous research established the association of particulate matter (PM) pollution to CVD death and disability. However, questions remain about the worldwide impact from this type of pollution and how it has been changing over time, the study authors noted.
“We focused on examining the burden globally because particulate matter pollution is a widespread environmental risk factor that affects all populations worldwide, and understanding its impact on cardiovascular health can help guide public health interventions and policy decisions,” said Farshad Farzadfar, M.D., M.P.H., D.Sc., senior author of the study and a professor of medicine in the non-communicable diseases research center of the Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Institute at Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Iran.
The researchers analyzed PM pollution as a risk factor for death and disability using freely available data from 204 countries collected between 1990 and 2019 and detailed in the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study. Exposure to PM pollution was estimated using a tool from the 2019 update to the GBD study that incorporated information from satellite and ground-level monitoring, computer models of chemicals in the atmosphere and land-use data.
Among the many types of heart disease, the current analysis of cardiovascular disease is restricted to stroke and ischemic heart disease (a lack of blood and oxygen supply to portions of the heart, usually due to plaque build-up in the arteries) because the 2019 GBD study on the global burden of disease attributed to PM pollution only examined these two diagnoses. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), which provides the GBD estimates, only reports data for a certain risk factor if there is a large body of evidence about its association with a disease, Farzadfar noted.
“Until now, only the association of PM pollution with ischemic heart disease and stroke has been demonstrated in a large number of studies,” Farzadfar said. “The IHME may include other CVDs in the future. Moreover, ischemic heart disease and stroke contribute to a significant majority of CVDs, and our estimates, despite having limitations, may be used as a good estimate of PM pollution burden on CVDs.”
The investigators analyzed changes over time in years of life lost due to premature death (YLLs), years lived with disability (YLDs) and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). DALYs is a measure that considers both the loss of life and the impact on quality of life to assess the full impact of a health condition on a population. The cardiovascular disease burden was assessed both overall and with age standardization, which compares health outcomes across a population with a wide range of ages.
The analysis found:
“The declines in deaths may be considered positive news, as they indicate improvements in health care, air pollution control measures and access to treatment. However, the increase in disability-adjusted life years suggests that although fewer people were dying from cardiovascular disease, more people were living with disability,” Farzadfar said.
The researchers also found that between 1990 and 2019, age-standardized CVD death and disability attributed to outdoor PM pollution rose by 8.1%, while age-standardized cardiovascular death and disability attributed to household PM pollution, which is produced by solid cooking fuels such as coal, charcoal, crop residue, dung and wood, fell by 65.4%.
“The reason for the decrease in the burden of household air pollution from solid fuels might be better access and use of cleaner fuels, such as refined biomass, ethanol, liquefied petroleum gas, solar and electricity. Moreover, structural changes, such as improved cookstoves and built-in stoves, chimney hoods and better ventilation, might be effective in reducing pollution exposure to solid fuels. Finally, the effects of educational and behavioral interventions should be considered,” Farzadfar said. “The shifting pattern from household air pollution due to solid fuels to outdoor, ambient PM pollution has important public policy implications.”
In a 2020 scientific statement and a 2020 policy statement, the American Heart Association details the latest science about air pollution exposure and the individual, industrial and policy measures to reduce the negative impact of poor air quality on cardiovascular health. Reducing exposure to air pollution and reversing the negative impact of poor air quality on cardiovascular health, including heart disease and stroke, is essential to reducing health inequities in Black and Hispanic communities, those that have been historically marginalized and under-resourced, and communities that have the highest levels of exposure to air pollution.
The study has several limitations. Because the assessment of exposure to particulate matter pollution in the study is based on regional estimates, it may not accurately reflect individual exposure. In addition, results from this analysis of the association between particulate matter pollution and cardiovascular outcomes may not be generalizable to other health conditions or other pollutants.