Send us your news tips
Do you have a news tip or idea for The Sentinel?
Week in, week out, we want to publish information and news important to the readers in our area. Yes, we want you to contact us. We are always on the look out for fresh news stories that are close to our reader's hearts. A well-informed society is a well-armed community.
When you send us a tip, try to be as specific as possible and send as much information as you can like who, what, where, why, why and how. Tell us why the story is important and include your contact info so can get a hold of you if we need additional details. This helps us tell an accurate story of the issue that the public should know about.
If you evidence and/or specific documentation to support your claim, send it. Share the names of people we can contact to get to the nitty-gritty. We are even committed to publishing stories based on newsworthy leaked material. Just remember that when sending us a sensitive tip using any online service, we encourage you to consider using a public internet connection outside of your home or workplace. As with any professional news gathering entity we'll do our best to protect our sources.
Please be aware that while we don't have all the resources yet to take on every project, an enthusiastic editor will read every message and review your concerns or praise for an individual or group of people.
We will review messages on a regular basis, but cannot promise each will receive a response. If you don’t hear from an editor, please know that we appreciate you taking the time and effort to reach out with a topic or information that is important to you and our community. Also, just because you don't hear back from us right away doesn't mean we are not actively investigating your tip. It may take time to gather more information for a competent piece based on the information you shared.
The Sentinel welcomes pitches from freelance contributors. To submit a proposal for consideration, please email it to You can review our submission guidelines here. If we are interested in pursuing the story, an editor will follow up with you directly.
Reprint Requests
For inquiries about republishing or translating our stories, please contact us at You can repost the first three paragraphs of an article without requesting permission as long as you credit The Sentinel at the top of the story, republish the excerpt verbatim, and link back to the original post at The Sentinel website.