Check your property tax bill

Area residents should be receiving your Champaign County property tax bill this week and you may want to look it over closely.

There have been several reports by homeowners whose bills do not reflect escrow payments made or applied to their tax bill.

If you find an error contact the county treasurer at (217) 384-3743 as well as your escrow company to make sure your payment will be received on time.

Spotlight on SJO senior Connor Lusk

Connor Lusk does a 230kg deadlift at the Illini Uplift for Muscular Dystrophy powerlifting competition on March 11 in 2019. Lusk, then a junior also squated 180 kg and maxed out on the bench press at 140 kg on Saturday. He finished first in his division and 11th overall. Hosted by the Illini Powerlifting Club, proceeds from the event were donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. (Photo: PhotoNews Media/Clark Brooks)

Connor Lusk

High School Clubs & Activities
Wrestling (1 year)
Maroon Platoon

St. Joseph

Competitive powerlifting, playing the bass guitar, and helping others at the gym.

Favorite SJO memory:
His greatest memories at SJO revolve around the weight room. He remembers back in his sophomore year when he started weightlifting. He will never forget how he deadlifted over 600 pounds in front of everyone.

Favorite classes:
U.S. History, World History, and Sociology

Favorite teachers:
Mrs. Mabry, Mrs. Svenson, and Mrs. Kinney at St. Joseph Middle School and Mr. Jeff Kieffer, Mr. Marshall Schacht, Mrs. Don Beckett, and Mr. Shawn Skinner at SJO.

Parkland College in the Pathways Program

Advice to future SJO students:
Have fun, don’t blow off your classes, and to pay attention.

Text provided by St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Don't distance yourself from the celebration, mom is worth the effort

By Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

I wish mom were still here so I could take her out to Sunday dinner.

The problem with Sunday dinner this Mother's Day is that most of the restaurants either won't be open yet or operating under new guidelines. Restaurants make their biggest payday of the year typically on Mother's Day. Even in states that are wide open for dining there is the problem of social distancing.

Can you imagine this week going to a restaurant that only is allowed 25% occupancy or maybe 50% occupancy at best? Many states will still be closed tight this Sunday adding further pain to the economic dilemma of business owners across America. For some restaurants being closed this Sunday will be the nail in the coffin of their business.

This year to celebrate mom's day you still can patronize your favorite restaurant by ordering from them and bringing the food back home. This will still take some pressure off mom. Also, insist on cleaning up the mess when it's over. Mom shouldn't have to do this on Mother's Day.

Overall, this is the toughest Mother's Day we've had in America during my lifetime.

So many millions are struggling financially. Buying a nice meal from a restaurant to take home to feed everyone is a stretch for many.

With 70,000 or more deaths now due to Covid-19 this Mother's Day will be the hardest day ever for a lot of families. There will be an empty chair at the table. Millions of Americans have moms in nursing homes. Their moms are in danger of being exposed to Covid-19. People will probably not be able to visit mother because she is in the nursing home. This is painful.

There are just so many distressing scenarios being played out around the world. From health care workers who are at risk, to unemployment and a new era of poverty hitting out country, to people just going crazy over social distancing.

The way to celebrate Mother's Day this year is don't forget. Don't distance yourself from this celebration. Honor mom while you have her. Honor some other mothers too who have been special to you.

When I was a child, I had $5 my dad gave me for being "brave" when I had my tonsils removed. The only thing I wanted to do as a child was to take mom and dad to the local G.C. Murphy's grill.

We sat at the bar and we all had hotdogs and cokes that cost me about $3. My mom didn't want me to spend my $5 but she smiled when I bought lunch that day as a 7-year-old kid. I would love to have mom back this Sunday and do anything that might make her smile. This Sunday, it could be the simplest thing but give it a try.

Mom is worth the effort.


Dr. Glenn Mollette is a syndicated American columnist and author of American Issues, Every American Has An Opinion and ten other books. He is read in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization.


This article is the sole opinions of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of PhotoNews Media. We welcome comments and views from our readers.


Senior Spotlights with Anna Tranel, Konnor George & Nathan Maier

Anna Tranel

Clubs & Activities
Track and Field (4 years)
Maroon Platoon, Spanish Club

St. Joseph

Four siblings: one older brother, one younger sister, and two younger brothers.

Running, writing with sidewalk chalk, and hanging out with friends

Favorite SJO memories:
She enjoyed going to all of the home football games and the powderpuff game before Homecoming during her senior year.

Favorite classes:
All of her math classes, U.S. History, Civics, and Advanced Biology.

Favorite teachers:
Mr. Risley and Mrs. Ford at St. Joseph Middle School and Mr. Marshall Schacht, Senor Zak Sutton, Ms. Kelly Steffen, and Mrs. Ashley Krisman at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Parkland College or Augustana University, majoring actuary science

Advice to future SJO students:
Make the most of high school and enjoy it because you never know when it will end.

Konnor George

Clubs & Activities

St. Joseph

Four siblings: one older sister, two younger sisters, and one younger brother.

His hobbies revolve around music. He really enjoys playing the guitar.

Favorite SJO memory:
Homecoming during his freshman year

Favorite classes:
World History and Geography with Mr. Kieffer, and U.S. History and Civics with Mr. Beckett.

Favorite teachers:
Mrs. Steele at St. Joseph Middle School and Mr. Jeff Kieffer, Mr. Shawn Skinner, Mr. William Billman, and Mrs. Alisyn Franzen at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Career Plans:
Plans to join the U.S. Army and possibly have a career in a law enforcement.

Advice to future SJO students:
Do homework and to stay on task.

Graduating from college with an undergraduate or advance degree? Tell us!

Nathan Maier

Clubs & Activities
Basketball (3 years)
Football (1 year)

St. Joseph

Two older brothers

Reading books, working on his computer, practicing photography, filming, and hanging out with family.

Favorite SJO memories:
His positive times being a part of the boys’ basketball team as a manager during his junior and senior years. Nathan felt motivated to be a part of the basketball family, and he will always remember these moments.

Favorite classes:
Trigonometry with Mr. Kiel Duval and Spanish with Senor Zak Sutton.

Favorite teachers:
Mr. Jeff Kieffer, Senor Zak Sutton, and Mrs. Heather Lindenmeyer

Parkland College, Business

Advice to future SJO students:
Always try to reach out if you need help because St. Joseph is such a welcoming community.

Text & photos provided by St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

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