The current count by zip code includes two cases in Ogden (61859), St. Joseph (61873) with 15, Sidney (61877) with seven, and Philo (61864) is nursing six cases. The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District is reporting five cases in Tolono (61880) and none in Royal (61871).
Out of the 13,018 test performed to date, 251 area residents in the six zip codes covered by The Sentinel have tested positive. The number represents just six percent of the total confirmed cases in Champaign County.
Thanks to the students returning to the University of Illinois campus last month, there 424 active cases in the county, 30 of those are patients from our area.
Currently, there are eight individuals from the county who are hospitalized. The stats do not indicate the home zip codes of those who are undergoing treatment at area hospitals.