Aubrey Kern
Clubs & Activities
Volleyball (1 year)
Student Council, Maroon Platoon
St. Joseph
Older brother
Hanging out with family and friends
Favorite SJO memories:
Going to all of the home games and Homecoming and Prom week.
Favorite classes:
All of her English classes and Biology
Favorite teachers:
Mr. Risley and Mrs. Kinney at St. Joseph Middle School and Mr. Kiel Duval and Mrs. Heather Lindenmeyer at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.
Parkland College, Undecided major
Advice to future SJO students:
Have as much fun as you can and to not take anything for granted.
Cody Johnston
Clubs & Activities
Bass Fishing, Scholastic Bowl, We The People, Rube Goldberg Team, Marching Band, SADA
St. Joseph
Fishing, riding motorcycles, and playing video games
Favorite SJO memories:
He earned first place in his We The People unit, and he also earned first place in percussion at one of his marching band competitions. Cody also enjoyed participating on the Rube Goldberg team.
Favorite classes:
Biology, Physics, U.S. History, Civics, and Calculus
Favorite teachers:
Mr. Risley at St. Joseph Middle School and Mrs. Jeanna Kerner, Mr. Robert Glazier, Mr. Marshall Schacht, and Mrs. Lianne Rash at SJO
Parkland College, majoring in Engineering
Technical training:
Electrical Union Apprenticeship
Advice to future SJO students:
Pursue extracurricular activities and to do your homework.
Kristen Costa
Clubs & Activities
Student Council-Class President, Student Council-Student Body President, AMP, Spanish Club, Maroon Platoon, NHS, Drama Club, We The People
St. Joseph
One younger brother, one older brother, and one older sister
Singing, donating her time for volunteer work, and hanging out with friends and family
Favorite SJO memories:
Her greatest memories involvement in Student Council. She was elected into the IASC (Illinois Association of Student Council), and she was the first ever SJO student elected to serve as Vice President of this organization. Kristen also really enjoyed planning out the Kickapoo District Convention for Student Council.
Favorite classes:
All of her Spanish classes and Biology
Favorite teachers:
Mr. Dassow and Mrs. Ford at St. Joseph Middle School and Senor Zak Sutton and Mr. Marshall Schacht at SJO.
Illinois College, majoring Spanish education (K-12).
Advice to future SJO students:
Enjoy what you have when you have it, and do not take anything for granted.
Text & photos provided by St. Joseph-Ogden High School.