Illinois linebacker named to Allstate Wuerffel Trophy watch list

SNS - In the fast-paced world of college football, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle of stats, scores, and standout plays. Last week, University of Illinois linebacker Kenenna Odeluga was named to the 2024 watch list for the Allstate Wuerffel Trophy by the Wuerffel Foundation and the National College Football Awards Association (NCFAA) on Thursday. A rising star, he has made a name for himself as a force both in the game and in the community, embodying the true spirit of a student-athlete.

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In 2024, he was nominated for the prestigious Allstate AFCA Good Works Team, a testament to their dedication beyond the gridiron. This honor recognizes players who have made a significant impact in their communities, and Odeluga has certainly earned it. A two-time Academic All-Big Ten selection (2022 and 2023), he has consistently excelled in the classroom, balancing the demands of academics and athletics.

Last summer, Odeluga embarked on a mission trip to Africa, an experience that left an indelible mark. There, he not only contributed to various service projects but also connected with local communities, gaining a deeper understanding of global issues and the power of compassion.

Back home, Odeluga has been a familiar face at the Carle Foundation Hospital, where he visited children battling illnesses, spreading joy and offering support to families in need. His community service extends to helping build a garden at the Salvation Army, a project aimed at providing fresh produce to those in need. He also worked with DREAAM, engaging with kids during the organization's community service events and helping to create a positive and uplifting environment.

In January 2024, Odeluga attended the Black Student Athlete Summit in Los Angeles, where he connected with professionals and athletic faculty members from across the nation. This gathering, which brought together 1,500 student-athletes, offered a unique opportunity for networking and personal growth.

As a member of the Illinois Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), Odeluga serves as a representative for the football program. In this role, they've been actively involved in various athletics community initiatives, advocating for their peers and helping to shape the future of Illinois athletics.

Odeluga has proven time and time again that he is more than just a standout player on the field. As a leader and a compassionate individual, he is using his education and knowledge to make a difference.

Op-Ed |
A time of healing for Israel, we envision better days ahead

by Rabbi Leor Sinai

Following the morning of Simchat Torah 5784 / October 7, 2023, when the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas launched a military invasion that included massive assaults on Israeli civilians and military outposts abutting the border of Israel and the Gaza Strip, a massive launch of over 5,000 rockets from Gaza into Israel, kidnapped over 250 Israeli citizens of all ages, and committed sexual violence and a massacre of over 1,200 innocent Israelis and visitors, within one day Jewish communities around the world began experiencing all forms of Jew-hatred including violent anti-Israel rallies across university campuses and communities.


Local government law enforcement and Jewish agencies have tracked an alarming increase in anti-Semitic incidents in the United States, as reported by the Anti-Defamation League’s Center for Antisemitism Research in its February 29, 2024. As a result of this war and dramatic rise of Jew-hatred, the Jewish community now faces existential challenges not seen since prior to the establishment of the modern nation State of Israel.

Preceding the horrific invasion of Israel and ensuing war, is the fraught political context in Israel that began in January 2023 following the establishment of Israel’s 25th Knesset (Governing Parliament). The large-scale protests across Israel in response to the government’s push for a wide-ranging judicial reform, took on an added concern and expansion following the October 7, 2023, invasion and massacre. For example, hostage families calling for a cease fire, the haredi draft exemptions—followed by the decision to draft—reservist families call for new elections, the evacuation of Israel’s north following Hezbollah’s bombardment of northern Israel, and more, all of which has raised many questions for Israelis and Global Jewry, such as the unconditional support of Israel versus supporting political agendas, as well as the existential challenges faced by both Israel and Global Jewry.

Herzl’s pitch sold us on Jewish emancipation when he stated that “…the world will be liberated by our freedom…" (Der Judenstaat, “The Jewish State”), in other words the establishment of a Jewish state would solve the world’s Jewish problem. Today we know his utopian vision of a Jewish homeland did not turn out as he had originally expected. The October 7th massacre and subsequent war proved Herzl wrong.

On October 7th, the dream became a nightmare as darkness spread all over, yet within twenty-four hours of the invasion we saw glimmers of light. Israelis, global Jewry, and our allies, chose to act. Many headed to southern Israel in support of the evacuated families and soldiers, many took part in food and clothing drives, many donated precious resources, many volunteered to help save the agricultural sector, and many of you came to physically bear witness—to be here in Israel during her greatest hour of need.

A friend and I heard about a gathering of hostage families at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art (later to be known as Hostage Square / Kikar HaHatufim) in Tel Aviv. We decided to go to the square on that first Friday evening, Erev Shabbat, to be with the families.

We lit Shabbat candles, sang Shalom Aleichem, and recited Kiddush. What we witnessed at that time was incredible, tearful, joyous and inspiring. And we have been there ever since, not having missed a single Erev Shabbat since October 7th. We pray and sing with both secular and religious Jews, with kippot and without kippot, and with non-Jews, from across Israel and the world, who come because the heart yearns for healing, unity, and hope. For us, Erev Shabbat at Hostage Square has become hallowed land, a Beit HaMiqdash, symbolizing a new covenant among people who choose life.

What was once “Never Again”, is happening again except this time around it is different. Unlike our ancestors who confronted humanity’s worse for 2,000 years, 1948 ushered in a new reality—Israel. The manifestation of the age-old dream to return and be free in our home, l’hiyot am chofshi b’artzeinu, is a game changer and we are holding on for dear life.

Together we will heal what hurts, we will repair our rifts, and we will envision better days ahead for us and for our children everywhere.

If there is anything I have learned throughout this past year of political and social turmoil, and the horrific attack of October 7th, it is not to take our existence in this world for granted, not to take the existence of Israel for granted. Israel’s existence, strength and inspiration informs our collective existence, strength, and inspiration.

My hope is that this wave of Jewish awakening leap frogs us into a movement of preaching, teaching, and role modeling selfless love. If Israel’s weakness in past destructions came because of sinat chinnam, baseless ego driven hatred, then Israel’s strength and unity comes in the form of ahavat chinnam, selfless driven acts of love, kindness and arevut, accountability for one another.

This is the great tikun of our time, the Jewish People’s modern-day revelation: Tikun Yisrael precedes Tikun Olam, healing Israel precedes healing the world. As we draw near to the 9th of Av, Am Yisrael may be an ocean apart though we stand together at the intersection of life. My hope for you, for us all, is that we choose “to be”, we choose life, and by doing so we embody the values of Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh b’Zeh, all of Israel is responsible one for the other. Together we will heal what hurts, we will repair our rifts, and we will envision better days ahead for us and for our children everywhere.

About the author
Leor Sinai lives with his family in Tel Aviv, Israel. Originally from New York, Sinai and his family moved to Israel in 2011. Sinai is an Influencer whose interests include Education Diplomacy, Leadership Development, and Institutional Advancement. He has traveled around the world, building bridges and strategies for collaboration.

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Chemical contaminates found in Illinois rivers threaten food chain

SNS - Scientists tested nine fish species from four northern Illinois rivers for contamination with per- or polyfluoroalkyl substances, synthetic chemicals found in numerous industrial and commercial products and known to be harmful to human health. They found fish contaminated with PFAS in every one of their 15 test sites. Elevated levels of PFOS, one type of PFAS compound, were found in nearly all fish tested.

Study found that there were high levels of PFASs contamination levels in channel catfish found in Illinois waterways.

The qualities that make PFAS desirable for industrial uses — their durability and stability under stresses such as high heat or exposure to water, for example — also make these chemicals particularly problematic in the environment and hazardous to human and animal health, said Joseph Irudayaraj, a professor of bioengineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign who led the new study.

The findings are reported in the journal Science of the Total Environment.

Short-chain PFASs (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are widely used as alternatives to long-chain PFASs. Long-chain PFASs become gradually regulated under REACH (EC No. 1907/2006) and other international regulations, due to having persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic properties and/or being toxic for reproduction. The increasingly used short-chain PFASs are assumed to have a lower bioaccumulation potential.

“PFAS contain multiple carbon-fluorine bonds, one of the strongest bonds in organic chemistry,” Irudayaraj said, who is also a professor in the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology and an affiliate of the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology and the Carle Illinois College of Medicine at the U. of I. “Because of this, they are also very hard to break down. They persist for a long time because they are very, very stable.”

Considering such permanent exposure, it is very difficult to estimate long-term adverse effects in organisms. Enriched in edible parts of plants, the accumulation in food chains is unknown.

There are nearly 15,000 PFAS chemicals, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These are classified either as short-chain PFAS, which have less than six carbon-fluorine bonds, and long-chain PFAS, with six or more of these bonds, Irudayaraj said.

Long-chain PFAS were widely used before awareness grew about the hazards of these chemicals. More recently, many industries switched to using short-chain PFAS.

“It was thought that the short-chain PFAS were less toxic, and that they could more easily degrade,” he said. “But surprisingly, that was not the case.”

Now, both types of PFAS are found in groundwater, soil and human tissues.

Short-chain PFASs have a high mobility in soil and water, and final degradation products are extremely persistent. This results in a fast distribution to water resources, and consequently, also to a contamination of drinking water resources. Once emitted, short-chain PFASs remain in the environment. A lack of appropriate water treatment technologies results in everlasting background concentrations in the environment, and thus, organisms are permanently and poorly reversibly exposed. Considering such permanent exposure, it is very difficult to estimate long-term adverse effects in organisms. Enriched in edible parts of plants, the accumulation in food chains is unknown.

“About 99% of people living in the U.S. have PFAS in their system,” Irudayaraj said.

Studies on animals have shown that short-chain PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are almost completely absorbed when ingested or inhaled but not much through the skin. Both short- and long-chain PFAS don't break down easily in the body due to their strong chemical bonds. Even if these chemicals start off in different forms, they eventually turn into acids through several steps, which can be more toxic than the original chemicals. One such toxic substance, perfluorohexyl ethanoic acid (FHEA), has been found in various tissues from deceased people, according to research published by The Danish Environmental Protection Agency in 2015.

The time it takes for these acids to leave the blood varies depending on the specific chemical, the species, and even the sex of the animal. In general, sulfonates (a type of PFAS) take longer to be eliminated than carboxylates (another type), and longer chains take longer to leave the body than shorter ones. In animals, the time is often shorter for females due to differences in how their bodies process these chemicals. The time these substances stay in the blood can range from a few hours to days in rodents, a bit longer in monkeys, and much longer in humans, sometimes lasting years. However, shorter-chain PFAS tend to leave the body faster, except for PFHxS (a six-carbon chain PFAS), which has a longer half-life in humans than some other PFAS like PFOA and PFOS.

Despite a voluntary phasing out of some PFAS in industry in the U.S. and efforts to reduce PFAS pollution, these chemicals are still found in drinking water, household products, food packaging and agricultural products, he said.

Fish from the Rock River had the highest concentrations of PFAS in their tissues.

The manufacturers of chemical products using PFAS argue that the newer short-chain PFAS is safer than the widely known long-chain contaminants. Despite this assertion, the Auburn study's significant findings challenge these statements. The research indicates that short-chain chemicals are frequently present in drinking water systems and could potentially endanger human and environmental well-being. Additionally, current removal methods are relatively less efficient when it comes to eliminating short-chain PFAS in comparison to long-chain PFAS.

The Auburn study analyzed over 200 individual studies on PFAS finding that the short-chain contaminants may be just as harmful as the long-chain versions, if not more. The short-chain PFAS have been linked to hormonal and reproductive system harm.

The researchers in the U of I study focused on fish in northern Illinois rivers because they are close to urban and industrial areas. Industrial emissions and urban rainwater runoff may further contaminate local waterways with PFAS. Sport fishing is also popular across the state, including in areas inside and near Chicago. More than 666,000 fishing licenses were issued across the state of Illinois in 2020.

The researchers narrowed their research down to the fish in the Pecatonica River, Rock River, Sugar River and Yellow Creek from 2021-22. The team collected dozens of samples from nine species of fish, including bluegill, channel catfish, common carp, northern pike, smallmouth bass and walleye. The fish represented different levels of the food chain, from those that feed only on plants, like bluegill, to those eating other fish, such as channel catfish and northern pike.

Back in the lab, the scientists analyzed fish tissues for 17 PFAS chemicals. They found PFAS-contaminated fish in every river they tested and in every one of their 15 sampling sites. Fish from the Rock River had the highest concentrations of PFAS in their tissues. Contamination levels were highest in channel catfish, at the top of the food chain, and lowest in the plant eaters.

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