Photo of the Day - September 16, 2020
St. Joseph yard sales this weekend
Chain saw, leaf blower, girl's bike, women's and men's clothes, dvd/vhs/cd's, xmas lights lots of misc.
Pritzker says state has reached a "critical juncture"
Illinois Rural Health Association hosts virtural conference in October
The theme of this year’s conference is "Pulling Together in these Challenging Times". The two-day series of meetings with more than 20 workshops and panel discussions will be held virtually over the internet using a video communications platform starting on October 6. Planners are working diligently to ensure virtual attendees will have access to valuable knowledge from experts on rural healthcare. The conference is an excellent opportunity for rural healthcare professionals to learn about successful practices from their peers in Illinois.
Topics for the upcoming annual event include COVID Tracing in Rural Communities, the Latest Case Law
Impacting Medical Negligence Matters, Telehealth Billing and Mental Health Care
for Healthcare Workers during the Pandemic and more. According to the release from the IRHA, there will also be a
specific workshop track for Rural Health Clinics. The Keynote Address will be delivered by Brock Slabach, VP of Member
Services for the National Rural Health Association
on the Latest in Federal Healthcare Policy
To register or view the conference brochure, interested healthcare professionals can point their browsers to For additional information, contact Margaret Vaughn by phone at (217) 280-0206 or via email at