Spartan football season starts in 60 days

Photo: PhotoNews Media/Clark Brooks
St. Joseph-Ogden senior Justice Wertz carries the ball after a hand off from Logan Smith during his team's 2023 home opener against Monticello last fall. See more photos from this game here.

ST. JOSEPH - Exactly two months from today, the Spartans' offensive backfield will feature several new faces in key positions. The team finished the past season 8-3 overall, in the Illini Prairie Conference, and will open on the road at Monticello on August 30. SJO's regular season schedule features just four home contests.

Here is a look at the upcoming 2023-2024 schedule.

8/30 @ Monticello 7:00pm

9/6 • Tolono Unity 7:00pm

9/13 @ Prairie Central 7:00pm

9/20 @ Illinois Valley Central 7:00pm

9/27 • Carterville 7:00pm

10/4 @ Bloomington Central Catholic 7:00pm

10/11 • Pontiac 7:00pm

10/18 @ Rantoul 7:00pm

10/25 • Paxton-Buckley-Loda 7:00pm

St. Joe-Ogden Athletics

Study finds youths of color have fewer summer job offers in Illinois

by Terri Dee
Illinois News Connection

CHICAGO - Summer jobs are a boost for companies needing seasonal help. But Black and Latino youths are not seeing the opportunities come their way.

A report by the University of Illinois-Chicago Great Cities Institute has found these teens face fewer job prospects than white applicants.

Illinois State Graphic The Illinois Department of Employment Security indicates 16 to 24-year-olds have had the highest unemployment rate among all age groups - including those at retirement age - since 2017.

Great Cities Institute Research Assistant Samantha Sepulveda Santos said some neighborhoods are struggling more than others.

"We can see," said Sepulveda Santos, "that the highest percentages of joblessness among students in Chicago - which is 93% - were found in areas in the South and Southwest. In Hilton, Bridgeport, McKinley Park, Fuller Park, and Back of the Yards."

Recovery time from pandemic-related shutdowns in the Chicago Public Schools system was slower than other area districts, according to the report.

Sepulveda Santos said she believes this data supports the necessity to implement programming for equal employment opportunities.

The report claims more than 163,000 16 to 24-year-olds in Chicago are unemployed and not enrolled in high school or college.

Sepulveda Santos acknowledged that competition is harder for these youths to enter a trade school to receive technical training for in-demand jobs - which could contribute to higher disparity numbers.

"And another factor we allude to as well is that not all people have the same opportunities," said Sepulveda Santos. "Not all people have the same networking, the same preparation for cover letters, for interviews. Most people have a leg up to be able to ask an aunt, an uncle, a neighbor for a job, as other people do."

The institute is seeking funding for a youth employment training program to teach teens about applying for jobs and being productive workers upon hire.

The study also suggests if Illinois spent $300 million on youth employment, crime rates could be reduced.

Figures from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show in July 2023, the unemployment rate nationwide for Black youth was 18%, nearly 11% for Latinos, and 7% for white youths.

Commentary | Be careful walking after dark, the police may be scary

by Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

Recently, I was taking a late night walk in Owenton, Kentucky. Owenton is a little town of maybe six hundred people in rural north central Kentucky. I had just finished watching the sad Biden-Trump debate and decided that a walk and some ice cream sounded good.

I walked to our local convenience store which is about a half mile from where I was staying in Owenton. It was a beautiful summer night and I only saw two cars on the road in route to the store. I bought an ice cream bar and had it eaten within twenty steps of the store when the only car I saw on the way home pulled up beside me and someone asked, “Sir, are you alright?”

It was the local city police. I responded, “Yes sir, I’m doing fine.”

He asked, “Would you like a ride home?” To which I replied, “No sir, I’m just out for a walk.”

He then asked, “Have you been drinking?”

I replied, “No sir, just been eating a Snicker’s Ice Cream Bar.”

He continued, “Are you sure?”

“Yes sir, I’m sure.”

He then asked, “Where are you going?” I told him the street which was only about five more minutes of walking time.

I thought all was well as he and another policeman drove off but they made a U-turn and pulled right back up in front of me. The cop got out of the car and told me he wanted to do a breathalyzer test.

I’ve never had one in my life. I agreed to it. He was right in the middle of the street. I walked out to meet him and he told me to blow into the straw. I complied. He shook his head because, of course, the test was negative.

The officer told me his name and I responded by telling him mine and we shook hands. He told me to be safe walking home. He then wanted to know exactly where I lived and I gave him the street name and house number.

As I walked up the street and neared home, I looked up. Once again, he and the other officer passed by. I suppose they were checking to see if I went where I said I was going.

This was really dramatic and over the top. I was simply taking a walk.

I wasn’t falling into the street or staggering from one side to the other. I was walking. He had no cause to stop and embarrass me but called me out into the middle of the street for a breathalyzer. Fortunately, not one car drove by while he was doing that. It’s a small town and no one was out at 11:10 at night.

Almost no one gets out and walks in this town. If anybody has to go to the local convenience store, they drive their car even it’s just a block or two. Thus, maybe the police thought if someone was out walking then surely the person had to be up to no good or intoxicated.

I’m, very supportive of the police. I’m appreciative of all who work to keep us safe. We need good police officers protecting us. However, this was ridiculous.

Don’t harass people just because you are bored and have nothing else to do.

I feel sorry for the many people in this nation who have been racially profiled for years. They are often pulled over because they are Black or a different nationality. Sometimes people are pulled over if they are driving a red sports car or if they are someone who is an “outsider.”

Often small towns can be very cliquish. If they don’t know who you are or if you are not “one” of the community residents then you are immediately profiled as an outsider and outsiders are often disliked, shunned or just treated badly.

Freedom to move about the country is a wonderful privilege. Let us be appreciative of our freedom this fourth of July week.


He is the author of 13 books including Uncommom Sense, the Spiritual Chocolate series, Grandpa's Store, Minister's Guidebook insights from a fellow minister. His column is published weekly in over 600 publications in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization. We welcome comments and views from our readers. Submit your letters to the editor or commentary on a current event 24/7 to


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