Willowdale Winter Wonderland coming in December

When Lacey Smith moved into the Willowdale Subdivision with her husband and three kids in 2015, she heard tales from the past when residents would lavishly decorate their homes for the holidays.

"I love Christmas and we have a fantastic neighborhood!" said Smith, who has lived in St. Joseph since 2012. "The idea just popped in my head that one day I would like to organize this for the community."

She had a lot of wonderful memories of visiting Candlestick Lane in Urbana, the source of her inspiration, as a child. She decided she wanted to try and build a similar tradition.

Last fall while hosting a bonfire for neighbors, Smith casually brought the idea up.

"Everyone was interested and plans began to form for the Willowdale Winter Wonderland!" Smith said.

After the initial positive response that evening, she made flyers to spread the word with the subdivision community. With the help of Tonya Yeazel and the subdivision's Facebook group page, it didn't take much effort for residents to join forces on transforming the neighborhood into a Christmas-inspired holiday oasis on the prairie.

Starting Friday, December 4, Willowdale will become a Winter Wonderland. Visitors will be able drive through the unique three-block neighborhood surrounded by corn and bean fields to enjoy dozens of decorated homes. It hasn't been confirmed, but Smith said that they are hoping that Santa will make an early visit to the Wonderland on December 12 to say hello to all the good little boys and girls.

"Stay tuned for confirmation once we hear back from the North Pole," she said. "Spread the word. I hope you and your family can come on out for a drive through Willowdale Winter Wonderland!"

Smith said she and her neighbors are a pretty tight-knit group.

"Covid has really brought many of us closer, too," she said, explaining the support and their shared sense of community. "None of us knew when we said we wanted to launch this in 2020, that we would be in the middle of a global pandemic. Now we feel like this is a great opportunity for us to spread some cheer and give kids something to look forward to this year."

Photo of the Day - November 14, 2020

St. Joseph mayor Tami Fruhling-Voges hands out medals

First Santa 5K a success

St. Joseph Mayor Tami Fruhling-Voges helps hand out medals and greet runners crossing the finish line at the Ho Ho Ho 5K in December of 2018. There were more than 300 participants and nearly that number in spectators, family members and well-wishers along the 5k course the first year. The annual race, now called St. Joe Santa 5K, will run this year as virtual race in its the third installment due to Coronavirus pandemic.

(Photo: PhotoNews Media/Clark Brooks)

Guest Commentary: Keep Thanksgiving alive in your heart

By Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

Joe Biden or Donald Trump will never visit me in my home, stand beside me at the funeral home or dance at my wedding. I will not be receiving any calls from either of them to pray for me during sickness or to check on how my children are doing. I probably will never sit in a room with them to visit, laugh and tell funny stories or just to hang out over a cup of coffee.

I do not personally know either one. I welcome the opportunity to visit with either of them, but doubt it will happen.

I feel like I know them because I have seen them on television my entire life and heard them speak. I have been very emotional about them these last few months and felt very convicted about my vote.

I have written words, spoken words and stood on the firing line for my candidate. Most importantly, I voted. I have also received my share of emails, and real mail from people just as adamant about their candidate, often expressed in very colorful words.

Sadly, over the last few months, I have seen people who, I have known for many years, take as strong or stronger stance than I've taken. The distance between us has grown farther and the climate colder. Acquaintances, life-friends, school buddies and even family.

Both of our candidates have campaigned in their own, and different ways. The issues have been heatedly debated and argued.

As a nation, we have stressed ourselves to the max over these political candidates. And, while our vision for our nation has not changed, or our love and support for our preferred candidate has probably not dwindled, we must make a concerted effort to keep friends, family and the hopes and spirit of Thanksgiving alive.

As strongly as I feel about our nation and our leadership, I will not throw my friends and loved ones under the bus.

My father was a Republican and my mother was a Democrat. They both voted and life went on. They were married for over 60 years. They did pretty well. They didn't divorce over an election or politics. I do not remember them even arguing about an election.

This election was important to all of us, but I'm not going to stab my mother in the back or cut my father's throat for Joe Biden or Donald Trump. By the same token, I have played sports with people all through school, sang in choirs, danced with friends, prayed and wept with people at hospitals and funerals, baptized thousands of young and old people alike. I'm not going to throw these people in the lake or smash somebody's car. I am not going to try to destroy somebody's business or life for Joe Biden or Donald Trump. Nor will I attend any Thanksgiving or other holiday meals refusing to be civil and gracious because of opposing political feelings and beliefs in the room. Why would any of us? For Joe Biden or Donald Trump?

I refuse to let this election kill Thanksgiving or any of the friendships and relationships that I share with real people in my life. Life, our friendships, our relationship with God and the personal work and service of being a good human being are most important to me.

The Thanksgiving season is here. Life doesn't always go our way, but we all have a lot to be thankful for this year. Keep this good season alive with gratitude. Most of all extend Thanksgiving to all others. If it's not reciprocated, then it's on them. Keep Thanksgiving alive in your heart.


Dr. Glenn Mollette is a syndicated American columnist and author of American Issues, Every American Has An Opinion and ten other books. He is read in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization.


This article is the sole opinions of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of PhotoNews Media. We welcome comments and views from our readers.


Christmas Parade in Philo December 4

A group of four women in Philo are pooling their collective talents to organize the first annual Village of Philo Christmas Parade. Julie Pioletti, Lisa Quinn, Cindy Schweighart and Lori Donovan are working together to bring a few hours of holiday cheer to friends and neighbors in the village.

The parade will make its way through town starting at 7 p.m. on December 4. Organizers are tying up one last detail before releasing the official route, which should be announced in the next week.

"We selected a route that allows for plenty of parking and open spaces to allow for social distancing," Pioletti said. "We need to confirm that we can use one more space before the map is posted."

The organizers want to light up the streets of Philo to put fellow residents in a festive, holiday mood and infuse the Christmas spirit throughout the village.

"We would like to take this time to invite you to participate in what we believe will be an exciting and memorable parade!" organizers said in a release. "We hope you will take the opportunity to decorate your golf cart, car, etc. with lights and festive decorations!"

It is not too late for your business or organization to register a float for the parade. There is no fee for this year's participants as there will not be a judged competition or entry contests.

The applications for entries are due November 20. All parade motorized entries must have a "lighted component to the float". In the event of severe and potentially dangerous weather - ice or snowstorm, driving rain with lightning - the parade will be cancelled.

One more thing - Santa imposters will not be permitted on parade entries. The official Santa Claus will be there and will appear at the end of the procession.

For more information contact Julie Pioletti at piolett1@yahoo.com or call 217.649.2156.

Spectators are asked to observe the current public health recommendations during the parade.

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