In pursuit of art, the importance of building your personal collection

by Ian Wang

Ian Wang
Photo provided
People who have experienced living and working far away from their hometown may feel the same: The farther away and the more time since you have left home, the more eager you are to know and to learn any and every detail that relates to your homeland. You feel so dear, so deep, and so emotional towards anything and everything, big or small, from your homeland. That was why I started collecting artworks created by artists of my homeland as a medium or vehicle for communication, expression, and socio-cultural exchange when I studied at Oxford University.

While serving as the president of Spurlock Museum's Board of Directors, I researched the history of the University of Illinois' first art collection at the museum. I learned how and why the University's first president, John Gregory, collected art and established the first art gallery/museum on campus.

From day one as UI president, John Gregory firmly believed that “man should be primarily educated as a human being and only secondary for his occupation.” Therefore, Gregory called for a university to produce “clear-headed, broad-breasted scholars, men of fully developed minds who would be valuable citizens capable of taking their places in legislative assemblies or other positions to which they might be called from their normal occupations.”

In other words, the University was to cultivate real men rather than technically trained professionals. His desire was to establish an institute firmly grounded in the liberal arts tradition.

Profoundly influenced by Gregory’s vision and deliberation, I started focusing on collecting, researching, and exhibiting UI art (artworks created by University faculty, staff, and students) for the same purpose of cultivating “real men”.

After more than 25 years of pursuit, I have collected multiple thousand pieces of UI art, studied and written/published a few hundred articles in local, national, and international newspapers and magazines. So far, I have curated almost 100 art exhibitions at the University and local community galleries/venues. In the process, I have learned and enjoyed much about art in general and our UI art in particular, and developed a personal doctrine for collecting art. Concisely, my philosophy is:

1. Collect art interactively with artists is the most important and enjoyable way of studying/learning art deeply and directly from its creator.

2. Collect art systematically.

3. Collecting art comprehensively.

4. Collect art creatively.

A long-time resident of Champaign-Urbana, Ian Wang is an art historian and curator. Wang is currently providing an informative lecture series entitled "150 Plus Years UI Art Creation" for Tuesday At Ten at the Champaign Public Library at 10 am on Tuesdays through December 12.

Heading out for Thanksgiving break

Two busses load passengers on Illinois Street on lovely fall morning in front of the Levis Faculty Center on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus on Saturday morning. Nearly a half dozen additional charter busses were waiting along South Gregory between Krannert Performing Arts Center and the faculty center to take travelers to the Chicago area for the week-long Thanksgiving campus break. University of Illinois students will return to campus this coming weekend to resume classes before finals and the fall semester break.
Photo: PhotoNews Media

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Guest Commentary | Any can value their home for whatever they think it is worth

by Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

Many years ago I took out a second mortgage on my home. The house had grown in value and had at least $30,000 of equity. At that time, I had multiple reasons. The second mortgage added a second monthly payment to my already very tight budget. I made both the original payment and the second mortgage payment for a couple years until I was able to refinance both loans into a ten-year fixed interest rate loan. Fortunately, I was able to pay off the ten-year loan in about six years.

Let me hasten to say I would never want to do a second mortgage on my house again. Looking back, it was a bad financial decision. This type of loan is an option if you are in dire straits. At the time, I thought It was something I needed to do and it worked out.

My bank did ask what I wanted the money for and I told them my numerous reasons. Essentially, they didn’t care. They only cared that I had the financial ability to pay it back. They cared if my property was valuable enough to cover their costs if I defaulted on my loan. They wanted to verify my income, any other loans, and review my previous three years of income tax reports.

After the deal was made, I didn’t hear anything from the Attorney General or any federal judges about my loan from the bank. No one hounded me about my interest rate or the fixed number of years I would pay back the loan. The arrangement was made between my lending institution and me. It wasn’t anyone else’s business.

Let’s say I determine my house today is worth a million dollars. It’s not, but I can say it is based on what it means to me.

Anyone can value their property for whatever they think it’s worth. Let’s say I go to the bank and want to borrow $600,000 against my one-million-dollar house. At this point the bank has to begin their process of determination. They will do an appraisal of my house. They will then look at my income and any other assets. They will determine if they think the loan is in their favor to make.

If in reality my house is only worth $400,000 then they may say we can’t loan you the $600,000 but we can loan you $200,000. It then becomes the decision of the lender as to how they want to proceed with the loan and how much they want to loan. If I falsify my financial records in order to get the loan then that becomes problematic. If the lender does a good job in verifying the value of the property, there shouldn’t be a problem.

If the lender for some unlikely reason determines to loan me the $600,000 because I’m a good customer and they like me, then the deal is between the lender and me. Can you imagine a judge or Attorney General saying they don’t like your loan arrangement?

Are the lending institutions after Donald Trump? No. If they think he has done something bad or they aren’t receiving their money they will go after him. The most recent national courtroom scene in NYC is another political sham.


He is the author of 13 books including Uncommom Sense, the Spiritual Chocolate series, Grandpa's Store, Minister's Guidebook insights from a fellow minister. His column is published weekly in over 600 publications in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization. We welcome comments and views from our readers. Submit your letters to the editor or commentary on a current event 24/7 to


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Holiday celebrations are filled with triggers and temptations for those in recovery

by Lindsey Salvatelli
Rosecrance Health Network

CHAMPAIGN - It’s that time of the year when gift-giving, family gatherings, and cheers for the new year bring people together. Though it is perfectly normal to enjoy celebrations that are common around this time of year, the holidays can also be challenging for those in or new to recovery.

The holiday season is usually packed with social events, but this can cause people in recovery to feel lonely or anxious about the possibility of relapsing. For those who may have those concerns, it’s important they know that they are not alone - millions of Americans who are in recovery are also spending their holidays sober.

Although some individuals may have more experience staying sober than others, everyone needs to start somewhere. Those ready to have a safe, sober holiday should join the festivities with a plan.

During recovery, it is crucial to have a strong support network that includes 12-step meetings, sponsors, treatment centers, and loved ones, especially during the holidays. Individuals can benefit from having a list of AA or NA meetings ready and predetermined check-in calls with a sponsor or loved one to stay on track. Doing so can help establish the lifeline they need to step away from stressful social situations that could put their recovery in harm's way.

Planning how to get to holiday celebrations is crucial. Individuals need to have control over their transportation to leave quickly if needed. For those who don't have access to a vehicle, bringing a plus one who can support their recovery and be the designated sober driver can be beneficial. In an emergency, having a commuter app or a friend on speed dial who can help escape the situation can also be helpful.

Another helpful tip to prevent a relapse is to always have a non-alcoholic drink in hand. Holding a drink means there is less opportunity to be offered one, more control over what is being consumed, and avoiding a potentially awkward conversation about sobriety.

Though holiday celebrations can indeed be filled with relapse triggers and temptations, that doesn't mean that people in recovery should avoid enjoying these celebrations altogether. Spending the holidays with loved ones, free from any substances or alcohol, is worth a try. Still, it’s understandable if those new to recovery think they should avoid holiday celebrations.

Two-vehicle accident on Vine and Pennsylvania

Urbana firefighters and EMS workers responded to an accident involving a white SUV and a black Transit-sized vehicle on the corner of Pennsylvania and Vine at approximately 9 am this morning. Firefighters had to remove the driver from the overturned vehicle. Emergency personnel and police are still at the scene. No other details are available at this time.
Photo: PhotoNews Media

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St. Joseph Middle School 5th-grade Honor Roll

St. Joseph - Dozens of 5th-grade students at St. Joseph Middle School worked hard to make the first-quarter 2023-24 High Honor Roll. Those students receiving recognition for their outstanding academic performance for both high honors and honor roll are listed below.
5th Grade High Honor Roll
Ariela Adili
Zoey Bird
Cole Dietiker
London Gallagher
Cooper Graham
Caleb Huckstadt
Aubree Johnson
Kendall Lubinski
Madison Lubinski
Mia McCall
Henry Rubach
William Rubach
Callie Ryerson
Sydney Steagall
Josiah Thaman
Kasper Zadeh
5th Grade Honor Roll
Sophia Albrecht
Madison Beeler
Abigail Bewley
Kynleigh Blunier
Connor Bowman
Naomi Cavanaugh
Konlee Christians
Henry Cluver
Carson Coffey
Naelys Colon
Avery Dunn
Campbell Flessner
Blake Franklin
Kayden Gillespie
Payslie Hogan
Thomas Irvin
Kendall Isaksen
Brandon Jackson
Hensly Jones
McKenzie Keller
Mason Keyes
Adalyn Krisman
Leo Lynn
Davis Maury
Ava Perkins
Jace Potts
Deklan Quinn
Tristyn Rein
Riley Rice
Elara Rosser
Madeline Sebree
Rose Tranel
Cameron Trankina
Elijah Tuttle
Brennan Waller
Camilo Zenil Pena

Seventy-three 6th-grade student earn honor roll recognition at St. Joseph Middle School

St. Joseph - Seventy-three 6th-grade students at St. Joseph Middle School made the first-quarter 2023-24 High Honor Roll. Those students receiving recognition for their outstanding academic performance for both high honors and honor roll are listed below.
6th Grade High Honor Roll
Jovie Anderson
Adalyn Bacon
June Barnhart
Elijah Bronowski
Ethan Burnett
Bowen Crackel
Kolton Cruz
Cameron Daly
Tenley Damler
Jocelyn Daniel
Claire Dirksmeyer
Alice Downes
Wesley England
Camden Fisher
Esmeralda Garcia Fuentes
Luke Haley
Quinley Harwood
Thea Hinkel
Tyson Huckstadt
Kylie Kerner
Leighton Koehler
Grayson Kuhn
Jackson McGuffee
Tessa Musselman
Alayna Nekolny
Lauren Newman
Kinsley Oleynichak
Olivia Palmisano
Noah Parker-Resendiz
Harvey Parrish
Clowie Price
Brynn Randolph
Alexandra Ray
Toby Reed-Thompson
Brady Ryan
Katelyn Ryan
Tanner Suchor
Connor Tison
Geneva Vliet
Addison Warrenburg
Alexander Weidenburner
Kylie Wells
Mia Williams
6th Grade Honor Roll
Cali Argo
Avery Bigelow
Bristol Brown
Avery Carter
Kinley Dalton
Dominick Fletcher
Addyson Friese
Vincent Gagich
Brayden Hesselmann
Brylee Houchens
Gabriella Kemp
Abbigail Kerner
Rowan Kietzman
Jackson Lindenmeyer
Arlo Marriott
Kru McDonald
Elliette Miller
Mirabelle Moran
Nicholas Morrison
Kaylee Myers
Katherine Parrish
Benjamin Peters
Kelton Pruemer
Lucas Smith
William Steele
Elizabeth Tredway
Landon Umbarger
Cassidy Underwood
Olivia Vandewalker-Cox
Natalia Zavala

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