A St. Joseph resident is on a mission to help others. Kelly Miller-Skinner, owner of Soul Care Urban Retreat Center in Urbana, has created a Pay It Forward Grant campaign on GoFundMe. Her goal is to raise at least $2,500 that will allow front line workers to spend to spend an hour in quiet rest or attend programs about spiritual wellness practices.
"I don't know about you, but during these last nine months, there have been numerous people who have helped me and my family and made sure that we have managed through this challenging time," Miller wrote in a post on Facebook. "All these folks pouring out of themselves day after day without hesitation. But they also have loads of extra stress and anxiety. And they don’t always have the money to do something to take care of themselves. They always put others first."
So far, donors have contributed $205 toward Miller-Skinner fundraising effort that will benefit educators, first responders, healthcare workers, civil servants, pastors and ministers, social workers, counselors and mental health providers, retail and restaurant workers.
"All these people are pouring out of themselves day after day without hesitation," she said. "Won’t you pay it forward by making a contribution?"
For more information contact Miller-Skinner at Soul Care Urban Retreat Center by phone at (217) 996-1752 or by email at
info@soulcareexperience.com. Donations can be made online with GoFundMe at
Pay It Forward Grants.