Normal -- SJO basketball head coaches Drew Arteaga and Kiel Duval will be recognized as coaches of the year at the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association annual luncheon today at Redbird Arena. The two St. Joseph-Ogden award winners are among a class of 185 Illinois basketball coaches selected this season. Arteaga led the girls' program to a 24-8 finish in his inaugural season at the helm. Duval's boys' team also finished with a 20-win season with a 23-10 record.
SJO basketball coaches earn IBCA accolades
Normal -- SJO basketball head coaches Drew Arteaga and Kiel Duval will be recognized as coaches of the year at the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association annual luncheon today at Redbird Arena. The two St. Joseph-Ogden award winners are among a class of 185 Illinois basketball coaches selected this season. Arteaga led the girls' program to a 24-8 finish in his inaugural season at the helm. Duval's boys' team also finished with a 20-win season with a 23-10 record.
Mediterranean-style diet shown to reduce risk of preeclampsia during pregnancy
How much are life and freedom worth?
Most of us have wondered about life beyond the grave. Many today are in search of life before the grave. Given what many people traditionally believe about heaven, eternity and life beyond, it would certainly seem very valuable to think about a life beyond. However, what about life here? The Ukrainian people wake up every day to fight, survive or hide another day. They fight for life and freedom. Why? Life and freedom are worth something. How much are life and freedom worth? What does it mean to you to hug your spouse or loved one? How much do you enjoy laughing with family, friends or at a funny tv show? How good does it feel to do something you enjoy? Cooking a meal, music, reading, your faith assembly, grandkids or enjoying a sunny or rainy day. Life is living and enjoying our living. God didn’t make us to be miserable. We make ourselves miserable. Sickness makes us miserable. Addictions destroy us and others. Death of the people we love zaps us and creates major voids in our lives. Yet, life can only be lived forward and often this is where we get stuck. Too often we put our cars in park and start watching the world go by us. We look in the rear view mirror. Life is whizzing by and we can’t seem to get our foot back on the accelerator to start moving again. This becomes a very stagnate and unhappy way to live. Actually, it’s not a life at all. Living before you die must have some routine. Go to work. Go someplace. Do something. It doesn’t have to be exotic or glorious. Often routine is the same thing every day. There is some peace in routine. When our routine and entire lives are shaken, like what is happening in Ukraine, then every minute is about surviving another day. Survival mode for you may be doctor’s visits. Making a plan for the next five years or year of your life. Reconnecting to some family or a friend or two. Making peace with the past and embracing today. The keyword for life is hope. Peace is another keyword but peace doesn’t exist without hope. If we have hope we can look forward to life. We hope we have enough health. We hope we have enough money. The people of Ukraine have hope they can overcome Russia. This keeps many of them going. Many have fled the country in search of hope. Find the hope you need to embrace the rest of your life. Hope in family, friends, hobbies and much more is good. Just be very aware, even they may disappoint you. Mainly, find hope in you. God didn’t make junk. Too often, life, events, mistakes, and sometimes even people we are close to make it difficult for us to see our worth and it tarnishes our spirit. Hope is an inside job that starts now.
Dr. Glenn Mollette is a syndicated American columnist and author of Grandpa's Store, American Issues, and ten other books. He is read in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization.
This article is the sole opinions of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of The Sentinel. We welcome comments and views from our readers. Submit your letters to the editor or commentary on a current event 24/7 to
With Arms Open Wide benefit concert at the Rose Bowl
Guest Commentary: Your past plays a part of where you are today
Carrying baggage is exhausting. When traveling we often pack more than we need. When making a trip it’s always easier to travel light. Life is a trip. The longer we live the more we seem to pack and try to carry. Our mind has so many shelves, drawers and spaces for luggage of all shapes and sizes. We have this giant closet inside our brains that we fill up throughout life. Your mental closet is filled with memories that are good and not so good. You may have spaces filled with grief, sadness, hurts, rejection, loss, failure, disappointments, defeats and more. You also hopefully have stored up some happy times, victories, successes, celebrations, achievements, love, relationships and peace. Hopefully your mind is filled with more positive happy events. I heard the story about a young man who loved his cat. The cat died and his mother gave him permission to bury his cat in the backyard. The mother became appalled when she discovered her son was digging up the cat every few days to see how the cat was doing. Too often we live our lives this way. We dig up old stuff that needs to remain buried forever. Too often the mind carries what cannot be physically buried, good or bad. We are frequently impacted by what we keep stored. One cold morning, a little boy put his backside up against an old coal stove. The hot stove burned his bottom and he knew never to do that again. What we have stored up in our minds can often serve us well. Wisdom is gained the hard way. The school of hard knocks is educational and expensive. We pay dearly throughout life to learn the hard way. Thus, what we have stored up can be very valuable to us as we face additional life challenges and opportunities. Your past decisions, work, interests, achievements, failures and mistakes all play a part in where you are today. This could be very good. Or, it could be very bad. If you learned from your mistakes and moved forward then you may be further ahead than you ever imagined. If you didn’t learn from your mistakes and you continue to make them then frustration and sadness is haunting you. Today is a new day. You can’t change the past. You do not know the future. Live your best life now. Dispose of as much baggage as you can. Do away with old resentments and regrets. Forgive people. Forgive yourself. Don’t live in the cemetery but live with hope of seeing your loved one in a better place. Paul, the author of Philippians said it this way, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Dr. Glenn Mollette is a syndicated American columnist and author of Grandpa's Store, American Issues, and ten other books. He is read in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization.
This article is the sole opinions of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of The Sentinel. We welcome comments and views from our readers. Submit your letters to the editor or commentary on a current event 24/7 to
SJO baseball streak continues with win over Pontiac
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For night owls the pandemic may have improved sleep habits
Research shows that “night owls” are hard-wired to sleep later, yet 9-to-5 work schedules force them to battle their physiology and wake up early. Research also has shown that conventional timetables leave them vulnerable to physical and mental health issues.
“It is harder for night owls to function in the world because they’re out of sync with the conventional schedule,” said Kelly Baron, an associate professor at the University of Utah who studies sleep health and clinically treats patients who have insomnia. She noted that poor sleep is also a driver of worker absenteeism and use of sick days. “We would get better performance out of employees if they were allowed to work at their best working time.”
Her research has found that keeping late evening hours can cause even healthy night owls to be prone to bad habits like eating fast food, not exercising, and socializing less.
But the covid-19 pandemic, which forced many people to telework, allowed more flexibility in work schedules, prompting sleep scientists to rethink assumptions about sleep and how to assess patients.
The pandemic “was an international experiment to understand how sleep changes when work hours and work environments change,” said Baron.
Researchers in Italy are among those tapping into this question. In a recent study, they found that many Italians who don’t typically fit into a traditional daylight timetable thrived and their health improved when the pandemic’s remote working conditions allowed them to work later hours.
Federico Salfi, a doctoral student at the University of L’Aquila and self-professed night owl, joined with colleagues late in 2020 to examine how the work-from-home trend influenced Italian sleep habits. Through social media, they identified 875 people who represented in-office and remote workers. They then used web-based questionnaires to discover the impacts of remote working on sleep health. The findings: The pandemic’s work-from-home flexibility helped the participants better align their work and sleep schedules — many of them for the first time.
More specifically, the researchers found evidence that evening-type people slept longer and better while working from home, with a corresponding decrease in symptoms of depression and insomnia.
They also pointed out an important theme that echoes other studies — that people who fall into the night-owl category regularly sleep less than early risers. On his podcast, Matthew Walker, a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California-Berkeley and author of “Why We Sleep,” said it was the difference of 6.6 hours a night versus more than 7 hours a night, leading night owls to accumulate a chronic sleep debt. (The study is available as a preprint and has not yet been peer-reviewed.)
So why don’t such people just go to bed earlier? The answer is complicated.
To feel sleepy requires a biochemical cascade of events to kick into action, and that timing is determined by a person’s chronotype. A chronotype is an internal “body clock” that determines when people feel awake or tired during a 24-hour period. The cycles are genetically set, with about half of people falling into the midrange — meaning they neither wake at dawn nor fall asleep past midnight — and the others evenly split as morning larks or night owls.
In prehistoric times, a mix of mismatched bedtimes served an evolutionary purpose. Evening types would watch over morning types while they slept, and vice versa. Modern society, however, rewards early risers while stigmatizing those burning the midnight oil, said Brant Hasler, associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh and part of the university’s Center for Sleep and Circadian Science. “We are catering to one portion of our population at the expense of another.”
Walker has outlined specific health consequences on his podcast. Late-night types are 30% more likely than early birds to develop hypertension, which can lead to strokes or heart attacks, and 1.6 times as likely to have Type 2 diabetes since sleep affects blood sugar regulation. They are also two to three times as likely to be diagnosed with depression and twice as likely to use antidepressants.
A study published in February also found that evening people who slept more during the pandemic still had remarkably poorer mental health compared with morning larks.
Neither Walker nor Hasler was involved in the Italian study.
Still, some experts noted that the Italian study had limitations.
“I couldn’t find clearly included in the study: Were people always on those schedules? [Or did they change after the pandemic?] Because that is something that really matters,” said Stijn Massar, a senior research fellow at the National University of Singapore. Plus, since covid has drastically affected almost all aspects of life, pandemic-era sleep data can get muddied by the many lifestyle changes people have had to endure.
Moreover, sleep scientists are still wondering if it is always healthier for someone to sleep in sync with their chronotype.
It’s a question of prioritizing individual schedules versus community schedules. But “sleep is one of the great mysteries of life,” said Massar. “This is all somewhat speculative,” with each new study providing glimpses of the bigger picture.
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The Sentinel 2021-22 Boys All-Area Basketball Team
St. Joseph-Ogden Will Cowan, Junior
Unity Evan Ingram, Senior
St. Joseph-Ogden Blake Kimball, Senior
Unity Austin Langendorf, Junior
Unity Ty Pence, Junior
St. Joseph-Ogden Henry Thomas, Sophomore
Unity Logan Smith, Sophomore
St. Joseph-Ogden
St. Joseph-Ogden Hayden Brazelton, Senior
St. Joseph-Ogden Nolan Grindley, Senior
St. Joseph-Ogden Jacob Maxwell, Junior
Unity Dalton O'Neill, Sophomore
Unity Trustan Price, Senior
Unity Coy Taylor, Freshman
St. Joseph-Ogden Andrew Thomas, Sophomore
Maddux Carter (Jr) Unity:
Jay Saunders (So)
SJO wins non-conference meeting against the Chargers
Urbana Park District summer theater auditions April 22-23
Guest Commentary: We need to control our tongues
In a civil, polite society we shouldn’t run around slapping comedians, politicians, radio or television personalities, or musical performers. The list goes on and includes everyone. Will Smith’s stunt of slapping comedian Chri Rock at the 2022 Oscars was a bad idea. It was only by the grace of God and mainly the grace of Chris Rock that Smith was not arrested or sued. Before this is all over, Rock could still take him to court. At this point in time, it doesn’t seem likely. On the other hand, it was a bad idea for Chris Rock to use Will Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, in a joke that highlighted alopecia, the disease that has been tormenting her. Diseases and disabilities are issues with which people struggle. The joke angered Will Smith. His feelings got totally out of control as he bounded on stage to slap Chris Rock. While many people understand how Smith must have felt and may have thought Rock deserved it, we still have to restrain ourselves. I suspect there are people who probably have wanted to slap a politician or two. You can’t do that because you would go to jail. Furthermore, that is the wrong way to conduct our behavior. What about Vladimir Putin? You couldn’t get by with that in Russia. Regardless of how evil and heinous an individual is, if you slapped him while walking down Broadway in New York City, a policeman would most likely arrest you. This is a far-fetched scenario even though most of the free world is ready for Putin to be totally removed. If you have been working on your list of people to slap you might as well put it away. It won’t work. You will eventually end up in jail, in court, or both. We do have free speech in America. People can hurl words freer than hurling punches. Words can and do hurt. There are repercussions if you slander, malign or use your speech against others in a way that “hurts” them. However, television, radio, and political events frequently allow the rhetoric to go way out of bounds. An idea for us all is to control our tongues and our actions. Most of us have spoken before we thought. We may have reacted in a way without seriously considering the action. Too often a fast mouth or quick action may have brought regret. There are lessons to be learned from this year’s Academy Awards. Mainly, don’t act like those people.
Dr. Glenn Mollette is a syndicated American columnist and author of Grandpa's Store, American Issues, and ten other books. He is read in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization.
This article is the sole opinions of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of The Sentinel. We welcome comments and views from our readers. Submit your letters to the editor or commentary on a current event 24/7 to
Prep Sports Notebook: Brazelton hurls 2-hit shutout
Spartans win consolation bracket title
RANTOUL -- The St. Joseph-Ogden softball team powered past Rockford Auburn to win 7-2 on Saturday at the Rantoul Invite. Shayne Immke earned her first pitching victory of the season. Kelsey Martlage led the SJO offense with two hits and 2 RBI to close out the annual softball invitational.Prep Sports Notebook: Rocket softball team wins, SJO baseball records first shutout
Spartans notch conference win
The St. Joseph-Ogden baseball team improved to 6-1 on the season after a seven-run inning in the bottom of the 4th to cruise past St. Thomas More, 9-0. Luke Landrus and Taylor Voorhees scattered 2 hits apiece while senior Andrew Beyers tallied 2 RBI. Voorhees and Beyers crossed the plate twice for SJO. Caleb Ochs earned the win on the mound for the Spartans. Next up, St. Joseph-Ogden plays two conference games next week. On Monday, SJO hosts Bloomington Central Catholic and travels to Rantoul to take on the Eagles on Thursday.
Unity softball blanks A-O
Ruby Tarr notched pounded out four hits and scored three runs to lead the Unity softball team to a 15-0 win over Argenta-Oreana on Friday. Hailey Flesch also scored three times for the Rockets. Flesch and Madeline Reed collected a home run apiece on Bomber pitcher Michelle Hollon. Rockets' Ashlyn Miller included six strikeouts among the 43 pitches she hurled in the four-inning shutout.Attention high school coaches
We need your help covering your team this spring to help keep fans, college recruiters, and area readers informed. If you are coaching a spring sport at Unity, Uni-High, Urbana High School, or St. Joseph-Ogden, please send us your game or meet results for our Prep Sports Notebook and weekly stats leaders for our All-Area team selection after the season. The best way to send us box scores and other info is via email to or Do you have a player on the verge of breaking a school record, signing an LOI, or have a story idea? Don't hesitate to email us.No foolin', Ochs picks up first win of the season
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Death, taxes and body odor.
They’re things we can all expect in life, no matter how clean you are. But health care providers want you to know when body odor is a sign of a more serious health problem.
B.O. basics
Luis Garcia, MD, an OSF HealthCare pediatrician, says sweat and bacteria are the main culprits behind body odor. Warmth and moisture in parts of the body (like your armpits and feet), plus going through puberty and general poor hygiene, can make the smell worse.