Tom Nichols
Clubs & Activities
Cross Country, Chorus, Maroon Platoon
St. Joseph
Two older brothers and a younger sister
Bike riding, bird watching, and playing video games
Favorite SJO memories:
His greatest memories at SJO revolve around cross country. He enjoyed being a part of the team and the overnight trips for some of the invitationals.
Favorite class:
Favorite teachers:
Mrs. Pinne at CBCA Middle School, Mr. Steele at St. Joseph Middle School, and Mr. Kiel Duval at SJO.
Career Plans:
Enlisting in the United States Navy
Advice to future SJO students:
Cherish your teenage years and high school memories.
Jaiden Freeman
Clubs & Activities
Drama Club, Art Club
St. Joseph
Two younger brothers and one younger sister
Reading, drawing, listening to music, and playing video games.
Favorite SJO memories:
She enjoyed participating in the drama production as a freshman, and she will remember all of the fun moments in Art Club over the years
Favorite classes:
Art, math, Earth and Life Science, and Biology
Favorite teachers:
Mr. Dunker and Mrs. Becky Ford at St. Joseph Middle School and Mr. Don Beckett and Ms. Susan Pensinger at SJO.
College Plans:
Parkland College and then transfer to a four-year university, majoring in Architecture.
Advice to future SJO students:
Please trust me on this: do not procrastinate.
Payton Clements
Clubs & Activities
Bass Fishing (4 years)
Football (3 years)
Fishing and working on cars
Favorite SJO memories:
His greatest memories center around being a part of the SJO football team and the SJO bass fishing team. He also really enjoyed Homecoming his senior year.
Favorite classes:
While thankful for all the teachers he had, he enjoyed all of his Agriculture Classes.
Favorite teachers:
Mrs. Maxwell and Mrs. Howard at PVO and Mr. Robert Glazier, Mrs. Stacey Kietzman, Mr. William Billman, and Mrs. Duitsman at SJO.
Eastern Illinois University, majoring Environmental Science
Military training:
Enlisting in the Army National Guard and begin basic training at Fort Jackson on June 1.
Advice to future SJO students:
Be open about going to social events like Homecoming and et cetera.
Text & photos provided by St. Joseph-Ogden High School.