How rape affects memory, and why police need to know about that brain science

By Sammy Caiola, Capital Public Radio
Annie Walker woke up one morning in 2019 with little recollection of the night before. She had bruises on her arms, legs, wrist and lower abdomen.

"But I literally had no idea what had happened," she said. "And, for days, I was trying to put the pieces together."

She knew she had gone to a Sacramento, California, bar and restaurant with a group of people, and she remembered drinking there and being left alone with the man she’d later identify as her rapist. But not much else.

Memories she couldn't summon that first morning gradually came into focus over days and weeks, she said. The emerging details included what the man had been wearing, and the way he shoved her against the bar. One week after the attack, she reported the crime to the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department.

Then, in the days after making the report, another wave of memories surfaced — she recalled, vividly, that the man had raped her and had a weapon.

"I knew that there was a gun at my neck, at my back," she said. "It was just clear."

The detectives gave her a hard time, she said, when she called to report that she had remembered that her attacker had a gun. The Sacramento detectives assigned to Walker's case didn’t seem to understand why she couldn’t remember all the details right away.

Walker’s alleged perpetrator was never arrested.

"I felt like I was just extremely cross-examined on the phone. Like, 'Why didn’t you remember a gun? That's, like, a really important thing.'"

Sexual assault survivors say interactions with law enforcement can be so intense, and so unsympathetic, that they add secondary trauma. Reporting a rape can be especially traumatic when officers cast doubt on victims’ stories.

But it doesn't have to be, say scientists and scholars of criminal justice. If police gain a deeper understanding of what’s going on in the brain during and after a rape, they can change the way they approach rape cases and avoid making survivors feel blamed or disbelieved.

Scientists who study trauma and memory say it's common for sexual assault survivors — as well as survivors of other serious traumas — to be unable to recall an attack fully. They might remember certain facts but not others, or struggle to recall events in the correct sequence.

When law enforcement officers aren't aware of the neuroscience of trauma, or have no training to deal with it, there’s a tendency to dismiss or disbelieve victims who experience memory gaps, according to scholars and advocates for sexual assault survivors.

"There’s a real danger when investigators are asking people for information that was never encoded or has been lost," said Harvard University psychologist Jim Hopper. "They can stress out the victim, leave them feeling misunderstood, incompetent, not wanting to further engage with the investigation."

Walker's alleged perpetrator was never arrested. And she's still frustrated with the way detectives put pressure on her to remember details during the investigation.

The Brain in Survival Mode

When confronted with a crisis, the brain often activates its "fight, flight or freeze" response. In these scenarios, the brain’s "defense circuitry" takes over, explained Hopper. The prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for logical decision-making, is no longer in control and, instead, the areas of the brain responsible for scanning for danger take charge.

"And that's what people are running on" when trauma happens, Hopper said.

Some people respond by mentally "dissociating," or disconnecting from their physical selves. That survival response affects the ability to absorb what’s happening around them, Hopper said.

Studies on memory and recall during a traumatic event describe two types of details: central and peripheral. Central details are those that capture our attention and evoke emotions in the moment, such as a location. Peripheral details are those that a survivor might not have been paying attention to during the crisis, such as something the perpetrator said or whether other people were present. Central details tend to be stored more reliably and for longer than peripheral details.

Every day in courtrooms around the country, [defense attorneys] attack and question the credibility of victims

Sometimes survivors are unable to answer what might seem like a simple question if it involves a peripheral detail like the color of the attacker’s shirt. And Hopper said that can make officers suspicious.

Hopper, who gives legal testimony in sexual assault cases, said victims are often held to unfair standards, even compared with other trauma survivors.

"Every day in courtrooms around the country, [defense attorneys] attack and question the credibility of victims of sexual assault for having the same kind of memories that soldiers have for their combat experiences," he said.

Victim advocates and criminal justice scholars say it’s important for detectives to be open to anything a survivor might say, whenever they say it — even if those details were not available in an initial report — because the information survivors provide later can be helpful for solving the crime.

Maintaining an Open Mind

Nicole Monroe, a police detective in Elk Grove, a suburb of Sacramento, said she and some of her colleagues have gotten additional education on brain science, and it has changed the way they approach sexual assault cases.

Monroe tells victims she works with that more memories will continue to surface in the days, weeks and even months to come.

"Smells will come back. Sights will come back. When you think of these things, give me a call and let me know, so that it can be added,” Monroe said. "Because little things like that are going to make a difference."

Traditionally, law enforcement officers are trained to conduct an interrogation that may involve drawing out specific details, usually in chronological order.

"The expectation is someone is supposed to come in, sit down, they’re supposed to be ready to talk, they’re supposed to know what to talk about," said Carrie Hull, a former detective with the Ashland Police Department in southern Oregon. "They're going to tell you what happened to them from the beginning, through the middle, and then the end. That is a very traditional understanding."

Hull is now a consultant for police departments, and part of her work involves advocating for the adoption of a technique known as Forensic Experiential Trauma Interviewing, or FETI. The training can help law enforcement learn how to ask questions differently: with empathy, patience and an informed understanding of how a traumatized brain makes memories and recalls them. Training in the technique is available through an online course, but it’s not a mandatory requirement for most police departments.

People who take Hull's course learn specific strategies for helping someone resurface a relevant memory that he or she may not have had access to when they first walked into the interview room. Hull said FETI discourages counterproductive practices such as paraphrasing, changing the victim’s words, interrupting or giving advice.

Hull said the overarching goal of trauma interviewing is to first "collect the dots, then connect the dots." In other words, simply interview the victim about what happened. The sharper, more aggressive investigative tactics can wait.

There isn’t research proving that law enforcement departments who take this training solve more rape cases. But victim advocates and scholars said it's a best practice that could make working with police a more positive experience for victims and, eventually, help bring more perpetrators to justice.

"If I had my way, every one of them would be doing this," said Dave Thomas, a program officer with the International Association of Chiefs of Police.

Annie Walker is still struggling to recover from her sexual assault, but it's complicated because she’s also healing from the way law enforcement handled her case. She said both police officers and survivors need more education on the way trauma affects memory.

She said if survivors knew what to expect in terms of memory issues, it wouldn’t be so frustrating. "They need to feel like the way that things are happening in their mind is normal. Normal for them."

This story is from a partnership that includes CapRadio, NPR and KHN.

KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.

Making Alzheimer's just a memory: An in-depth look and the work to find a cure

(Family Features) - Although the COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside down, the rapid development of multiple vaccines has spurred hope that treatments – or even potential cures – may be found for other devastating conditions. One such candidate is Alzheimer’s Disease.

Understanding Alzheimer’s

The Alzheimer’s Association defines the disease as a type of dementia that affects memory, thinking and behavior. While some degree of memory loss is common with age, Alzheimer’s symptoms are significant enough to affect a person’s daily life and typically only grow worse over time.

Early signs of Alzheimer’s include trouble remembering new information, solving problems or completing familiar tasks. As the disease progresses, disorientation, confusion, significant memory loss and changes in mood or behavior may become apparent. Physical symptoms may include difficulty speaking, swallowing or walking.

Impact of Alzheimer’s

Among people aged 65 and older, 1 in 9 (11.3%) has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, meaning more than 6 million Americans live with it. Worldwide, the World Health Organization estimates there are nearly 50 million people living with dementia, and Alzheimer’s likely accounts for 60-70% of those. By 2050, this number could rise as high as 13 million. Less commonly noted are the numbers of early-onset (under 65 years old) Alzheimer’s patients within those figures. Up to 9% of global Alzheimer’s cases are believed to be early onset, according to the World Health Organization.

According to a Harvard School of Public Health survey, Alzheimer’s is second only to cancer among America’s most feared diseases. However, data from the Alzheimer’s Association shows Alzheimer’s is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States, a rate higher than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined.

Beyond the personal impact for those battling the disease and their loved ones, Alzheimer’s Disease also takes a significant economic toll. The Alzheimer’s Association predicts that in 2021, Alzheimer’s and other dementias will cost the nation $355 billion. By 2050, these costs could exceed $1 trillion if no permanent treatment or cure for Alzheimer’s is found. At the same time, more than 11 million Americans provide unpaid care for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, an estimated 15.3 billion hours of care, valued at nearly $257 billion.

Treatment Options

While there hasn't been enough significant progress in discovering a treatment or cure in the more than 100 years since Alzheimer’s was first identified in 1906, early diagnosis and treatment may improve the quality of life for patients. The disease affects each patient differently, so therapies vary widely depending on how far it has progressed and which symptoms are most prevalent. Some therapeutic approaches can address symptoms like sleep disruption and behavior while medication may be beneficial for treating other symptoms.

Founded in 2016 by Milton “Todd” Ault III, Alzamend Neuro, a preclinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, has been actively seeking a cure for Alzheimer’s and concentrates on researching and funding novel products for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders. With two products currently in development, the company aims to bring these potential therapies to market at a reasonable cost as quickly as possible.

Ault’s stepfather is currently battling Alzheimer’s, his mother-in-law died from the disease and he has three other family members suffering through it.

“Even though work has been done to find a cure for Alzheimer’s, to me it hasn’t been a full-court press,” said Ault, whose many personal encounters with Alzheimer’s have further fueled his passion to find a cure. “While there are no profound treatments today for Alzheimer’s disease, we believe we can change that.”

Practical Ways to Fast-Track a Cure

Some basic changes in the approach to disease research could accelerate progress for diseases like Alzheimer’s, said Milton “Todd” Ault III, founder of Alzamend Neuro.
Ault believes recent advancements in vaccines and medical technology, combined with these five approaches, can help advance the search for a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

Encourage public-private partnerships

The collaboration of government agencies and private industries was integral to the COVID-19 vaccine development. The cross-industry partnerships enabled a vaccine to get to market in less than one year despite detractors. Ault believes this model can be replicated for other diseases and conditions.

Diversify the search

Because of its complexity, a cure for Alzheimer’s will require expertise from a broad range of organizations including health and defense, biopharmaceutical firms, academic experts and those involved in Operation Warp Speed, the federal effort that supported multiple COVID-19 vaccine candidates simultaneously to expedite development.

Share standards and data

Focusing on a shared goal is vital to succeeding. This means looking for ways to share standards and collaborate with colleagues and competitors regardless of proprietary data, patents and other limitations.

Become the catalyst for a cure

When political will and government funding are insufficient or unable to drive change, the private sector can inspire action.

“The progress we are making is a result of the private investment dollars we secured and the way we have applied strategy and tenacity that comes from a successful business record,” Ault said.

Learning from past successes

Aside from the result, there is a great deal to learn from the successful development of past drugs and vaccines. Social awareness and cultural demand are potential ways to stimulate faster production and approvals between public and private entities.

To learn more about treatments and therapies in development visit .


What's for dinner? Try BYO sausage foil packs

Photo provided
(Family Features) - Finding time for a family meal during fall means navigating busy schedules full of school, demanding jobs, fun social events, sports practices to pick up the kids from, girls' nights out, and side-hustles to explore. Squeezing in filling dinner together calls for an easy dish that takes less than an hour so you can catch up with loved ones or do the things to help you live life to the fullest.

Let your oven do the work for you with this Build-Your-Own Sausage Foil Packet Dinner recipe that requires just 10 minutes of prep before 30 minutes of baking, leaving you plenty of time to help little ones with homework. It all starts with Coleman Natural Uncured Polish Kielbasa, a traditional Polish sausage rope smoked and fully cooked so all you need to do is slice into 1/2-inch pieces and toss together with veggies and seasonings. You can feel good you are serving pork sourced from American family farms that raise their animals crate-free with no antibiotics or added hormones ever.

An added benefit of this simple recipe is that it’s customizable, allowing you to substitute your family’s favorite flavors to satisfy everyone at the table. Or, if your loved ones are easily pleased and open to a variety of ingredients, you can try different veggies each time so it tastes like a new dish over and over again.

Build-Your-Own Sausage Foil Packet Dinner
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4

1 package Coleman Natural Uncured Polish Kielbasa, sliced 1/2-inch thick
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 ears corn, each cut crosswise into four pieces
2 large tomatoes, chopped
1 medium red onion, thinly sliced
1 pound Yukon Gold potatoes, chopped into 1-inch pieces
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
salt, to taste
pepper, to taste
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped

Preheat oven to 425 F.

Cut foil into four sheets about 12 inches long.

Divide kielbasa, garlic, corn, tomatoes, onion and potatoes evenly over foil sheets. Drizzle with oil then season with salt and pepper, to taste. Toss gently to combine.

Top each packet with parsley and fold crosswise over kielbasa and vegetable mixture to completely cover food. Roll top and bottom edges to seal.

Place foil packets on baking sheet and bake 30 minutes.

Variations: Customize ingredients for personal preferences. Use broccoli in place of corn or substitute peppers for onions.

Visit to find more fall meal inspiration.

As Covid cases surge across the country, CDC only tracks a fraction of breakthrough cases

Jenny Deam and Jodi S. Cohen, ProPublica

Meggan Ingram was fully vaccinated when she tested positive for COVID-19 early this month. The 37-year-old’s fever had spiked to 103 and her breath was coming in ragged bursts when an ambulance rushed her to an emergency room in Pasco, Washington, on Aug. 10. For three hours she was given oxygen and intravenous steroids, but she was ultimately sent home without being admitted.

Seven people in her house have now tested positive. Five were fully vaccinated and two of the children are too young to get a vaccine.

As the pandemic enters a critical new phase, public health authorities continue to lack data on crucial questions, just as they did when COVID-19 first tore through the United States in the spring of 2020. Today there remains no full understanding on how the aggressively contagious delta variant spreads among the nearly 200 million partially or fully vaccinated Americans like Ingram, or on how many are getting sick.

The nation is flying blind yet again, critics say, because on May 1 of this year — as the new variant found a foothold in the U.S. — the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention mostly stopped tracking COVID-19 in vaccinated people, also known as breakthrough cases, unless the illness was severe enough to cause hospitalization or death.

Individual states now set their own criteria for collecting data on breakthrough cases, resulting in a muddled grasp of COVID-19’s impact, leaving experts in the dark as to the true number of infections among the vaccinated, whether or not vaccinated people can develop long-haul illness, and the risks to unvaccinated children as they return to school.

If you’re limiting yourself to a small subpopulation with only hospitalizations and deaths, you risk a biased viewpoint.

"It’s like saying we don’t count,” said Ingram after learning of the CDC’s policy change. COVID-19 roared through her household, yet it is unlikely any of those cases will show up in federal data because no one died or was admitted to a hospital.

The CDC told ProPublica in an email that it continues to study breakthrough cases, just in a different way. "This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance,” the email said.

In addition to the hospitalization and death information, the CDC is working with Emerging Infections Program sites in 10 states to study breakthrough cases, including some mild and asymptomatic ones, the agency’s email said.

Under pressure from some health experts, the CDC announced Wednesday that it will create a new outbreak analysis and forecast center, tapping experts in the private sector and public health to guide it to better predict how diseases spread and to act quickly during an outbreak.

Tracking only some data and not releasing it sooner or more fully, critics say, leaves a gaping hole in the nation’s understanding of the disease at a time when it most needs information.

"They are missing a large portion of the infected," said Dr. Randall Olsen, medical director of molecular diagnostics at Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas. "If you’re limiting yourself to a small subpopulation with only hospitalizations and deaths, you risk a biased viewpoint."

On Wednesday, the CDC released a trio of reports that found that while the vaccine remained effective at keeping vaccinated people out of the hospital, the overall protection appears to be waning over time, especially against the delta variant.

Among nursing home residents, one of the studies showed vaccine effectiveness dropped from 74.7% in the spring to just 53.1% by midsummer. Similarly, another report found that the overall effectiveness among vaccinated New York adults dropped from 91.7% to just under 80% between May and July.

The new findings prompted the Biden administration to announce on Wednesday that people who got a Moderna or Pfizer vaccine will be offered a booster shot eight months after their second dose. The program is scheduled to begin the week of Sept. 20 but needs approval from the Food and Drug Administration and a CDC advisory committee.

No vaccine is 100% percent effective against transmission, health officials warned.

This latest development is seen by some as another example of shifting public health messaging and backpedaling that has accompanied every phase of the pandemic for 19 months through two administrations. A little more than a month ago, the CDC and the FDA released a joint statement saying that those who have been fully vaccinated "do not need a booster shot at this time.”

The vaccine rollout late last year came with cautious optimism. No vaccine is 100% percent effective against transmission, health officials warned, but the three authorized vaccines proved exceedingly effective against the original COVID-19 strain. The CDC reported a breakthrough infection rate of 0.01% for the months between January and the end of April, although it acknowledged it could be an undercount.

As summer neared, the White House signaled it was time for the vaccinated to celebrate and resume their pre-pandemic lives.

Trouble, though, was looming. Outbreaks of a new, highly contagious variant swept India in the spring and soon began to appear in other nations. It was only a matter of time before it struck here, too.

"The world changed," said Dr. Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, "when delta invaded."

The current crush of U.S. cases — well over 100,000 per day — has hit the unvaccinated by far the hardest, leaving them at greater risk of serious illness or death. The delta variant is considered at least two or three times more infectious than the original strain of the coronavirus. For months much of the focus by health officials and the White House has been on convincing the resistant to get vaccinated, an effort that has so far produced mixed results.

Yet as spring turned to summer, scattered reports surfaced of clusters of vaccinated people testing positive for the coronavirus. In May, eight vaccinated members of the New York Yankees tested positive. In June, 11 employees of a Las Vegas hospital became infected, eight of whom were fully vaccinated. And then 469 people who visited the Provincetown, Massachusetts, area between July 3 and July 17 became infected even though 74% of them were fully vaccinated, according to the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

While the vast majority of those cases were relatively mild, the Massachusetts outbreak contributed to the CDC reversing itself on July 27 and recommending that even vaccinated people wear masks indoors — 11 weeks after it had told them they could jettison the protection.

And as the new CDC data showed, vaccines continue to effectively shield vaccinated people against the worst outcomes. But those who get the virus are, in fact, often miserably sick and may chafe at the notion that their cases are not being fully counted.

"The vaccinated are not as protected as they think," said Topol, "They are still in jeopardy."

The CDC tracked all breakthrough cases until the end of April, then abruptly stopped without making a formal announcement. A reference to the policy switch appeared on the agency’s website in May about halfway down the homepage.

"I was shocked," said Dr. Leana Wen, a physician and visiting professor of health policy and management at George Washington University. "I have yet to hear a coherent explanation of why they stopped tracking this information.”

The CDC said in an emailed statement to ProPublica that it decided to focus on the most serious cases because officials believed more targeted data collection would better inform "response research, decisions, and policy."

Sen. Edward MMarkey, D-Mass., became alarmed after the Provincetown outbreak and wrote to CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky on July 22, questioning the decision to limit investigation of breakthrough cases. He asked what type of data was being compiled and how it would be shared publicly.

It is unclear how often breakthroughs occur or how widely cases are spreading among the vaccinated.

"The American public must be informed of the continued risk posed by COVID-19 and variants, and public health and medical officials, as well as health care providers, must have robust data and information to guide their decisions on public health measures," the letter said.

Markey asked the agency to respond by Aug. 12. So far the senator has received no reply, and the CDC did not answer ProPublica’s question about it.

When the CDC halted its tracking of all but the most severe cases, local and state health departments were left to make up their own rules.

There is now little consistency from state to state or even county to county on what information is gathered about breakthrough cases, how often it is publicly shared, or if it is shared at all.

"We’ve had a patchwork of information between states since the beginning of the pandemic,” said Jen Kates, senior vice president and director of global health and HIV policy at Kaiser Family Foundation.

She is co-author of a July 30 study that found breakthrough cases across the U.S. remained rare, especially those leading to hospitalization or death. However, the study acknowledged that information was limited because state reporting was spotty. Only half the states provide some data on COVID-19 illnesses in vaccinated people.

"There is no single, public repository for data by state or data on breakthrough infections, since the CDC stopped monitoring them,” the report said.

In Texas, where COVID-19 cases are skyrocketing, a state Health and Human Services Commission spokesperson told ProPublica in an email the state agency was "collecting COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases of heightened public health interest that result in hospitalization or fatality only."

Other breakthrough case information is not tracked by the state, so it is unclear how often breakthroughs occur or how widely cases are spreading among the vaccinated. And while Texas reports breakthrough deaths and hospitalizations to the CDC, the information is not included on the state’s public dashboard.

"We will be making some additions to what we are posting, and these data could be included in the future," the spokesperson said.

I thought, ‘COVID is over and I’m going to Disney World,’

South Carolina, on the other hand, makes public its breakthrough numbers on hospitalizations and deaths. Milder breakthrough cases may be included in the state’s overall COVID-19 numbers but they are not labeled as such, said Jane Kelly, an epidemiologist at the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.

"We agree with the CDC,” she said, "there’s no need to spend public health resources investigating every asymptomatic or mild infection.”

In Utah, state health officials take a different view. "From the beginning of the pandemic we have been committed to being transparent with our data reporting and … the decision to include breakthrough case data on our website is consistent with that approach," said Tom Hudachko, director of communications for the Utah Department of Health.

Some county-level officials said they track as many breakthrough cases as possible even if their state and the CDC does not.

For instance, in Clark County, Nevada, home of Las Vegas, the public health website reported that as of last week there were 225 hospitalized breakthrough cases but 4,377 vaccinated people overall who have tested positive for the coronavirus.

That means that less than 5% of reported breakthrough cases resulted in hospitalization. "The Southern Nevada Health District tracks the total number of fully vaccinated individuals who test positive for COVID-19 and it is a method to provide a fuller picture of what is occurring in our community,” said Stephanie Bethel, a spokesperson for the health district in an email.

Sara Schmidt, a 44-year-old elementary school teacher in Alton, Illinois, is another person who has likely fallen through the data hole.

"I thought, ‘COVID is over and I’m going to Disney World,’" she said. She planned a five-day trip for the end of July with her parents. Not only had she been fully vaccinated, receiving her second shot in March, she is also sure she had COVID-19 in the summer of 2020. Back then she had all the symptoms but had a hard time getting tested. When she finally did, the result came back negative, but her doctor told her to assume it was inaccurate.

"My guard was down," she said. She was less vigilant about wearing a mask in the Florida summer heat, assuming she was protected by the vaccination and her presumed earlier infection.

On the July 29 plane trip home, she felt mildly sick. Within days she was "absolutely miserable." Her coughing continued to worsen, and each time she coughed her head pounded. On Aug. 1 she tested positive. Her parents were negative.

Now, three weeks later, she is far from fully recovered and classes are about to begin at her school. There’s a school mask mandate, but her students are too young to be vaccinated. "I’m worried I will give it to them, or I will get it for a third time," she said.

But it is doubtful her case will be tracked because she was never hospitalized. That infuriates her, she said, because it downplays what is happening.

"Everyone has a right to know how many breakthrough cases there are," she said, "I was under the impression that if I did get a breakthrough case, it would just be sniffles. They make it sound like everything is under control and it’s not."

This story was originally published by ProPublica on August 20, 2021. ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox.

Guest Commentary: The best we can do, let's be kind

by Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

Life is short. The best we can do, is the best we can do. If we are doing our best, then what more can we expect from ourselves and others? Most people are doing the best they can with the information and abilities they have.

There are some things we can change and some things we can’t. Learning to adjust or adapt with what we have and who we are often takes some time and effort. We are all born some place to someone. Some of us are raised with less than others and some of us are raised with more than others. Many have a lot to overcome to merely survive in life while others seem to have it easy.

Academics appear to come easier for some people while others have to study diligently just to make a passing grade. Some are lucky in life while others don’t seem so lucky.

One of my dear friends is a multi-millionaire. He has a great house, wife and business galore. Over the last few years a young son was killed in a car wreck. A daughter was killed in a wreck and another died from natural causes. Many who don’t know the tragedies and heartache that he has experienced assume that his life is great and free from pain. I know he would trade everything he has to have his children back with him. He continues to get up in the morning. He is still involved in his business, cares for his wife and cherishes his one remaining daughter. However, life is not as it may seem to some.

Another dear friend has prospered with a large family and a successful business. His life looked good until you get to know him better. One of his sons committed suicide in front of him a couple of years ago. Another son recently died in an accident. Within weeks of his son’s accident, a grandson was killed in a car wreck. His pain is great. He goes through the motions day by day trusting God with his life and remaining children. It is difficult to understand why his family has suffered so much in recent days. Tears flow when he begins to talk about what his family has suffered.

Life is not so easy to figure out. We think we have the answers and then later in life realize we don’t know much at all. We thought we had life all figured out when we were very young but throughout the years life throws things at us that we can’t possibly see coming.

Today, let’s all consider others. Be kind to our neighbors, acquaintances and people we meet along the way. A lot of people are hurting from disease, death, unemployment, life’s tragedies and more. Don’t judge people by their appearances or their mistakes. Life is not only filled with good, but often pain that most never see.

What life seems to be and what life actually is are rarely the same.


Dr. Glenn Mollette is a syndicated American columnist and author of American Issues, Every American Has An Opinion and ten other books. He is read in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization.


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