Your guide to enjoying the pumpkin spice season

Photo: Sabuzak Kim/Pixabay

by Tim Ditman
OSF Healthcare

DANVILLE - Pumpkin spice lattes, apple crisp macchiatos and chai lattes are staples of fall and winter. The drinks can boost your mood and energy and liven up social gatherings.

But drinker beware, says Caroline Brundage, a dietetic intern with OSF HealthCare. She says the concoctions contain more added sugar (sugar not naturally occurring in an ingredient) than you’d think. Some drinks have 50 grams or more of added sugar, she says. And Brundage has noticed more coffee shop drinks with higher levels of saturated fat.

“The biggest risk [of overconsuming these drinks] would be weight gain,” Brundage says. “That can lead to heart disease, diabetes and obesity.”

Her advice to enjoy fall drinks but stay healthy: modify the drinks, and consume them in moderation.

Ingredient swaps
Brundage suggests you do your research before getting hooked on a sugary drink. Look at the nutritional facts for high levels of added sugar, carbohydrates or saturated fat. If you’re purchasing on a coffee shop app, see how you can customize the drink. She points out a couple examples at Starbucks:
  • A 16-ounce apple crisp oat milk macchiato typically has four pumps of apple brown sugar syrup and a spiced apple drizzle topping. Ask the barista for two pumps and to skip the topping.
  • A 16-ounce pumpkin spice latte also has flavor pumps (four pumps of pumpkin sauce) and a topping (whipped cream), plus whole milk. Reduce it to two pumps, skip the topping and go with almond milk for fewer calories.

“That will probably cut your sugar intake by over half,” compared to a regular pumpkin spice latte, Brundage says. “So you can still enjoy that pumpkin spice flavor. You’re just not consuming all that added sugar.”

You can also ask your coffee shop if they have a sugar free syrup to use in your drink.

Another option is to make the drinks at home. A plus, Brundage says, is you know exactly how much of each ingredient is in the drink.

“There’s sugar free pumpkin spice creamer [at stores]. If you have an espresso machine, you could do two shots of espresso. Pour some creamer and unsweetened almond milk over that. Add in cinnamon,” Brundage suggests. She says cinnamon adds fall flavor without adding calories.

“You can also do your own pumpkin spice latte. Get canned pumpkin puree, and whisk it up with one tablespoon of maple syrup,” she adds.

Skip the whipped cream or other sugary toppings on these homemade drinks, too.

When and how we drink
Brundage says if you commit to a healthy diet and exercise then want a once-a-week sugary drink reward, the health concerns are not huge. But if you swing through the Dunkin’ drive through a few times per week, you need to keep her advice at the forefront. Consider swapping ingredients, purchasing a smaller size, making the drink at home or cutting back on the number of drinks.

Brundage also likes to pair these drinks with a protein-rich food to make her feel fuller and help prevent blood sugar spikes.

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Are pre-workout supplements a healthy option for young athletes?

by Matt Sheehan
OSF Healthcare

PEORIA - Did you have a childhood hero? If so, you likely aspired to emulate them and their achievements. Nowadays, your kids may see their favorite athlete or influencer using pre-workout supplements, whether on social media or in stores, to enhance their performance in the gym or on the field.

What are pre-workout supplements?
Pre-workout supplements come in various names, flavors, and sizes. Some popular options are creatine and branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). While creatine and the main ingredient in most pre-workout supplements is caffeine, most BCAAs don’t contain caffeine.

These supplements are taken before a workout or athletic match with the goals of increasing endurance, muscle mass, and reducing recovery time. But the question is should middle- or high school-aged kids use these supplements? The answer: Probably not.

Photo:Aleksander Saks/Unsplash

What are the risks of pre-workout supplements?
“These can cause increased heart rate or heart burn. You’re also taking a lot of supplements that are going straight to your gut. You can see some nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. They’re also not well-monitored, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) isn’t regulating these very closely,” says Erica Dawkins, a dietetic intern with OSF HealthCare.

Taking it further, kids with heart defects need to steer clear of these supplements.

“A lot of times we see defects or heart irregularities that somebody isn’t even aware of. They don’t know that until they take something like this and have an adverse event,” Dawkins says. “So, if you already know, avoid these because we don’t want to throw that heart into an abnormal rhythm it might not be able to come back from.”

What are the benefits of pre-workout supplements?
“A lot of them will already have beta-alanine or branched-chain amino acids which help improve recovery time and reduce fatigue,” Dawkins says. “We also see some nitrates used that help improve blood flow to the muscles.”

Most pre-workouts are intended for healthy adults in moderation. Pregnant and nursing women are generally advised to avoid them due to the high caffeine content.

Alternatives for improving athletic performance in kids
“Focus first on making sure you’re having quality workouts, then introduce healthy nutrition,” Dawkins says. “We want to make sure we’re getting that nutrition throughout the day. Especially if we’re working out multiple times throughout the day. If you’re working out within two to four hours, make sure you’re getting a snack. We see a lot of benefits for pre-workout snacks or snacks during half-time. We also want to make sure we’re staying adequately hydrated.”

Dawkins says leafy and root vegetables like spinach, lettuce and beets are a great, natural option.

“Those have the natural nitrate in it. So, we’re getting the same effects we would from a pre-workout supplement, just in our regular diet,” Dawkins adds.

Having a conversation with your child’s pediatrician or sports medicine physician is extremely important if you are wondering what supplements should or should not be added into their routine.

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Diet program showed remarkable weight loss success

SNS - University of Illinois researchers found that flexible, personalized diet plans were crucial for weight loss in a regimen high in protein and fiber. Participants in a 25-month study within a self-directed dietary education program achieved the most success when they devised their own plans.

An ideal addition to your diet if you are trying to lose weight is raw pears because they are high in fiber. An average, medium-sized piece usually contains about 5.5 grams of dietary fiber.
Photo: David Trinks/Unsplash

At the one-year mark, successful dieters — 41% of participants — had shed 12.9% of their body weight, compared with the remainder of the study sample, which lost slightly more than 2% of their starting weight, according to a paper published in Obesity Science and Practice.

The dieters were enrolled in the Individualized Diet Improvement Program (iDip), which employs data visualization tools and intensive dietary education sessions to enhance participants' understanding of essential nutrients. This approach allows them to create personalized, safe, and effective weight-loss plans, said Manabu T. Nakamura, a professor in Nutrition Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and the study's leader.

The main goal of the iDip program is centered around boosting protein and fiber intake while consuming 1,500 calories or less daily.

The iDip team created a one-of-a-kind, two-dimensional quantitative data visualization tool that plots foods’ protein and fiber densities per calorie and provides a target range for each meal. Starting with foods they usually ate, the dieters created an individualized plan, increasing their protein intake to as much as 80 grams and their fiber intake to close to 20 grams daily.

A total of 22 people finished the program, including nine men and 13 women. Most of them were between 30 and 64 years old. They said they had tried to lose weight at least twice before. Many of the participants had other health problems—54% had high cholesterol, 50% had bone or joint issues, and 36% had high blood pressure or sleep problems. Some of them also had suffered from diabetes, liver disease, cancer, or depression.

Throughout the program, participants experienced significant body transformations. They reduced their fat mass from an average of 42.6 kilograms to 35.7 kilograms after 15 months. Additionally, their waistlines shrank by about 7 centimeters after six months and a total of 9 centimeters after 15 months.

Tracking participants' protein and fiber intake, the team identified a strong link between higher consumption of these nutrients and weight loss at three and 12 months.

"Flexibility and personalization are key in creating programs that optimize dieters’ success at losing weight and keeping it off," Nakamura said. "Sustainable dietary change, which varies from person to person, must be achieved to maintain a healthy weight. The iDip approach allows participants to experiment with various dietary iterations, and the knowledge and skills they develop while losing weight serve as the foundation for sustainable maintenance."

Nourish hearts and minds: The unseen benefits of eating together

Woman traveling by train alone
Photo: Luca Morvillo/PEXELS
Family Features - According to the U.S. Surgeon General, Americans face a lack of social connection that poses a significant risk to individual health and longevity. "Loneliness and social isolation increase the risk for premature death by 26% and 29%, respectively. More broadly, lacking social connection can increase the risk for premature death as much as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day," per the report.

One way to address this epidemic of loneliness is by sharing a meal with friends and family. Learn five of the specific advantages of family meals identified by the Family Meals Movement and take advantage of these benefits during National Family Meals Month this September by sharing one more meal together each week.

Meals Together Foster Togetherness and Connectedness
Staying connected can be hard when schedules conflict and life gets busy, but shared meals with friends, family or however you define your family can be the glue that holds people together. Studies demonstrate a positive relationship between family meal frequency and measures of family functioning, which is defined as family connectedness, communication, expressiveness and problem-solving. The key is for family members to engage in conversation with one another during mealtimes and take advantage of the one-on-one time without distractions or interruptions from smartphones or other devices.

Family support illustration

Meals Together Strengthen Mental Health
An often overlooked benefit of family meals is mental health support. Multiple studies show family meals have long been associated with improving mental health, including reducing symptoms of depression, decreasing violent behavior and lessening thoughts of suicide among youth. Among adolescents, frequent family meals can help mitigate the risks of destructive behaviors by boosting prosocial behaviors and life satisfaction. Data from the FMI Foundation's "Staying Strong with Family Meals" Barometer shows family meals also help restore a sense of peace, with one-third of survey respondents saying family meals make them feel calm. In short, family meals are a recipe for strengthening emotional well-being among children and adolescents.

Meals Together Improve Nutrition
There is one easy way to help ensure your family is eating fruits and vegetables: a family meal. Research shows family meals improve fruit and vegetable consumption. It also pays to start this trend early, with research finding preschool-aged children who eat frequent family meals are more likely to eat more fruits and vegetables. Overall, research indicates families who eat together frequently have a better overall healthy diet and lower body mass index.

Meals Together Improve Academic Performance
Helping students' academic performance begins around the family dinner table. Eating more meals together as a family is associated with improved overall adolescent health, including higher grades. Multiple studies show students whose families eat together frequently perform better academically in areas such as reading and vocabulary. Research also supports a correlation between frequent family meals lowering incidents of risky and harmful behaviors, including drug and alcohol abuse, which may also contribute to school performance.

Meals Together Teach Civility
The family dinner table is a perfect place to show younger generations how to communicate respectfully, according to the Family Meals Barometer summary. In fact, 76% of survey participants agreed family meals are a good opportunity to have and teach respectful interactions while 70% said frequent family meals create a safe environment for families to discuss thornier societal issues. Another 68% affirmed their belief that sitting at a meal together tends to keep conversations more civil.

Learn more about the physical, mental and social benefits of family meals at and follow #familymealsmonth and #familymealsmovement on social media.

August is National Breastfeeding Month

Newborn and mother resting
Photo: Samuel Lee/Pixabay

by Sentinel News Service
CHAMPAIGN - Every August, communities across the United States come together to celebrate National Breastfeeding Month, a time dedicated to promoting the benefits and importance of breastfeeding. This month-long observance aims to raise awareness, provide education, and encourage support for breastfeeding mothers and their families.

In conjunction with National Breastfeeding Month, the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) announced its third annual breastfeeding supplies drive. Building upon their past success the drive will take place during the entire month of August.

Mom holding a baby
Sarah Chai/PEXELS
The donated supplies will be given to parents enrolled in the WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program. This program offers support to expectant and postpartum parents, helping them learn about breastfeeding and overcome any obstacles they may encounter in achieving their individual breastfeeding goals.

The WIC program's mission is to safeguard the health of low-income pregnant women, new mothers, breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to age five who are at nutritional risk. It provides nutritious food to improve diets, offers education on healthy eating and breastfeeding, and connects participants to healthcare services.

National Breastfeeding Month was established in 2011 by the United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) to align with World Breastfeeding Week, which takes place during the first week of August. The initiative was created to bring greater attention to breastfeeding as a key component of public health and to advocate for policies that support breastfeeding mothers. The month-long celebration serves as a platform to highlight the critical role that breastfeeding plays in the health and well-being of both mothers and infants.

Breastfeeding provides numerous benefits for both mothers and their babies. For infants, breast milk is a complete source of nutrition that contains antibodies, enzymes, and hormones crucial for their development. It helps protect against infections, reduces the risk of chronic conditions, and promotes a healthy weight. For mothers, breastfeeding can lower the risk of certain cancers, aid in postpartum recovery, and strengthen the bond with their baby. Additionally, breastfeeding has economic benefits, reducing the need for formula and healthcare costs associated with treating illnesses.

Through the breastfeeding supplies drive, CUPHD hopes to support WIC families by providing them with the supplies they need to breastfeed longer to meet their breastfeeding goals and improve their infant's health.

Items needed include nursing pads, pillows, and covers; breast milk storage bags; electric and manual breast pumps; and breast pump accessories. All items must be received new and sealed in their original packaging.


National Breastfeeding Month is a vital initiative that brings attention to the importance of breastfeeding for maternal and infant health. By participating in this celebration, individuals and organizations can help create a supportive environment that empowers mothers and promotes the well-being of future generations.

A curated Amazon wish list is available for virtual donations. Donated items will be sent directly to CUPHD to distribute to clients enrolled in the Breastfeeding Peer Counselor program.  Donations from this list can be made year-round. 

Products can also be donated in person at CUPHD, August 1-31, at the WIC intake window inside the CUPHD main lobby.  

Ways to donate:

Online: Amazon wish list
The wish list will remain open year-round, 24/7.


  • CUPHD Champaign WIC desk (201 West Kenyon Road, Champaign): Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.—noon, 1:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m.
  • CUPHD Rantoul WIC desk (520 East Wabash Avenue, #2, Rantoul): Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8:30 a.m.—noon, 1:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m.
  • Orchard Downs clinic (2040 South Orchard Street, Unit 2040-A, Urbana): Thursday, 8:30 a.m.—noon, 1:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m.

Urbana Farmers Market WIC booth
Saturday, August 24, 7:00 a.m.—noon
Come celebrate National Breastfeeding Month with breastfeeding-related games, giveaways, information about WIC and breastfeeding laws, and more!

Spillin' the tea; drinking it regularly will help you live longer and healthier

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio/PEXELS
Drinking three or more cups of green tea a day has been proven to maintain and improve cardiovascular health.

by Matt Sheehan
OSF Healthcare

PEORIA - So, what’s the tea?

You may have heard that tea is good for you, but when walking through the grocery aisle and being confronted by a barrage of options, it can be hard to choose.

Ashley Simper, the manager of dietetic services with OSF HealthCare, has done the research and has some helpful guidance.

Photo provided
Ashley Simper, Manager
Dietetic Services
To start, it’s best to understand the different kinds of teas and where they come from. Simper says black, white, oolong and green tea all come from the Camellia sinensis plant. Herbal teas come from root, stems and flowers of various plants, and they all have different benefits.

What’s the overall healthiest tea?
Overall, Simper says green tea shines above the rest. But diving into the specific benefits of each tea can help people choose what’s right for them.

“Consuming three or more cups of green tea a day leads to the most health benefits when it comes to cardiovascular disease, cancer and the overall risk of mortality,” Simper says. “The research is a little stronger when it comes to promoting heart health. The consumption of three to five cups of green tea a day has also been shown to lower blood pressure, stroke risk, and LDL (bad cholesterol),” Simper says.

Consuming three to five cups of green tea or black tea has also been shown to lower the risk of developing diabetes.

In 2022, a large study in the Annals of Internal Medicine showed that drinking black tea resulted in a modest reduction of overall death. A research team from the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Cancer Institute (NCI) investigated roughly half a million adults, ages 40-60, in the United Kingdom (UK), who enrolled in the UK Biobank study between 2006-2010. The researchers followed participants until 2020 and found a 9-13% lower risk of death among people who drank at least two cups of tea per day than non-tea drinkers.

What makes tea so healthy?

“The compound in tea that leads to these health benefits is polyphenols. Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant, and antioxidants are linked to decreased inflammation and reduced risk of chronic disease,” Simper says. “The highest antioxidant compounds are in the green tea, followed by the oolong, black and then white teas.”

She adds that green tea and white tea contain an amino acid called L-theanine. Amino acids are the “building blocks” of protein, Simper adds.

“L-theanine has been linked to decreased anxiety, improved sleep and boosting mental clarity,” Simper says.

Green tea, high in antioxidants, offers the most health benefits. In beverage or dietary supplement form, it has been linked to improved mental alertness, relieving digestive issues and headaches, and assist with weight loss.

Cancer: Mixed reviews, additional safety tips
“When it comes to cancer, the research is conflicting. People who drank higher amounts of green tea had a decreased risk of liver, ovarian, lung and breast cancers. But it is important to keep in mind, that if you’re drinking really hot tea, you have a higher risk of esophageal and gastric cancers,” Simper says.

To avoid the tea being scalding hot, Simper recommends allowing the just-boiled water to cool down for an appropriate amount of time before taking a sip.

Tea’s impact on the flu
“In lab and animal studies, they have found an antiviral effect with the consumption of green tea. In Japan, they did a study with kids that showed anywhere from one to five cups of green tea a day lowered the risk of flu,” Simper says. “There was also a study where they gargled green tea in a bottle, green tea extract or black tea extract, and there was a 30% decreased risk of flu.”

How to prepare your tea
As Simper mentioned, scalding hot tea can come with its own risks, more than just burning your mouth. But there are other ways, she says, to make sure you’re receiving the most benefit from drinking tea.

“They recommend boiling your own water and steeping it yourself instead of putting the water in the microwave to heat it up. They found you lose some health benefits if you microwave the water in your tea. Fresh is best, steep your own, and boil your own water. But let it cool down to a comfortable temperature before you consume it. “Freshly brewed tea with minimal additives, especially things like sugar and milk, is the way to go when it comes to adding tea to your daily intake,” Simper adds.

Benefits of herbal teas
Depending on which symptoms you’re dealing with, or health benefit you’re looking for, different herbal teas have different purposes.

  • Peppermint teas – Helps with upset stomach
  • Ginger tea – Helps with nausea
  • Chamomile teas – Can help decrease cardiovascular disease and some cancers. It can also help with premenstrual syndrome and help boost immunity, Simper says.
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    But what about all the caffeine?
    “The caffeine in tea is about half the amount of coffee. You would have to drink eight or more cups of tea a day to get to that highest level we would recommend for caffeine. So, it’s not that much of a risk for people,” Simper points out. “However, if you’re going to start drinking three to five cups of tea a day, and you’re not normally a caffeine consumer, you might notice the effects of the caffeine.”

    Connection to weight loss
    If you’re looking to tea for weight loss, you might be waiting for some time, Simper says. She says the research is conflicting, and weight loss is minimal due to drinking tea. However, switching out caffeinated tea for sodas and coffees filled with sugar would be the healthier choice.

    Fighting cancer with tomatoes

    by Matt Sheehan
    OSF Healthcare

    You’ve heard the term “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Well, how about, “tomatoes each week, keeps your health at peak?”

    Not only are these bright red, juicy fruits filled with vitamins and minerals, but they can also lessen the risk of cancer, says Katrina Sommer, an advanced clinical dietitian with OSF HealthCare.

    “They have these extra ‘bonus nutrients’ we call phytochemicals. They’re found in plant foods, and these help us fight inflammation and act as an antioxidant. This helps get the free radicals out of there that lessen the risk for cancer development,” Sommer says.

    Photo: Yves Deploige/Unsplash

    Sommer and her team at the OSF Cancer Institute in Peoria, Illinois work alongside cancer patients on what diet is best for them to fight cancer. She says plant foods play a huge role.

    “We know a diet that is mostly plant-based, can help lower our risk for cancer and other diseases like heart disease and diabetes,” Sommer says. “It helps us keep a healthy weight, too.”

    What is Lycopene?

    “Lycopene is one of those phytochemicals. There’s a lot of different groups of these phytochemicals. One of them is called carotenoids. Carotenoids a lot of times will give the plant food its color. Lycopene is a type of carotenoid and gives the tomato that bright red or orange color,” Sommer says. “Lycopene is also found in watermelon, grapefruit and is the red or pink color you see.”

    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) identified 72 human and animal studies and concluded that lycopene contained anti-cancer activities. Now, the NIH says the next step is to identify a population that might benefit from lycopene supplementation.

    “It’s been shown that eating tomatoes a couple times a week can help lessen the risk of metastatic prostate cancer,” Sommer adds.

    Cook tomatoes and drizzle olive oil

    “These need to be absorbed very well in our system. To do that, cook them and you can drizzle olive oil on them so we can absorb those nutrients optimally,” Sommer says.

    What if I don’t like tomatoes?

    “Think of those tomato foods that are cooked. Tomato sauce or tomato soup are good options. They help absorb the lycopene and carotenoids that are in there. So, it doesn’t just have to be a fresh tomato on a salad, you can eat it cooked as well,” Sommer says.

    How can red meat or processed meat affect my risk for cancer?

    “Something to consider is how much meat you’re eating, especially red meat and processed meat. Too much of these can raise the risk of developing cancer,” Sommer says. “Same with drinking alcohol. We want to lower the amount of alcohol we drink or avoid it if we can.”

    Another food factor to consider if you want to avoid cancer - Sommer says to watch out how much added sugar you have in your diet. Too much added sugar intake can affect our weight in negative ways, while not providing any beneficial nutrition. Sodas are a part of this equation due to the added sugar and lack of beneficial nutrition they offer.

    “Eating too much fast food or processed food doesn’t have the nutrients we need. It might not have the fiber we get in the plant foods. It doesn’t really help our bodies fight inflammation or cancer risk, so it can raise the risk for cancer developing,” Sommer says.

    Overall, Sommer recommends being more mindful of your overall diet and considering the foods and drinks you’re bringing into your body if you want to do everything you can to prevent cancer.