SAVOY -- The Savoy United Methodist Church will host its annual Chicken & Noodles Dinner fundraiser on Saturday, October 29, from 4:30 to 7 pm. Proceeds from the event will be used to assemble and distribute Thanksgiving food baskets to area families.
Every Thanksgiving season since 2007, the church has distributed food baskets to over one hundred individuals and families.

"On average, we give out around 100 baskets or so each year. Last year was our largest in memory. We were able to feed 201 families," said Angela Hancock, who is co-chairing the Thanksgiving Basket committee at the church with her spouse. "It has grown and changed as the need and the vision have changed over the years."
Hancock said that prior to last year, it cost $45 to assemble each basket which contains a full meal for a family of four to six. The meal consists of a 14lb turkey, 5lbs of russet potatoes, milk, butter, eggs, dinner rolls, stuffing mix, gravy mix, canned vegetables, pumpkin pie, cool whip, cranberry sauce, a foil pan for baking, and recipe cards for first-time cooks.
"Inflation has hit all of us hard. Basket prices have jumped to $60 each, she explained. "This year, our goal is to feed 125 families. If we can do more, we will."
Every member of United Methodist contributes what they can to the program. From making donations and fundraising to distributing baskets, and all things in between, it is a complete effort by the congregation.
The Thanksgiving basket program is also a cooperative effort that receives support from local businesses with transportation trailers, forklift equipment, a refrigerated truck, and local grocery stores for bulk ordering.
"Some (members) can sponsor half a basket, others can do a full one. Others do multiple baskets. It's what we are able to afford at this time of year. God and fundraising efforts ensure the rest," Hancock said. "Funds play a major role in how many families we can feed."
A successful fundraiser on Saturday will ensure the church can help more area families enjoy this Thanksgiving holiday.
"We do this in His Name so that His people don't forget they are Seen," Hancock pointed out. "This is truly a community response to a need so many have. No one should have to be without at Thanksgiving time. And with God, no one ever will.
"God ensures that we hear about the needs of our community and our congregation steps up with donations and fundraising."
The dinner menu includes Chicken & Noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, bread, dessert, and more. The cost is $12 per adult and $5 for kids between the ages of five and 12. Children under five years of age can eat free. The meal will be served at
3002 W. Old Church Road in Savoy.
For those unable to attend the dinner but would like to make a financial contribution, UMCS welcomes donations. Donors can make a contribution online via the website. Choose Food Pantry from the menu and enter Thanksgiving Baskets as your Memo. Hancock pointed out that this ensures that donations goes directly to the Thanksgiving Basket program.
The food baskets are distributed either by pickup or delivery the weekend before Thanksgiving to church members, individuals/families referred by Empty Tomb, families from the International Prep Academy, our year-round Food Pantry recipient families, or friends of church members. Individuals and families on the list are contacted via phone and USPS mail with the date and time of the pickup sessions.
"We also take the opportunity to provide some literature or small devotionals that helps remind all of our families that they are loved and not forgotten by our Great God," Hancock added. "This is truly a community response to a need so many have."