Hours and guidelines set for Halloween 2020 in St. Joseph

St. Joseph will be hosting a village-wide Halloween contest for trick-or-treaters and residents.

We are asking those participating in giving out candy this year to get creative in how they deliver candy to the trick or treaters. The trick or treaters can submit those homes to the Village office on the Monday after Halloween," Mayor Tami Fruhling-Voges said in a release today. "I thought this would be fun to encourage social distancing while distributing candy. The village has some very creative community members that hopefully will enjoy coming up with something."

Homeowners and trick-or-treaters are encouraged submit a photos with a description of the delivery system. The village will also accept description of how homeowners handed out candy and treats to trick-or-treaters if they are unable to print a photo in time. The description should the address and homeowners name if possible."

Village of St. Joseph news
Entries can be submitted through the Village office overnight slot by the front door or in-person during regular Village office hours. They may also be sent via emailed to mayor@stjosephillinois.org.

With guidance from the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District, the Village President said the board will make an official proclamation at the next meeting to allow trick-or-treating on Saturday, October 31, from 6pm and 8pm.

Here is the complete list of guidance from the Village to help make this Halloween fun and safe for the community:


"Trick-or-treating hours in the Village of St. Joseph will be from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday, October 31. The use of face coverings, hand sanitizer, and social distancing (at least 6 feet) from others will always be required (per IDPH Guidelines), when outdoors while participating or chaperoning.

"Trick-or-treating will be challenging amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic this year and may look different from previous Halloweens. However, for those who ARE welcoming trick-or-treaters to their home, leave your porch lights on to indicate you are participating. If you do not have a porch light, place a clearly marked sign welcoming trick-or-treaters or indicating you are not participating. For trick-or-treaters, if you do not see a home with a porch light on or a sign posted, we ask that you respect the wishes of those homeowners by bypassing those residences.

"If you and your family do decide to trick-or-treat this Halloween, here are a few guidelines to follow that will help protect our community and accommodate a safe Halloween experience for both participants and non-participants:

Trick-or-Treaters and Those Giving Candy:

"If you have COVID-19, developed symptoms consistent with COVID-19, are under quarantine, have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, or are in a higher risk category, you should not participate in in-person Halloween festivities.

1. Wear a mask – Incorporate a mask or face covering into your costume. Please remember that rubber or plastic masks do not offer any protection from the virus, so have a protective cloth mask layered into a costume’s decorative mask.

2. Practice good hand hygiene – If you choose to go house to house for trick-or treating or give treats, be prepared to practice good hand hygiene. Bring along hand sanitizer to use before you move from one location to another. A suggestion for those giving treats; give to a single person to limit contact with others. Also wash your hands as frequently as possible.

3. Maintain social distances – While it is fun to go trick-or-treating with friends, due to the COVID-19 risk, keep the group limited to family members who are within your protected “bubble”. Gathering in groups with people from outside your household increases the risks. When you are walking around with your child, you do not want to go into a big group of people or into crowded areas. Please remember that keeping social distance (at least 6 feet) from others is important to limiting the spread of the virus. Those passing out treats consider alternative ways to limit contact with trick-or-treaters. Be creative and inventive! *The Village is sponsoring a contest to see who can create the safest, imaginative, and clever way to deliver your candy. Encourage your trick-or-treaters to nominate your home and delivery system to the Village office on Monday. Nominations can be written on a piece of paper and placed in the overnight mail slot or dropped off on Monday. The winner will receive a gift card from one of our local businesses. 

4. Avoid “Face to Face” exposure – Interactions at any given doorway or front porch should be very brief and as limited as possible, which will help reduce the risk of exposure. Trick-or-treaters and those giving candy should always wear their mask.

5. Avoid eating candy while trick or treating – Encourage trick-or-treaters to be sure hands have been sanitized before opening and eating candy. Those giving out candy can consider this a diet saver. Wash Your Hands Frequently!!

6. Porch light must be on – If a homeowner is participating, they will keep their porch light on. If they do not have a porch light, they will have a clearly marked sign welcoming trick-or-treaters or indicating they are not participating. This is long-standing basic Halloween etiquette. If no light is on, do not go to that home. A yard light, common in many subdivisions, that usually comes on automatically at dusk is not considered a porch light and should not be an indication that it is ok to go to your door.

Those Not Participating Keep Your Porch Light Off!! If Your Porch Light Cannot Be Shut Off, clearly mark Your Porch or Front Door "NO TRICK OR TREATING"!!


Tami Fruhling-Voges, Village President and The St. Joseph Village Trustees."

From the Mayor; Share those welcoming smiles

Dear Village of St. Joseph Residents,

Over the last three months our community along with the rest of the world has experienced something that none of us could have ever imagined. Each of us will remember this time in different ways.

For some it’s been a time to reflect on where our life priorities should be and may have been able to enjoy the time to slow down their pace of living, but for others it’s been a troubling time either for health, financial, business survival, or concerns of living in a free society. As we navigate our way through the next few days, weeks, and months ahead please be patient with each other.

You will begin to see many things begin to open to the public. To allow some of our businesses to take advantage of the Governor’s announcement to move into Phase 3, the village has worked out a plan to give them some space temporarily in our downtown.

Unfortunately, our downtown has limited parking, but accommodations have been made to try and make the best of the situation. Please take extra precautions as you drive through the downtown on Lincoln Street. This portion of Lincoln Street will remain one way while we allow outdoor seating for those businesses. Our community has done a great job so far to give the village’s businesses their support.

I encourage you to continue to shop local, support the curbside services, take advantage of some outdoor dining and be sure to thank those business owners for doing an extraordinary job serving our community during this time. St. Joseph is fortunate to have every one of them. The Village is continuing to monitor the guidelines set forth by the State of Illinois to open the parks slowly and safely.

Beginning next week, we can allow practices at the ball fields, the tennis courts will be open and within the week we will open the restrooms. The pavilions and picnic tables are available for use, but large gatherings and the playgrounds are still prohibited. The Municipal Building will open to the public during regular business hours but renting the meeting room will still be limited.

We encourage our community to continue to follow the guidelines set forth by the State and Local Public Health Departments. I also wanted to thank our village residents for taking the time to complete your Census response. The Village of St. Joseph has a comfortable lead in our response rate. Currently we hold the lead at 81%, the best in the County. Great job, St. Joe!

Thank you for being such a great group of residents. Continue to share those welcoming smiles, lending a helpful hand, saying a kind word and please work with us as we make those steps to bring our lives back to a healthy and safe normal. God Bless and Enjoy your summer.

Tami Fruhling-Voges, Village President/Mayor

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