The heart will take you places

By Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

Typically, the heart leads us and keeps us in various places throughout life.

Most of the time people marry because at that moment that's where their hearts have led them to be. For better or worse many people stay in marriages most of their lives because they have given their heart to their spouse.

We sometimes pursue careers because we have a heart for the vocation. There is something about the vocation that inspires and motivates us. Because our heart is in the work, we stay with the occupation. Success is more likely to occur where the heart is centered.

We become very competent with our hobbies because we love them so much. We enjoy musical instruments, baking, sewing, wood work, painting, fishing, sports and whatever your hobby might be. People are often ready to retire from their jobs because they have hobbies, they love more.

We love our freedom in America. Freedom to try. Freedom to fail. Freedom to try again.

The major emphasis of the greatest commandment is to love God with our hearts. Jesus knew no one would have any commitment to God without the full commitment of the heart.

The heart will take you places and keep you places where the mind would never consider. Too often what the mind will not consider the heart will not give up or waver from.

We often forget about the mind. Jesus told us to love God with our minds. Reason, commonsense, inquiry, thinking and education are all important. Sometimes the heart may cause us to be blind. We may love blindly. Stay with negative relationships that are destructive. Hang on to a job or career pursuit that ends up being negative, a dead end and a waste of time.

We have to involve our minds in our lives. Life cannot be lived merely by the heart. Heart will keep you someplace a long time. However, your mind will help you to decipher whether it's the right thing to do.

Americans are at the polls voting. Love for the country, ideas, political parties and candidates have Americans voting in masses.

While you may love the Democratic party or the Republican party or either candidate hopefully you are considering all the reasons why you are voting.

What do you want for America? Good paying jobs? More Government involvement in your life? The removal of guns from society? The freedom to have guns? Less police security? More police security?

More taxes? Less taxes? More jobs coming back to America? More jobs going back to China? Health care that pays for nothing? A better health care for every American? What about our freedom? Freedom of speech?

We love our freedom in America. Freedom to try. Freedom to fail. Freedom to try again. Freedom to succeed. Freedom to pursue owning a house, car and living an independent life. Maybe, you feel that every American should have the same, be the same and that the Government should take care of all us equally?

This election, think about it. Think about what you want for you and your grandchildren. Let your heart drive you to vote but put your mind into your voting.


Dr. Glenn Mollette is a syndicated American columnist and author of American Issues, Every American Has An Opinion and ten other books. He is read in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization.


This article is the sole opinions of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of PhotoNews Media. We welcome comments and views from our readers.


Maybe Halloween will provide relief from the insantity

By Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

Halloween is typically a relaxed day for America's kids to fill their coffers with candy. Children and adults often don their favorite wacky attire for a day of comic relief.

America needs a day of some kind of relief and maybe Halloween will provide some insanity or terror relief. Because nothing about Halloween is as scary as what America and the world has been experiencing.

We have buried over 220,000 Americans from Covid-19. Over eight million have been sick. Nursing homes and Intensive Care Units have become horror wards. The projections for more sickness and death scare most Americans. We are afraid to go to church, out to eat, and to the grocery store. The airplane, hotel and restaurant industries are in peril as many have already closed or are on the verge of closing. Over 12 Million Americans are now unemployed and many in financial devastation because of Covid-19.

Congress continues to haggle over what and how much the government can further indebt our nation to keep us afloat for the present. With an approximate 28 trillion-dollar deficit and growing when will America file for bankruptcy? What will it take to keep Social Security and Medicare going? More taxes for a broader range of Americans and increased payroll taxes are on the near horizon, most Americans fear. It's more than a little scary.

On top of Covid-19, job loss, business failures and increasing poverty Americans are masked fatigued.

Children are tired of being home from school. Adults miss the comaraderie and social dynamics of their workmates. Working at home first felt good and welcomed but has become old for many Americans. The thought of this going on for another six months or even a year or longer is more than scary - it's terrifying.

On top of all this, we have a major election in front of us. Americans are terrified about the election. We are frightened about who will be elected. Trump being reelected terrifies millions, while millions are terrified Joe Biden will be elected. We are horrified of what may come as the result of this election and what either of the candidates may bring to America the next four years.

We are further scared by each other. The hostility of Americans toward people with different views is out of hand.

Hurting people, cursing people, destroying property are not hallmark qualities of a civilized society. We have sadly stopped being civil in America. Rude and crude are no longer shy in this nation. Pushing, shoving and outright fighting with people is becoming too normal. This is not what the average American wants and is disdained by most of us.

Let's face it, people who act this way scare most Americans.

It's Halloween time in America and there is plenty of fright to go around. The best treat we can give our country is treating each other the way we would like to be treated.


Dr. Glenn Mollette is a syndicated American columnist and author of American Issues, Every American Has An Opinion and ten other books. He is read in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization.


This article is the sole opinions of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of PhotoNews Media. We welcome comments and views from our readers.


"We have a nation of people quick to give you the middle finger"

By Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

September 29, 2020, was just another bad day in 2020.

We thought that with Covid-19, unemployment, and riots in the streets of America's cities it could not get worse. It did. Joe Biden, Donald Trump and Chris Wallace gave us a "show?" we will never forget.

Our leaders used to make us proud. We grew up wanting to emulate people in high places who inspired us with their remarkable lives. We watched how they conducted themselves, communicated and chose their words wisely with dignity, diplomacy and grace. This doesn't happen anymore in America.

Tuesday's debate was just another plummeting example of how badly and poorly people can act in America. Biden and Trump are supposed to be our two best men running for the highest office in America. Chis Wallace works for one of the biggest networks in the world. Instead we saw a production of America's scariest video, Heehaw gone crazy or bigtime wrestling Covid-19 style.

We've been on this track now for too long. The debates have gotten worse and worse. They have been more and more out of control. They have turned into 90 minutes of rudeness, name calling, hollering and mud throwing. Our children are watching and learning.

Where did we lose civility in our nation?

Did we ever have it? Is this just the way America has always been at heart and now we feel free to be who we really are? Rude, crude and ignorant?

The Beverly Hillbillies had far more class than we saw Tuesday night. They may have been uncouth and backward but they didn't treat people badly.

We've become scary in how we talk to and treat others in this country, starting with our national leadership and media. We have a nation of people who are quick to give you the middle finger on the highway, honk their horns at you on the road until you get out of their way and knock you down on the sidewalk rather than scoot over and give you some space to walk by.

Today, in America, we are name callers. We feel entitled to everything everyone else has without working for it. We expect to be treated with respect and dignity while we act like buffoons. Words and phrases such as "please, thank you, excuse me, may I, yes ma'am and yes sir," have been tossed out of too many windows. Therefore, we are now reaping what we sowed.

People feel like they have the right to treat others badly because of color or background, while others feel entitled to destroy and burn down our cities from Baltimore to Portland. We have a nation of people who believe they can do anything they want regardless of how others might be affected. This is one reason we can't defund the police. However, some of the procedures of the police must be revamped.

Be warned another debate is coming soon. Candidates should be allowed one- and two-minute response times to questions and to respond to statements. At these one and two-minute intervals the microphone should automatically be silenced so the next candidate can fairly respond with the same time limits. There has to be a fair civil way to conduct and present a Presidential debate. We need to see and hear one.

We are desperate to get this nation back together, one people, under God, united, with liberty and justice for all. We have to see some of this in this next debate and it has to come from the moderator, President Trump and former Vice President Biden.


Dr. Glenn Mollette is a syndicated American columnist and author of American Issues, Every American Has An Opinion and ten other books. He is read in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization.


This article is the sole opinions of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of PhotoNews Media. We welcome comments and views from our readers.


Trump, Biden - Does age matter?

By Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

John F. Kennedy was 43 years old when he was elected to serve as President of the United States in 1960. His age did not hurt him on election day.

Barack Obama was 47 years old when he became President of the United States in 2008. His age, skin color and limited number of years that he had served in the United States Senate did not hurt him when it came to election day.

Donald Trump was 70 years old when he was elected in November 2016 as President of the United States. He had never held a public office. He has gone through two divorces and had some ups and downs in his life, which did not prevent him from becoming President of the United States.

We place a lot of emphasis on age. Youth always impresses us. Remember Tiger Woods? He was just 21 years old when he won The Masters in record breaking fashion in 1997.

When we see a great singer like Tony Bennett at the age of 94 still singing and dancing, we can't help but ask the question, "How old is he?" Because we are amazed at what a 94-year-old can do. His age doesn't stop him.

By the way Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 87. Loretta Lynn is 88 and Sophia Loren is 85.

The bottom line is age is just a number.

There are talented and very capable people at every age category of life. Some people are too old when they are 45 years old and some people never get old. Some old people have never matured. While they are old in age they have never mentally grown up.

We all have to move beyond age. We have to ask is the person up for the job mentally and physically? Do they have the energy? Do they have the career and educational background? Do they possess the skills necessary to perform the tasks? Is the person hungry enough to work hard and do a good job or are they merely looking for a title?

Americans want a President who will pull out all the stops to find a vaccine for Covid-19. Laboratories are working on it now. This disease has devastated our nation. No President, I believe, would have been prepared for this pandemic.

Americans still want a slice of the American dream. We want a place to live, a paycheck, good medical care and retirement. We also want to be safe. We don't want thugs and gangs taking over our towns and neighborhoods. A strong police force and military are essential.

This November, Americans will go to the polls to place their vote for President Donald Trump or former Vice-President Joe Biden. What will matter is what you believe in, who you believe in, and your hopes for America.

Trump and Biden both have track records and their age won't matter on Election Day.


Dr. Glenn Mollette is a syndicated American columnist and author of American Issues, Every American Has An Opinion and ten other books. He is read in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization.


This article is the sole opinions of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of PhotoNews Media. We welcome comments and views from our readers.


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