"He has wired every scoreboard here, inside and out, and the controls and the power for them. He installed play clocks. He installed locker room clocks. He installed the lights around the basketball backboards," Duval told spectators before the start of SJO final home football game of the 2020-21 season. "Glenn has done it all because he loved SJO. He loved doing things to benefit the kids, no matter what it took."
Fisher passed away at the beginning of the year on January 7.
Duval also underscored Fisher's humility.
"Glenn is up there in heaven shaking his head at us because he did not want this," he said, relating a story about the moment he and the group shared with his old friend the school board's decision to name the facility after him. "In my 32 years of knowing Glenn, I never heard him swear until that day. He swore at me. He didn't think he deserved it. He didn't want it."
"I told him tough," Duval said. "It's already done. It's gonna happen."
The athletic complex includes the track and football field, the football practice field and the gym as well as both the softball and baseball fields located on the school grounds.