
Showing posts with the label Science

Air quaity becoming a growing risk for premature CVD death and disability worldwide

Many of the heart-related emergencies seen in ERs are due to uncontrolled high blood pressure

Avoid keeping avocados in water to keep them fresh, it's not a healthy idea

For night owls the pandemic may have improved sleep habits

New AI technology detects sleep apnea while you snooze

14 U of I faculty members to become AAAS Fellows

Viewpoint: The most effective and powerful scientific theory is an enigma

Making Alzheimer's just a memory: An in-depth look and the work to find a cure

No one is going to tell you if you have a COVID variant

How COVID-19 attacks the immune system, what science is unraveling

How origami influences science

A case for why opening restaurants and bars was a bad idea

St. Joseph-Ogden High School 2024 baseball seniors