Attention consolidated election candidates

Are you running for a seat on your village board of trustees, an open or contested spot on your school board, or a position on the county board?

The Sentinel is currently welcoming Letters to the Editor from area candidates in Urbana, St. Joseph, Tolono, Ogden, Philo, Sidney, Royal, Ivesdale, and Pesotum who are running for office in the upcoming consolidated election.

Tell us and our readers, in 1,200 words or less, which office you are running for and why. Explain what you hope to accomplish or fix during your tenure, and, of course, why you are the right person to serve them and your community. Submissions that have an axe to grind, threats, senseless tirades, or self-serving advocacy in nature will not be considered for publication.

Please include in your cover email a short note containing your name, address, and daytime/cell phone number. An editor will contact the authors for all submissions prior to publishing to verify that you submitted the letter we have received. A short biography, two sentences at most, to run at the end of your letter would be appreciated but not mandatory.

The deadline for your submission so it is published ahead of Tuesday's election is noon on Thursday, March 30. Email your Letter to the Editor submission to

Village Crier: January 11, 2021

Number of COVID cases on the rise

The number of confirmed cases of the Coronavirus is taking a steep climb this week with 65 new cases identified in the past four days. The rise comes during the projected incubation period predicted by epidemiologists and just a week before Region 6 could possibly bounce back to Tier 2 mitigation and less stringent restrictions.

There are now 97 active cases within the six villages, a level that hasn't been seen since December 1 and the highest level this calendar year. Just six days earlier, The Sentinel area enjoyed its lowest number of positive cases for nearly a five week period.

SJO grad joins real estate firm

Zac White, a graduate from St. Joseph-Ogden High School, has joined The Littlefield Group. Over the past 22 years, The Littlefield Homes has assisted thousands of families buy and sell homes as well as investors interested in commercial property and farm land. White, a Champaign County native received his Bachelors Degree at Western Illinois University. White, a licensed agent and broker, he can be reached at (217) 841-9296 or by email at

Lots on for tomorrow's board meeting

In addition to approving invoices for payment and changes to how St. Joseph invests village funds, The St. Joseph Village Board will vote on resolution to approve the Champaign County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (CCHMP).

The plan calls for identifying and prioritizing community policies, "actions and tools to implement in order to reduce potential risk and potential for future losses associated with the occurrence of selected natural and technical hazards. The goal is to use the plan to prepare for natural and technical hazards. A draft copy of the plan is available online.

The CCHMP meets the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, which includes planning objectives established by FEMA, inter-agency coordination as well as coordination of local mitigation planning with the state. Susan Monte, planner from Champaign County Regional Planning Commission will discuss the updated version of the plan.

The board will also take a vote on a Moter Fuel Ordinance and a resolution to wave subdivision regulations in a matter between Rudisill Trust and Arcadia Farms.

Keep your friends and neighbors informed

The Sentinel believes an informed community is a stronger, more vibrant community.

Reaching more than 500 readers a day, The Sentinel is mission is to keep people we care about informed by sharing local news and views to the readers in the communities we serve. We encourage village board and committees, school superintendents, and local organizations in the six villages we cover to send us your press releases, latest news and special event announcements.

To the village government and civic organizations who have put us on your contact list, thank you and keep the news coming. To the schools that have proudly send us honor roll and National Honor Society announcements, a high-five.

Email press releases, meeting agenda/minutes and your letters to the editor to

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Four village trustee seats open next April in Tolono

Four of the six trustee positions for the Village of Tolono up for election on April 6, 2021.

There are three four-year term trustee seats and one two-year term that will be contested as well as the seat for Village President.

Prospective candidates can pick information packets and petition forms at the Village Hall, located at 507 W. Strong Street in Tolono. The filing period will be December 14-21, 2020.

For more information contact village all at (217) 485-5212 or via email at It is recommended candidates consult an attorney or contact the Illinois State Board of Elections for additional campaign information.

Village sewer rate increase goes into effect in St. Joseph

At the beginning of this month a scheduled sewer rate increase went into effect for the Village of St. Joseph. The new rates will be reflected on residents' upcoming November billing.

Village of St. Joseph news
The schedule rate increase, approved in April 2019 by the St. Joseph Board of Trustees and put on hold due COVID-19 pandemic, will pay for upgrades as the aging plant nears its maximum operating capacity according to a release from the village.

The 15-year plan created last year is a detailed road map to ensure costs, operating expenses and plant capital maintenance needs are met to keep pace with the community's growth. The plan included incrementally increasing rates, which will be determined annually by the board, on a yearly basis rather of one or more large jump in monthly fees.

While the increase will impact low volume users minimally, heavy users will see likely see a noticeable change on their statements.

The new rate, starting on October 1, is $17.50, up from $15.00, for the first two units. Each additional unit used will be billed at at $1.75 more then the previous amount of $5.25 at $7.00 each.

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