To the editor,
Hats off to SJO staff, students, and the community that supports them for keeping it possible for the kids to go to school this first semester. Special recognition goes to the students who have shown great maturity through challenging times and the loss of a dear classmate. High school is a treasured time and you have handled all of this change with cooperation and grace. We all look forward to you being able to be kids again soon and watching your games, meets, and performances once more.
Thank you, also, to the staffs of the grade school and middle school. You had a great job in creating both a safe learning environment and parent-friendly technology for remote learning. I never felt like I was putting my kids in harm’s way by sending them to school. There is no greater gift to a mama than peace of mind about her children’s safety.
Our kids have been well taught and cared for despite teaching under the threat of your own health and in ways that required more from you than we can imagine. Teachers, you have been the spine keeping all of this operational and we cannot thank you enough. Hope you enjoy this well earned break.
Cheers to a peaceful and healthy 2021!
St. Joseph