The St. Joseph village board meeting will be held this Tuesday at the Municipal Building at 7pm.
After the motion to approve minutes from April 13 and pay Village bills, trustees will consider approving six items on the April 27 agenda.
The following items are up for discussion and approval:
- A MFT Resolution for Maintenance
- Approval a contract with Jamaica Fireworks
- Approval of the bid for directional boring for the streetlights conduit
- A motion an ordinance and policy prohibiting Sexual Harassment
- Review and approval a resolution and the employee manual with a drug and alcohol policy
- Approval of a resolution accepting the low bid for drainage improvement at Meadow Circle
The board will also hear a report from the Finance, Personnel, & Economic Development Department on the current budget and filling the newly created Village Administrator position.

Members of the community are welcome to express their input. If you plan to attend the meeting, only the side door which enters directly into the Village Board room will be open. The rest of the building will not be accessible during the meeting. Guests are required to observe social distancing guidelines. If you have something that you want to bring up at the Village Board Meeting but do not want to attend in person, you may email the information to Please include your full name, phone number, and address in the email.
Members of the community may address the Board/Committee by completing the information requested on the Attendance/Oath Sheet prior to the start of the meeting. After state their name and address for the record, speakers will have the floor for a maximum of five minutes to address the board.