Sendhil Kumaran lines up a shot during a practice match at Atkins Tennis Center. Kumaran and partner Kai Wang won the Men's 35 and over doubles title at the 2023 Labor Day Tournament.
Photo: Sentinel/Clark Brooks
CHAMPAIGN - The Champaign Park District will host the annual Labor Day Tournament from Sunday, September 1 through Monday, September 2.
The entry deadline for the tournament is at 5 pm on Tuesday, August 27. Adult players can register online at
Labor Day Tournament registration. Junior players should register at
this link for junior division registration—entry fees for singles $28 for singles and $22 for each player entering the doubles competition.
"I love it,"
Paul Chang told WCIA last August. Unable to place in the 2023 tournament, Chang has become a regular in the local United States Tennis Association league play, polishing his skills for another shot at a tournament trophy.
There are nine singles divisions for adult players, including Beginner/Intermediate Open (2.0-2.5); Men’s Open; Women’s Open; Men’s 35 and over; Women’s 35 and over; Men’s 45 and over; Men’s 55 and over; Men’s 65 and over; and Men’s 70 and over.
Doubles divisions for adults at this year's tournament include Men’s Open; Women’s Open; Men’s 35 and over Doubles; Women’s 35 and over; and Mixed Open Doubles.
There are three age divisions each for boys and girls 16 and under.
Last year's adult tournament champions were:
Men’s Open Singles Final: Alejandro Gomez
Men’s Open Singles Consolation Final: David Diep
Men’s 35 Singles Final: Bill Cawley
Men’s 35 Singles Consolation Final: Kevin Martlage
Men’s 55 Singles Final:Eric Peterson
Men’s 55 Singles Consolation Final: Nitin Bhosale
Boy’s 16 Singles Final: Hunter Madigan
Men’s Open Doubles Final: Jason Zumwalt & Shaun Peterson def. Hunter Antonisse & Alejandro Gomez 6-2, 6-1
Men’s Open Doubles Consolation Final: David Diep & Chris Sarol
Women’s Open Doubles Final: Cindy Crist & Sarah Kim
Women’s Open Doubles Consolation Final: Shiho Gimbel & Rhoda Lewis
Men’s 35 Doubles Final: Sendhil Kumaran & Kai Wang
Men’s 35 Doubles Consolation Final: Clark Brooks & Charles Nerone
Mixed Open Doubles: Sarah Benevento & Chris Kuehn
The draw for all divisions will be emailed to all participants. For more information, contact the tournament director and Park District head tennis professional Yuri Sohn at (217) 819-3993 or by email at