Guest Commentary |
Living in peace and being good Americans

by Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

Millions of Democrats went to the polls in state primaries to cast their votes for President Joe Biden. He was elected to represent the Democrat party once again. He didn’t have the official votes of the delegates from the convention but it was a given that he would receive them.

On June 27, Biden debated former President Trump and it didn’t go so well for Biden. He wasn’t his best during that debate and a ground swell of other Democrat leaders forced Biden to withdraw from the race.

How does this make you feel if you voted for him? What happened to the will of the people? What good did it do you to take time off from work to vote? Your vote didn’t mean a thing. It was totally wasted time if you voted for President Joe Biden. A handful of rich celebrities along with Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Robert Schiff, and a few others made the decision.

Suddenly all we are hearing is that Vice President Kamala Harris is the Democrat challenger to Donald Trump. She hasn’t been elected by the delegates which doesn’t even come until the August convention which begins August 19th. A reported hundred million dollars has already been raised and she will likely be nominated. At this point, who does this party have to nominate? We have only a little over three months until the November election.

The brevity of time that Harris has to run as the Democrat nominee is unfair to everybody. It’s unfair to her. She can run as the assumed nominee but she’ s not the nominee yet. It wouldn’t make sense for Trump to debate her at this point because Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer might change their minds and ask someone else to run and pressure Harris to drop out.

Of course, a similar scenario could happen to the Republicans. Trump could have been assassinated and the Republican party would have had to make another choice.

Harris’s major theme that she has going for her in the eyes of millions of Americans is abortion. As many if not more Americans are for abortion than are against abortion. Harris is beating this drum every day wherever she speaks and it could be the single issue that elects her as President. Trump and the Republicans must come up with a plan that resonates with the majority of America’s women and young people or it could be the single issue that brings about his defeat.

There is a lot at stake in the November election. We hope our votes count. We hope that whoever we elect is the one who serves as President. Unlike what just happened with the recent Democrat primaries. Most of us hope that we can get through this election and still be at peace in our country. A house divided cannot stand. Regardless of who is elected it doesn’t do any of us any good to be fighting among ourselves. I hope that we all can resolve to live in peace, talk civil to each other and be good Americans.


He is the author of 13 books including Uncommom Sense, the Spiritual Chocolate series, Grandpa's Store, Minister's Guidebook insights from a fellow minister. His column is published weekly in over 600 publications in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization. We welcome comments and views from our readers. Submit your letters to the editor or commentary on a current event 24/7 to


Guest Commentary |

Biden couldn't keep his head above water any longer

by Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

President Joe Biden could no longer keep his head above water and drowned this past Sunday. Democrat leaders turned their backs and covered their ears to Biden’s gurgling for oxygen as he no longer could tread water and succumbed to the swirling, raging political waters.

For 50 years, Biden has worked for and supported the Democrat party but in these recent days the party leaders turned their backs on him as big money donors called the shots with their pocketbooks. As the money flow came to a halt, the party leaders began to cry and beg Biden to resign from the 2024 Presidential race.

Keep in mind that, with party support, Biden had raised over 200 million dollars. That’s a lot of money to enrich television station owners across the country. How much of this money will go to the Democrat nominee is yet to be seen. Whether it’s Vice President Kamala Harris or whoever we can be assured Biden won’t transfer all that money to the new nominee. How much money Harris, or whoever is running, raises between now and November, will not be as much as Biden has raised in the last couple of years.

Wouldn’t you love to have the leadership of the Democrat party as your best friends? When the going got tough, they folded and left President Biden to drown.

Donald Trump’s supporters have stood with him through the fires of hell. Everything has been thrown at Trump, including bullets, and support for Trump has only grown. The prosecution and persecution of Trump only strengthened him as his numbers became stronger. The more he was in the news for being in court or faced the possibility of jail, the more his supporters stood with him.

Biden had already slowed down during the 2020 campaign. However, he was able to keep a steady conversation going at their two debates. Plus he had the majority of the American media backing him.

This time around they hoped the Biden who did well with his State of the Union speech would be the one who showed up to debate with Trump. Biden was not able to rise to the occasion sending his supporters in a tailspin.

Biden has slipped since his early years in the Senate. He is not the articulate orator we remember from way back then. There was a day and time when I admired Joe Biden’s numerous abilities.

President Biden will always be able to look back and remember the voters elected him to represent the Democrat party. What happened to the will of the people?

Biden tried to keep swimming as he had one more goal line he wanted to cross. Unfortunately, he needed a life jacket this time and no one in his party would throw him one.

Give thought and consideration as to who you consider your friends. If they will let a 50-year plus devoted friend drown, what will they do to you?


He is the author of 13 books including Uncommom Sense, the Spiritual Chocolate series, Grandpa's Store, Minister's Guidebook insights from a fellow minister. His column is published weekly in over 600 publications in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization. We welcome comments and views from our readers. Submit your letters to the editor or commentary on a current event 24/7 to


Guest Commentary |
A snake in the bird cage and the Trump assassin

by Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

The world watched a miracle take place as former President Trump barely missed an assassin’s bullet.

Thousands of people in the audience witnessed this in person and multiple millions of people watched it live or have since seen the video replayed many times.

July 13 will go down as a day that will forever be remembered in American history. It was a sad day when there was an attempt made to take a former President’s life while he was campaigning for reelection.

While most Americans are relieved that the heinous attempt on Trump’s life was not successful, we mourn that some people sitting in the crowd were not as fortunate. At this writing one man in the crowd was killed while two more persons remain in critical condition. The question has surely been asked why such innocent people have to suffer and even die while simply attending a political rally? Most likely, the assassin’s target was only Trump but he was apparently not concerned that others might die as a result of his actions.

Evil always afflicts the innocent. Time and time again, we have seen mass school shootings where a shooter had a specific target in mind yet others were killed and suffered along with the targeted victim. Evil has no boundaries or concerns about the results of its actions.

We have heard it said over and again that this was a sad day in America. It is also sad that every political campaign event will be crawling with security at an even higher level. This doesn’t mean that the most recent event in Pennsylvania was not crawling with security. At any event a snake can slither into a crack and then suddenly strike to inflict pain and devastation.

Recently, a neighbor was out of town and his sister was taking care of his two pet birds. She was shocked when she went to feed them and discovered a four-foot-long snake was in the cage and had killed one of the birds. How the snake got into the house is unclear. How the snake got up to the elevated level where the birds were seemingly safe is hard to understand. However, it was there and in time would have killed the second bird.

Somehow, my cousin got the head of the snake between a pair of scissors and called another neighbor to help. They managed to cut off the head of the monster snake before dragging it out of the bird cage. Unfortunately, one precious pet bird perished and the second one was terrorized before the snake was killed.

Assassins and mass shooters are like slithering snakes crawling quietly to strike their victims. They hide, they are creepy, sneaky, and plot to move under the radar. The Secret Service, FBI, and local police must work hand in hand to screen every nook and cranny as well as every high and low space to hopefully deter such an act from happening again.

Tragically, it’s happened too many times before. Abraham Lincoln was sitting in an unprotected theatre booth in Washington, D.C.

President Kennedy was riding in a convertible and was a wide-open target from various angles. Martin Luther King Jr. was caught off guard on the balcony of a Memphis Hotel. John Lennon and his wife were simply walking into their New York City apartment building. There are many others that have been targeted throughout history.

We can never let our guard down. Even when our guard is high, there is the risk of a slithering villain lurking in the vicinity.


He is the author of 13 books including Uncommom Sense, the Spiritual Chocolate series, Grandpa's Store, Minister's Guidebook insights from a fellow minister. His column is published weekly in over 600 publications in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization. We welcome comments and views from our readers. Submit your letters to the editor or commentary on a current event 24/7 to


Guest Commentary |
This is a sad time in America

by Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

In his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden referred to an American dilemma – the shrinking Snicker’s bar. He pointed out that his Snicker’s bar purchase had less or fewer Snickers. I’m not exactly sure what a Snickers is, nuts, chocolate, sugar, the content of the bar. Size matters, when you’re hungry. It’s just a bad thing when you stop at your local convenient store to buy a soda pop and you walk out with a Snicker’s bar that cost more but has less in the wrapper. Apparently, there must be less Fritos and Cheetos in the bags as well. This is a sad time in America.

I remember buying a large bottle of coke, a bag of chips and a pastry for 25 cents. Those were the days but they are long past.

It’s an epidemic of course. It’s not just candy bars and junk food. Check the size of your fast-food hamburgers and the cost. You are paying more for less. A hundred dollars doesn’t go very far at the grocery store. American families are having a difficult time putting food on the table. A mother who cooks for her family every day is having to stretch her budge more and more.

President Biden is concerned about the problem but it’s been a growing problem for three years. It’s not getting better When does he propose to fix the problem, after he is reelected? Why not now? Or, why not over the past three years? People are hurting today. Promises of a better life if he is reelected are not reassuring to many Americans.

The border crisis is our number one issue this election. It’s not a priority with President Biden. He’s had three years to be walking that border. He’s had three years to stop the invasion of illegals and gang members into our country. His recent photo op to the border is too little too late. Joe Biden stopped the progress of the border wall. He opened the gates wide to the illegals. The results are not positive. We have major cities on the verge of economic collapse. Public schools, housing and more are suffering. Mayors are pleading for help.

Recently, Biden submitted a Border Immigration Bill to Congress that has not been approved. The bill still allows for an average of 5000 people a day over seven days to come into the United States illegally before closing the border. Or, the one-day maximum number is 8,500 entries before the border is closed. This a larger number of people than some of our rural counties in America. Over the course of a year this would amount to a city the size of Indianapolis or larger coming into our country. This is not border security, but only a continuation of Biden’s insanity.

We do need to help Ukraine. Putin is not anyone’s friend. Trump made a stupid statement about Putin attacking non-supportive NATO countries. However, the border security and Ukraine expenditures should be separate bills. If we don’t tightly secure our border our children are going to have a scary place to grow up. Sadly, we may already be in that place.


He is the author of 13 books including Uncommon Sense, the Spiritual Chocolate series, Grandpa's Store, Minister's Guidebook insights from a fellow minister. His column is published weekly in over 600 publications in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization. We welcome comments and views from our readers. Submit your letters to the editor or commentary on a current event 24/7 to



Guest Commentary | Who should you vote for in the next election?

by Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

I’m voting for the Presidential candidate who will promise to keep Social Security solvent. I’ve hit the age where I’m finally on the receiving end of some of this government money and I want to keep it going. Never fear, I’m still paying plenty of taxes. I’m still holding down a job so Uncle Sam takes a big slice of every paycheck.

Seventy million Americans feel the same way I do when It comes to Social Security. For over 30 million Americans, Social Security is all they have and many do not even collect $2,000 a month. Many receive far less and so every month they have to juggle their money to survive.

I do agree with the perspective that if we could have put our money into a 401k or stock from ages 18 to 62, we would have more than a million dollars. The monthly check from a million-dollar stock portfolio would be much more than what most are collecting form monthly Social Security. You would also have some money to leave your kids, maybe. However, keep in mind that Social Security is a safety net for millions of Americans who become disabled before retirement age. I know many who started collecting full benefits in their fifties. In these situations, the monthly income is greater than if their money had been placed into a stock fund, most likely. So overall, I’m still a fan of Social Security.

I will further support the candidate who promises to keep Medicare going. I’m at the age now where I have doctor’s appointments. I have traditional Medicare, not “advantage.” I do have to pay for a supplement every month which is not cheap. However, I can walk into any doctor’s office in America and they are thrilled to see me when they find out I have traditional Medicare. I don’t enjoy going to doctors but knowing the bulk of the cost is covered relieves some of the pain.

Next, are our military and Veterans. Our military is hurting. They are having trouble recruiting. Attracting young men and women has become a challenge. The military population has gotten older. Keeping military pay, benefits and adequate housing up to date is crucial in order keep a stable, strong military. Plus, take care of our Veterans who served. It breaks my heart when I meet a homeless Veteran. This should never be in America.

We have to have border security. We do not have it now. Millions of illegal migrants have entered America. Thousands are still entering illegally each and every month.

The list goes on. We need a strong positive emphasis on growing and supporting our police force and a broad approach to energy. Let’s use all of our resources, electricity, oil, gas and coal. Why can’t we have a balanced approach to our energy needs? We can and should. Manufacturing and farming are critical to America. We need to build and grow. Everything our government can do to encourage both of these should be welcomed and applauded.

Of course, there is plenty more that’s very important and we’ll be talking about it in the months ahead.


Dr. Mollete was a senior minister for 39 years and served as President of the Kentucky Baptist Convention. He is the author of 13 books including Uncommon Sense, the Spiritual Chocolate series, Grandpa's Store, Minister's Guidebook insights from a fellow minister. His column is published weekly in over 600 publications in all 50 states.

The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization. We welcome comments and views from our readers. Submit your letters to the editor or commentary on a current event 24/7 to

Photos this week

Photos from St. Joseph-Ogden's November 2022 playoff football game against Olympia. Despite a solid team effort against a high-powered offense and much-improved football program, SJO's football season came to an unfortunate end after a 60-28 road loss to the Spartans.