
Showing posts with the label Health & Safety

Tips for prepping your summer trip abroad

Good to know; Learn CPR as a life-saving skill

4 steps to take after getting a tooth knocked out

Don't have health insurance for an updated COVID-19 vaccine? Here's how to get one free

ADHD in adults, online quizzes may spread misconceptions and mis-self-diagnosis

Ducking winter's toughest punch, avoiding potential health issues

Guest Commentary | The world is facing the highest number of violent conflicts since WWII

Shouldering the weight; heavy backpacks students tote can damage their bodies

Air quaity becoming a growing risk for premature CVD death and disability worldwide

Fatal heart attack risks may be higher during days with extreme heat & air pollution

The worst BBQ ingredient ever: wire brush bristles

Lifeguard shortage affecting summer pool staffing

After school shooting last week, survey finds teens can obtain a loaded gun in under 15 minutes

Hernias, there are more than one kind to worry about

CUPHD offers low-cost radon tests, limited supply available

New smoke detector law goes into effect on January 1 in Illinois