Area Holiday Event Calendar

Here is our latest list of area holiday events for Champaign, Ogden, Philo, Savoy, Sidney, St. Joseph, Tolono, and Urbana. Bookmark this page if you are looking for fun activities to do or unique places to shop this holiday season. in The Sentinel area. This page will be updated regularly with new events. Is your event not listed below? Send your event information to

.::. November 28, 2024

.::. November 30, 2024

.::. December 1, 2024

.::. December 7, 2024

.::. December 8, 2024

.::. December 14, 2024

.::. December 15, 2024

.::. December 19, 2024

Unity East Elementary fall school calendar announced

PHILO - Administrators from Unity East Elementary released the school's first-semester calendar for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year.

Registration for the upcoming year is scheduled for July 31 and August 1, with Back to School Open House from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on August 12.

The first day of classes for students, first through fifth grades, starts on August 14.

Dates for parent-teacher conference days, PTO meetings, and days with no scheduled class are listed in the calendar are provided below.

This year's Winter Break will start on December 20, with early dismissal at 2:05 p.m. Students return to classes on January 6.

2024-2025 Calendar
First Semester
July 31& Aug.1 - School Registration

August 12 - Teachers’ Institute – No School
Back to School Open House (5:30-7:00pm)

August 13 - Teachers’ Institute – No School

August 14 - First Attendance Day for Grades 1-5

August 14 & 15 - Kindergarten Conferences with Teachers

August 16 - First Attendance Day for Kindergarten

September 2 - Labor Day - No School

September 4 - PTO Meeting, 6:30pm

September 27 - Teachers’ Institute - No School

October 2 - PTO Meeting, 6:30pm

October 7-11 - Homecoming Spirit Week

October 11 - School Improvement Day (Student dismissal at 11:15am) Homecoming

October 14 - Columbus Day – No School

October 24 - School Improvement Day (Student dismissal at 11:15am) Parent/Teacher Conferences; 3:00-9:30pm

October 25 - No School

November 6 - PTO Meeting, 6:30pm

November 5 - Election Day - No School

November 26 - Student dismissal at 2:05pm

November 27 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break – No School

December 4 - PTO Meeting, 6:30pm

December 20 - Student dismissal at 2:05pm

December 23 - Jan 3 - Winter Break – No School

Third quarter Honor Roll for Unity Junior High School

Unity Junior High School announced the names of students who achieved honor roll status during the third quarter. Congratulations to all the students who earned the requisite grade point to qualify for recognition during this period.

6th Grade Honor Roll

Audrey Claire Akers
Ashlyn Nicole Alt
Rya Jolee Bialeschki
Isaac Mathew Boitnott
Bradley Roger Bruhn
Brailey Marie Cain
Greyson Zachary DeHart
Luke JR Dougherty
Brady Gallagher Eckstein
Collin Daniel Eckstein
Kenzlee Rae Evans
Libbey Marlene Ethel Griffin
Natalie May Gumbel-Paeth
Jessica Marie Hamilton
William Timothy Huntington
Finnegan Samuel Bowie Isberg
Matthew Stephen Kroes
Adeliah June Little
Jack Thomas Ludwinski
Finn Alexander Merkle
Caylynn Josie Parker
Ellie Rose Parker-Johnson
Maxwell Tyler Pound
Raelyn Marie Prosser
Jordan William Pruitt
Makena Jade Pruitt
Riker Alan Rogers
Kyle Sean Roosevelt
Jonah Ryan Schriefer
Layla Marie Scott
Aria Marley Shafer
Daisy Mae Stierwalt
Silas Richard Swim
Jaycob David Tatman
Justin Michael Tempel
Meah Ann Tieman
Owen Robert Vasey
Colby Aaron Weaver
Lucy Jeane Weaver
Levi Nelson White
Kadence Ryleigh Wiese
Phoebe Ashlynn Witheft

7th Grade Honor Roll

Sawyer Michael Abrahamson
Grace Bailey
Ty Craig Benedict
Elizabeth Joanne Berkey
Carter Ryan Bickers
Ella Addyson Bromley
Alec Joseph Daly
Jase Charles Eisenmenger
Ian Robert Gaines
Jaxson Edward Glad
Aubrie Paige Gumm
Owen Dean Hottman
Holly Marie Howey
Cora Dee Leonard
Owen Michael Lighty
Jauniyah Rosemarie Lisanby
Liam Hayes Logsdon
Russell Patrick McCabe
Addyson Jo McIntosh
Lane Lucas Meharry
Baeden Edward Millsap-Moore
Lillian Calen Mohr
Jaxon David Pendleton
Logan Harvey Reimer Couch
Henry Scott Ritchie
Grace Catherine Schriefer
Jaylan Serczyk
Jasper Lee Souza
Cade Robert Styan
Virgil Laurence Summitt
Jayden Michael Terven
Nicholas James Thomas
Quentin Stephen Webber
Hallee Ann Weber Patterson
Lucas Neal Williams

8th Grade Honor Roll

Joseph William Willard Baird
Cameron Pierre Barnes
Beckam Krystopher-Wayde Brown
Brayden Michael Burke
Brilynn Creola Cain
Sadie Jo Carpenter
Madison Grace Castor
Skyler Andrew Chilton
Garrisan Martin Cler
Devlin Davis
Soren Lovell Davis
Kinzey Nicole Duitsman
Nolan Myles Elliott
Haley Elizabeth Ennis
Cohen Fincham
Zoe Margaret Fish
Shae Lin Fournier
Hallie Lynn Handal
Brady Cullen Harris
Roman James Hastings
Brooke Raelynn Henson
Joel Ryan Hoewing
Kane William Knudsen
Jax Hunter Logsdon
Payten Renee Niles
Larissa Marie Parr
Clayton Wyatt Pruitt
Kandace Lachelle Reed
Mia Lynn Reifsteck
Journee Lynn Ring
Lillian Yvonne Ring
Ian James Skibbe
Ava Sommer
Bodie Springer
Gavin James Warren

Philo recycling reminder

PHILO - With the holiday season coming to an end, the Village of Philo wants to remind residents to please follow recycling rules.

The recycle bins are for use only by Village of Philo and Philo Township residents. They request residents not to bring your recycling from the offices and business from Champaign-Urbana or surrounding communities for recycling.

If the bins are full, do not leave items on the ground around or next to them. This is considered illegal dumping.

To make as much space as possible in the bins, the Village asks that all boxes be broke down or crushed. Tearing apart cardboard boxes helps to create additional space so more residents can use the bins.

Finally, users should make sure the bin doors are closed after all items have been deposited. Again, nothing should be left outside of the bins that includes plastic swimming pools, large pieces of metal, and items too large to fit into the available space in the bin.

Residents must place only approved items in the bins. Acceptable items for recycling includes: newspapers, books, paper & magazines, cardboard boxes, tin cans, aluminum cans, glass bottles & jars, and plastics (PETE, HDPE 1 or 2). Please bag loose items in plastic bags like newspapers or paper products. Cardboard should be broken and folded down as much as possible.

Items not allowed in the bins include: televisions, computers, car batteries, motor oil, and any liquids or paint products.

Giving Place continues to help local families in need

TOLONO -- The Giving Place seeking donations of canned fruit, canned beans, canned tomato products, canned spaghetti sauce, 100% juice, canned vegetables, mac & cheese, and pasta meals.

The Christian ministry also publicly thanked the Tolono Presbyterian WYN Youth Group for donating over 100 boxes of cereal.

Located at 113 North Bourne in Tolono, TGP is a Christian ministry serving families in need in the Unit 7 School District on Wednesdays from 4:00 – 6:00. Last week, the organization helped nine families, including a new one, which included 28 people and 16 children with the weekly food pantry.

TGP's next free-clothing giveaway will be from 9 am to noon on Saturday, December 3.

The Giving Place seeks donations

TOLONO -- The Giving Place seeking donations of cereal, canned fruit, canned beans, canned tomato products, canned spaghetti sauce, canned meats, 64 oz. 100% juice, mac & cheese, and other pasta meals for their ministry.

Located at 113 North Bourne in Tolono, TGP is a Christian ministry serving families in need in the Unit 7 School District on Wednesdays from 4:00 – 6:00.

The Giving Place is also looking for fall and winter clothing donations.

"If you have any gently used clothing - especially jackets/coats, they would be greatly appreciated," Mike Williams said. He added: "If you know of any families in Unit Seven that are in need, please encourage them to visit The Giving Place."

The local charity organization will host a Free Clothing Giveaway on Saturday, November 5, from 9 am to noon.

Two area student make WIU fall Dean's List

MACOMB -- Derek Samson, from Ogden, and Elizabeth Decker, from Philo, are two of 1,164 students named to the Fall 2021 Dean's List at Western Illinois University. Students must earn at least a 3.6 grade-point average on a scale of 4.0 or an A in a minimum of 12 credit hours of graded courses to receive the honor. Samson is a senior and Decker a junior.

The announcement above does not include Dean's List honorees who did not register Urbana, Royal, Ogden, Philo, Tolono, Sidney, or St. Joseph as their hometown with the University.

Area Covid Dashboard for December 6

Active Champaign County Cases:


Net change in the county: 47

Current local cases 12/6/21
Number in parenthesis indicates change over previous report

Ogden • 14 (3)
Royal • 1 (1)
St. Joseph • 102 (-3)
Urbana • 413 (21)
Sidney • 27 (2)
Philo • 41 (4)
Tolono • 76 (4)
Sadorus • 13 (-3)
Pesotum • 13 (0)

Total Active Local Cases:


Net change in local cases: 29

Total local Confirmed Cases: 11731
Net Change: 120

The information on this page is compiled from the latest figures provide by the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District at the time of publishing. Active cases are the number of confirmed cases reported currently in isolation. Local is defined as cases within the nine communities The Sentinel covers.

19 earn spots on ISU Dean's List

College students from four of our area villages completed the fall 2020 semester with outstanding grades points at Illinois State University. The students below who earned Dean's List honors were required to take 12 or more undergraduate graded hours during the semester.

Students whose grade point average placed them among the top ten percent of those majoring within their college from area include:

Shelby Hatchel

St. Joseph:
Elena Cotter
Joshua Sexton
Tyler Haake
Makenzie Pence
Sydney Kelso
Kalli Ingram
Abigail Izard

Nathan Shotton

Elizabeth Hughes
Briley Ackerman
Nicole Bagwell
Elijah Miller
Gabrielle Moore
Brianna Woodworth
Briley Smith
Keaton Eckstein
Noah Marvin
Logan Flesch

*Students who chose to restrict access to Illinois State University directory information will not appear on this list.

Philo Exchange Bank to host community shred day in May

Community shred day in Philo
The Philo Exchange Bank will host a Community Shred Day in Philo on May 1 at 401 N Lincoln.

The staff will accept up to five boxes or bags of material per person to be shredded during the hours from 9 to 11am.

Depositors are ask to bring non-perishable food or canned goods to donate to their food drive. Free snacks will be available.

Visitors can also spin the Philo Exchange Bank wheel to win prizes during the two hour event. The grand prize is a programable multi-cooker. Other prizes include gift cards, uChoose Rewards Points, wireless bluetooth earpods, Philo Exchange Bank swag, and other items.

For more information call (217) 684-5500.

Village Crier: March 30, 2021

Killer in St. Joseph double murder convicted

A jury of six men and six women took just two hours on Thursday, March 11, to reach a mutual agreement that Jonathon Perry, 30, murdered his girlfriend, Kimberly Coyne, 54, and her daughter, Blair Coyne, 24, in their home on the north side of St. Joseph a year ago this past weekend.

Perry was quickly arrested after the incident after Champaign County sheriff’s deputies were informed of statements he made to a family member consistent with the crime. During trial, prosecutors for the state noted that Perry had said he had killed the "Antichrist and Satan" when he was taken into custody last year at 4am on Sunday, March 29.

Three months after his arrest, a court-appointed psychiatrist examined Perry and declared him fit for trial.

Found guilty of first degree murder of both women, Judge Randy Rosenbaum is left no leeway to hand down nothing other than a life sentence during the sentencing phase on April 22.

St. Thomas trivia night on April 9

St. Thomas Catholic School in Philo will host a Virtual Trivia night from 6-10pm on April 9.

There will also be a 50/50 raffle during the online ZOOM event. Each table package will include a Dead or Alive game sheet and one Mulligan to use for each trivia round. Reservations for tables are being accepted now.

"We are continually adding to our silent auction items, so make sure to check back often to see what has been added," it says on the event page. "Silent auction bidding will be open from 6 pm - 10 pm on Trivia Night".

For more information contact the event organizers at

Franzen to take middle school reigns

The St. Joseph Consolidated Community School Board voted to hire Alisyn Franzen as the new principal at the St. Joseph Middle School starting this fall. Franzen, who will take over the position with the retirement of Chris Graham, currently teaches English at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Nursery to host spring open house

Schuren Garden Center, located at 1709 County Rd. 2200E, St. Joseph, will host their annual spring open house on Saturday, April 10.

The open house will start at 8:30am and run through 5:30pm. In addition to door prizes and refreshments, shoppers will be able to save 20% off their entire purchase. The business will hold purchases until Mother's Day if needed.

Visit their website or call (217) 469-7962.

Over 180 students at Unity Junior High make Honor Roll

Seventy-nine students at Unity Junior High School earned High Honor Roll recognition for their academic performance during the second quarter of the 2020-21 school year. Meanwhile, the school administration announced another 108 students across the same three grade levels to achieve Honor Roll status.

Sixth Grade
High Honor Roll
Dominic Russell Baxley
Alex Martin Bromley
Berkley Jane Cloud
Caleb Benjamin Coy
Hudson Lee DeHart
Danika Ann Eisenmenger
Allison Renee Fenter
Bailee Mae Gadeken
Colton Ray Harmon
Kathryn Clara Knoll
Carson Wesley McCune
Landrey Michelle Mohr
Brooklyn Marie Mumm
Adam Lucas Reedy
Max Warren Rossi
Allyson Lynn Shaw
Isaac Benjamin Siegwald
Evalyn Alexandra Skibbe
Piper Estelle Staley
Grace Lynne Tempel
Jacob Michael Ward
Leah Marianne Watson
Elizabeth Johnna Wayne
Rylan Kade Wolf
Kendal Lea Zerrusen

Honor Roll

Andrew David Berkey
Grace Michele Bickers
Paige Nicole Bradley
Clare Faustina Bryant
Brody Ray Butler
Cadence Marie Chandler
Addison Tyler Davis
Aidan Dean Ellis
Reese Bella Frye
Journey Maddison Gabbard
Keegan Patrick Germano
Olivia Ashlyn Hall
Walker Dale Hall
Dustin Rose Harris
Broderick Wayne Irwin
Avery Nicole Kamradt
Rush Matthew Little
Cash Cohen McCann
Audrey Claire McDaniel
Sadie Jane Polonus
Evan Alexander Puckett
Skylar Osheania Sanders
Ethan Daniel Schaefer
Lane Edward Sexton
Alyssa Renae Shields
Jackson Leo Smith
Madison Amanda Spohn
Baileigh Marie Thomas
Grace Ann Wherley
Kendall Grace Wysong
Joel Mitchell Yergler

Seventh Grade
High Honor Roll
Anna Carolyn Amias
Cameryn Dayle Cobb
Eli Samson Crowe
Ella Jean Darnall
Callie Marie Ellars
Camden Michael Fairbanks
Margaret Rose Garcier
Isabel Grace Grob
Caden Maddox Hensch
Miles Kennedy Johnson
Mylie Emily Margaret Loftsgaard
Claire Lynn Meharry
Mason Robert ONeill
Harry Matthew Polonus
Ty Steven Rodems
Theda Marva Roether
Katie Marie Ruggieri
Vanna Lee Schriefer
Hunter James Shike
Annalise Rose Shunk
Caden Alexander Stierwalt
Ginna Mae Stierwalt
Madelyn Rose Stierwalt
Emma Marie Swisher
Paula Louise Wilson

Honor Roll

Aria Eve Battaglia
Crewe William Gene Eckstein
Olivia Breann Egelston
Dane Robert Eisenmenger
Collin William Graven
Kenley Jo Harris
Brooke Autumn Hartman
Joshua Todd Heath
Brayden Jonathon Henry
Tyler Jason Henry
Sophia Katherine Hewerdine
Lucas Alexander Hood
Logan Phillip Jeurissen
Faith Lyn Lampe
Johanna Ilene Langley
Isabelle Joy Levingston
Maxwell Cort McCabe
Deakin Frederick Moore
Isaac Julian Neverman
Dallas Jordan Porter
Mackenzie Rose Pound
Olivia Grace Rawdin
Kyla Lanae Reed
Jillian Brooke Schlittler
Liana Grace Sheets
Shelby Lynn Smith
Lauren Patricia Stratton
Ian John Taber
Sophia Louise Jean Toney
Alexander Lane Wells
Claire Morgan Zorns

Eighth Grade
High Honor Roll
Jenna Blair Adams
Avery Jean Alagna
Lindy Marie Bates
Molly Kay Baxley
Paige Leeanne Brewer
Noah Michael Bryant
Elle Makenna Cheely
Josephine Rose Cler
Madelyn Rae Darnall
Jordan Kathryn Daugherty
Ashlyn Brielle Denney
Kade Ryan Dubson
Ava Maureen Fenter
Catharine Elizabeth Ford
Sophia Safrona Frye
Sophia Ruth Hartke
Lauren Mellissa Hellmer
Dallas Anthony Hollingsworth
Alex Nathaniel Mowrer
Brady James Parr
Camryn Elizabeth Reedy
Ashley Lynn Rennels
Lydia Claire Rossi
Maegan Denise Rothe
Savannah Renee Rubin
Lauren Anne Shaw
Joseph Robert Tempel
Avery Elise Watson
McKinley Mae Weller

Honor Roll

Elizabeth Marie Anderson
Emmerson Matthew Bailey
Sophia Cathryn Beckett
Kolton Andrew Black
Michael Allan Bromley
Dakota Michael Brown-McClain
Bentten Matthew Cain
Logan Reid Church
Jacob Ivan Davidson
Ava Jane Davis
Ezekiel De Los Santos
Nathaniel Gojam DeNeal
Chloey Ryanne Duitsman
Piper Ann Farney
Paige Ann Garretson
Kadence Lynn Goff
Faith Marianne Hall
Caleb James Hoewing
Wyatt Matthew Huffstutler
Sydney Marie Jackson
Andrew Jason King
Elias Anthony Eugene Lawlyes
Kaitlynn Christine McEvoy
Avery Jarrod McGraw
Gracie Marie Meharry
Maliyah Marie Ortiz
Reigna Jolie Price
Taylor Aiyana Marie Prough
Oliver Mason Hyeok Joon Rawlings
Korben Dale Ray
Nolan Scott Remole
Garrett Francis Richardson
Ryan Benjamin Rink
Ryan James Robinson
Braden Allen Roderick
Brock Jacob Schlittler
Abigail Ruth Smith
Daniel Christopher Stein
Grant James Steinman
Owen Michael Taylor
Jacob Howell Thomas
Gavin Henry David Weaver
Jordan Jeanne Whittington
Tessah Rae Williams
Lauren Anne Williams-Scroggins
Nolan Allen Wishall

Who's making a difference in your town? Let us know

The Sentinel is searching for regular folks who are making a difference in the lives of others in the communities we cover. Among the 11,000 people among us are angels and we want to share their stories.

We are talking about your friends and neighbors who you know that quietly work small miracles for those around them. They make small ripples that become swells making your community stronger.

The Sentinel wants to find such people, the heroes and heroines, to highlight their acts of kindness and compassion as we approach the holidays. If you know such a person, let The Sentinel know. Email us at with the person's name and contact info (email or phone number).

Please limit suggestions to people who have strong ties to the six villages we serve. If they grew up here, work here or live here, we want to recognize their efforts in making our lives just a little bit better.

Christmas Parade in Philo December 4

A group of four women in Philo are pooling their collective talents to organize the first annual Village of Philo Christmas Parade. Julie Pioletti, Lisa Quinn, Cindy Schweighart and Lori Donovan are working together to bring a few hours of holiday cheer to friends and neighbors in the village.

The parade will make its way through town starting at 7 p.m. on December 4. Organizers are tying up one last detail before releasing the official route, which should be announced in the next week.

"We selected a route that allows for plenty of parking and open spaces to allow for social distancing," Pioletti said. "We need to confirm that we can use one more space before the map is posted."

The organizers want to light up the streets of Philo to put fellow residents in a festive, holiday mood and infuse the Christmas spirit throughout the village.

"We would like to take this time to invite you to participate in what we believe will be an exciting and memorable parade!" organizers said in a release. "We hope you will take the opportunity to decorate your golf cart, car, etc. with lights and festive decorations!"

It is not too late for your business or organization to register a float for the parade. There is no fee for this year's participants as there will not be a judged competition or entry contests.

The applications for entries are due November 20. All parade motorized entries must have a "lighted component to the float". In the event of severe and potentially dangerous weather - ice or snowstorm, driving rain with lightning - the parade will be cancelled.

One more thing - Santa imposters will not be permitted on parade entries. The official Santa Claus will be there and will appear at the end of the procession.

For more information contact Julie Pioletti at or call 217.649.2156.

Spectators are asked to observe the current public health recommendations during the parade.

Community shred day in Philo

The Philo Exchange Bank will host a Community Shred Day in Philo this Saturday in town at 401 N Lincoln.

The staff will accept up to five boxes or bags of material per person to be shredded during the hours from 9 to 11am.

Depositors are ask to bring non-perishable food or canned goods to donate to their food drive. Free snacks will be available

Visitors can also spin the Philo Exchange Bank wheel to win prizes during the two hour event. The grand prize is a programable multi-cooker. Other prizes include gift cards, uChoose Rewards Points, wireless bluetooth earpods, Philo Exchange Bank swag, and other items.

For more information call (217) 684-5500.

Transitions: Edwin Dalton, 82

Born October 8, 1937, in rural Piatt County, Edwin D. Dalton was the son of Harlin and Bernadeane Dalton. At the age of 82, passed away on Saturday, September 19, 2020 at Kirby Hospital, Monticello.

He married Alice Jane Rawley on November 26, 1961 in Philo, Illinois. She preceded him in death on March 2, 2007. Also preceding him in death was his brother Ellis, sister Phyllis and both parents.

He is survived by his children, Bill (Renee) Dalton and Glenda Dalton and one brother, George (Dianna) Dalton. Also surviving him are grandchildren Jacob (Erin) Dalton, Lucas (Cara) Dalton, Megan (Devon Mitsdarffer) Rawley and Gavin Rawley and great grandchildren Brecken and Eleanor Dalton.

Ed was a tenant farmer in the Monticello area as a young man then in 1961 was employed at the University of Illinois where he retired in 1994 from the Steam Distribution Shop.

Ed and Alice enjoyed camping and traveling. He was involved in the boy scouts, youth baseball and the Philo ESDA along with being active in Zion Lutheran Church of Philo. Ed enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren and cruising Philo in his golf cart.

The family would like to thank the wonderful staff of the Piatt County Nursing Home, Harbor Light Hospice, and Kirby Hospital for their exceptional care.

A private family service will be held at a later date. Interment will be in Locust Grove Cemetery, Philo, Illinois.

Memorial donations may be given to Zion Lutheran Church, 101 East Van Buren, Philo, Illinois 61864.

Unity JFL canceled this fall

Nine days before the start of the Unity Junior Football League program's first practice, league commissioner Jeff Purcell announced on Facebook the 2020 season was officially canceled.

"It was in our best interest to cancel the season due to the COVID pandemic," Purcell told group members. "It was a tough decision and most teams wanted to play, but as the new restrictions came out from the IHSA earlier this past week more and more teams were changing their minds and reversing course.

"Honestly, I don't blame them after reading emails from most of them this morning after the decision last night," he added saying it was not an easy decision. "We did the right thing!!"

Purcell indicated that the league administrators are looking at the possibility of reviving the youth football program this spring.

Champaign County has recorded 1,017 positive cases out of 42.214 tests for the Coronavirus since it began tracking the infection rate in March. The five towns that make up the Unity school district has seen 26 cases so far. Currently, the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District is tracking seven active cases in the area.

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