SJO senior spotlight with Zac Seeley

SJO senior soccer player Zac Seeley

St. Joseph

A younger brother and a younger sister

Running, fishing, playing soccer, playing video games, and hanging out with friends.

Favorite SJO memories:
He has enjoyed playing soccer at SJO, eating lunch with his friends each day and participating in Homecoming week all four years of high school.

Favorite classes:
Ag Construction, Ag Mech Tech, BSAA, Biology, and Intro to Ag

Favorite teachers:
Mr. Miller and Mr. Risley at St. Joseph Middle School and Mr. Don Beckett and Mr. William Billman at SJO.

Clubs & Activities:
Soccer (4 years) and Maroon Platoon

Career Plans:
He enlisted in U.S. Army and is currently in Fort Jackson, South Carolina, undergoing basic combat training.

Advice to future SJO students:
Get your homework finished on time.

Text provided by St. Joseph-Ogden High School. Photos by Clark Brooks.

Spartan Spotlight with senior Hannah Rajlich

2020 St. Joseph-Ogden High School grad Hannah Rajlich likes to cook. Either way, that's probably a good thing considering her chosen career path in studying the science of food.

Hannah Rajlich runs her leg of the 4x800 relay at the IHSA state track meet in 2018. The third-place finish helped SJO secure the Class 1A state title that year. Photo: PhotoNews Media/Clark Brooks
This fall, the two-sport athlete in cross county and track athlete whose dream is one day becoming an Olympic team nutritionist, will move to College Station, Texas, where she will join the Department of Nutrition and Food Science at Texas A&M. She said she likes baking more than cooking.

"My favorite (thing to make) would have to be Oreo cheesecake," Rajlich admitted. "I learned to bake by myself, but my grandma was the one who got me into it when I was young."

She is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen and like the races she ran the last four seasons with the Spartans, she doesn't give up when things don't necessarily go right the first time.

"I actually don’t have many kitchen failures," she explained. "One time I did try to make a strawberry pie - when I was like 12? - without a recipe and it didn’t turn out too great."

There are three people she would enjoy having over for a home cooked meal and good conversation. Her top three choices for dinner guests include her grandmother, Taylor Swift, Olympic gold medalist Emma Coburn, who specializes in the steeplechase.

"With my Granny we would just catch up on life," Rajlich said. "With Taylor Swift we would talk about how she became so successful and with Emma Coburn I would ask her about her training and Olympic experience."

Besides baking and spending time in the kitchen, her hobbies include traveling, hanging out with friends and family, and, of course, running.

"My top three places to travel to are Jamaica, Prague, and Bora Bora," Rajlich said. "I’ve been to Jamaica a few times now, and it’s my favorite place to travel to, plus I have so many good memories with my family there!"

She has also been to Prague in the past, too. She can't wait to return there in the future. The capital city in Czech Republic city is known for its architecture and is home of the Trdelnik, a sweet treat like a cinnamon roll which is wrapped around a pole, grilled, and then topped with a walnut mix and sugar.

"That's where my Dad is from, and where my grandparents grew up," said the St. Joseph native, who has four siblings, two older brothers, one younger sister, and one younger brother.

The South Pacific paradise of Bora Bora is at the top of her list of places she has visit and you can't really blame her.

Rajlich said, "It has always been my "dream' vacation because of the beautiful beaches and the unique location."

When she was not competing or doing training runs, Rajlich was involved in with National Honor Society, on Student Council and in Spanish Club at SJO. She also was a member of AMP and in the Spartans' student cheering section, Maroon Platoon.

Her advice for future SJO students is to get involved and to soak in the whole high school experience because it goes by so fast.

Despite not having a senior track season due to the Covid-19 Pandemic this spring, Rajlich leaves SJO with seven IHSA state medals and a pair of All-State ones to boot. She played a major role in running program bringing home the five state trophies and two championship titles the running program secured during her tenure. Heading into her final season she had high hopes for the SJO running program this spring with her sight set on the Spartans winning one more state trophy before her scholastic running career ended.

"My most memorable medal would have to be my 2016 State Champion XC medal," she said reminiscing about her first prep IHSA state final. Rajlich represented the Spartans in both track and cross country all four years of high school. "I was our team’s fifth runner as a freshman and we won the meet far ahead (of) the second place (team)."

Rajlich runs a lap around Detweiller Park in her last cross country race of her high school career last November. Photo: PhotoNews Media/Clark Brooks
There is a second medal in her possession, one that she earned her sophomore year during track season, that also carries a fone memory attached to it.

"My second would be my 2018 4x800 3rd place All-State medal, when I ran a PR as our third leg in the pouring rain, helping contribute to our team State Champion trophy."

Her relay squad, featuring junior Rylee Sjuts along with seniors Zea Maroon and Sam Mabry, finished third in that race with a time of 9:51.85. SJO won the Class 1A state title with 43 points besting second place finishers Farmington and St. Teresa, who took third place.

"I have had so many great teammates over the years," she said. "Coming in as a freshman, Keely Smith was someone I really looked up to, and helped me become a leader for our team.

"She did everything right, even when things got really tough for her. And, she is one of the nicest people I know!"

Looking way, way, way into the future, before she retires, Rajlich has a couple of goals she would like to accomplish.

"Before I retire, I would definitely like to work with athletes and maybe have my own practice or business."

Senior spotlights with Aubrey Kern, Cody Johnston & Kristen Costa

Aubrey Kern

Clubs & Activities
Volleyball (1 year)
Student Council, Maroon Platoon

St. Joseph

Older brother

Hanging out with family and friends

Favorite SJO memories:
Going to all of the home games and Homecoming and Prom week.

Favorite classes:
All of her English classes and Biology

Favorite teachers:
Mr. Risley and Mrs. Kinney at St. Joseph Middle School and Mr. Kiel Duval and Mrs. Heather Lindenmeyer at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Parkland College, Undecided major

Advice to future SJO students:
Have as much fun as you can and to not take anything for granted.

Cody Johnston

Clubs & Activities
Bass Fishing, Scholastic Bowl, We The People, Rube Goldberg Team, Marching Band, SADA

St. Joseph

Fishing, riding motorcycles, and playing video games

Favorite SJO memories:
He earned first place in his We The People unit, and he also earned first place in percussion at one of his marching band competitions. Cody also enjoyed participating on the Rube Goldberg team.

Favorite classes:
Biology, Physics, U.S. History, Civics, and Calculus

Favorite teachers:
Mr. Risley at St. Joseph Middle School and Mrs. Jeanna Kerner, Mr. Robert Glazier, Mr. Marshall Schacht, and Mrs. Lianne Rash at SJO

Parkland College, majoring in Engineering

Technical training:
Electrical Union Apprenticeship

Advice to future SJO students:
Pursue extracurricular activities and to do your homework.

Kristen Costa

Clubs & Activities
Student Council-Class President, Student Council-Student Body President, AMP, Spanish Club, Maroon Platoon, NHS, Drama Club, We The People

St. Joseph

One younger brother, one older brother, and one older sister

Singing, donating her time for volunteer work, and hanging out with friends and family

Favorite SJO memories:
Her greatest memories involvement in Student Council. She was elected into the IASC (Illinois Association of Student Council), and she was the first ever SJO student elected to serve as Vice President of this organization. Kristen also really enjoyed planning out the Kickapoo District Convention for Student Council.

Favorite classes:
All of her Spanish classes and Biology

Favorite teachers:
Mr. Dassow and Mrs. Ford at St. Joseph Middle School and Senor Zak Sutton and Mr. Marshall Schacht at SJO.

Illinois College, majoring Spanish education (K-12).

Advice to future SJO students:
Enjoy what you have when you have it, and do not take anything for granted.

Text & photos provided by St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Senior Spotlights on SJO's Paige DeMay, Nick Copeland & Isabelle Vliet

Paige DeMay

Clubs & Activities
Track and Field (3 years)
Soccer (1 year)
Maroon Platoon, Band, FFA

St. Joseph

Older brother

Running, being around pets, and working at Red Lobster

Favorite SJO memories:
She really appreciates the tight knit community and the overall positive classroom setting at SJO. She has enjoyed all of the fun times with her friends.

Favorite classes:
Any class with Mrs. Kelly Steffen, Mr. Don Beckett, and Mr. Marshall Schacht.

Favorite teachers:
Mrs. James at St. Joseph Grade School, Mrs. Stone at St. Joseph Middle School, and Mr. Beckett at SJO.

Illinois State University, majoring in Veterinary Medicine

Advice to future SJO students:
Keep parents in the loop all four years of high school, learn time management skills, and to be involved in as many activities as possible.

Latest business news about SJO graduates and area residents

Nick Copeland

Clubs & Activities
Maroon Platoon

St. Joseph

A younger brother and younger sister

Bowling and hanging out with his friends

Favorite SJO memories:
He enjoyed being in the Maroon Platoon, especially during all of the IHSA State games and rivalry games as well as all of the Homecoming dances each year at SJO.

Favorite classes:
Ag Construction with Mr. William Billman, American History with Mr. Marshall Schacht, and Chemistry with Mr. Kevin Simondsen.

Favorite teachers:
Mrs. Steele and Mrs. Stierwalt at St. Joseph Grade School; Mr. Risley, Mr. Steele, and Mrs. Becky Ford at St. Joseph Middle School; and Mr. Billman, Mr. Richard Vetter, Mr. Simondsen, Mr. Schacht, Mr. Jeff Kieffer, Mr. Kiel Duval, and Ms. Susan Pensinger at SJO.

Parkland College, majoring in Construction Management. After Parkland, his plan includes a transfer to a four-year Architecture program.

Advice to future SJO students:
Do all of your homework and to enjoy high school while you can because it will be over before you know it.

Isabelle Vliet

Clubs & Activities
Student Council, SADA, Maroon Platoon, Maroon Platoon Leader, Spanish-Hacky Sack Club, Food Pantry Helper

St. Joseph

Four sisters: one older sister and three younger sisters.

Hanging out with her sisters, hanging out with her friends, working on arts and crafts, and practicing photography.

Favorite SJO memories:
She enjoyed going to prom as a freshman, and she has really enjoyed being a part of the Maroon Platoon. As a big time Spartan fan, she enjoyed being a part of the IHSA State Volleyball Championship Game during her freshman year, the IHSA State Girls’ Basketball Third Place Game her junior year, and the IHSA Volleyball Super-Sectional Game at Palos Heights when the Spartans won in three sets.

Favorite classes:
All of her Spanish classes with Senor Zak Sutton; U.S. History, Economics, and Civics with Mr. Marshall Schacht; and art with Mr. Jake Beccue.

Favorite teachers:
Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Camp at St. Joseph Grade School; Mrs. Becky Ford and Mrs. Jeffers at St. Joseph Middle School; and Mr. Schacht, Mr. Beccue, Senor Sutton, and Senora Nelson at SJO.

Parkland College, majoring in Nursing. Inspired by her mother, she plans to attend a four-year university and eventually earn a Master’s Degree.

Advice to future SJO students:
Get involved in the Maroon Platoon and to go to Homecoming, prom, and post prom.

Text & photos provided by St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

A mission to help others, Spartan spotlight with senior Anna Wentzloff

This fall, Anna Wentzloff plans to attend Parkland College and eventually transfer to the University of Illinois where she will major in human and family development. The senior's goal is to become a Certified Child Life Specialist.

Pediatric oncology, the study and treatment for cancers that develop in infants, adolescents, and teens, need these clinically trained specialists to help young patients and their families navigate the often traumatic uncertainty during cancer treatment. It takes a person with strong moral character, compassion and a strong, loving spirit to help families cope with the unsure road ahead of them.

For Wentzloff, a three-sport athlete all four years at St. Joseph-Ogden, joining the growing number medical professionals in this relatively new field became her mission in life after receiving the life-altering news in August of 2018 that she had Hodgkin Lymphoma. Now, after winning her battle, she wants to help others through the stress and uncertainty that she experienced first hand.

"It was a very scary and emotional time," she said. To this day, she appreciates the way the community rallied behind her during her treatment. "The love and support I received from the community on my road to recovery was very humbling."

One her best memories from high school was the volleyball team's fundraising benefit that fall to help her family with with medical expenses. The four-year veteran volleyball player is very thankful for all of the support from students, teachers, teammates, and the community during that tough time.

"From the fundraising for medical expenses, to making sure I was represented with the team by putting my jersey on the bench when I couldn’t be there, to the cards I received daily, it is really what helped me get through it."

Wentzloff, who lives in St. Joseph with her mother and sister, also played basketball, her favorite sport, for four years at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

"If I could be a professional athlete I would play women's basketball. I have always loved the sport," Wentzloff explained. "Basketball is one of the very first sports I ever played. I have always enjoyed both watching and playing. I love being a part of the team and have made some great memories in the sport."

She is the only senior graduating this year at SJO who a member of a Final Four team in two different sports, basketball and volleyball, that made trips to the IHSA state finals at Red Bird Arena. She also threw shot and discus for four years on the Spartan track team.

When she wasn't practicing or competing in one of her three sports, Wentzloff could be found cheering on fellow students as both a member and leader of the Maroon Platoon. She even found time to be a part of Spanish Club, FCA and SADA while at SJO. Among other things, she also likes to watch Netflix and spending time with her family and friends.

If she could have an elegant dinner with three famous people, she said one of them would have to be Anthony Rizzo.

"I am a huge Cub’s fan and Anthony Rizzo is my favorite player. He was also diagnosed with the same cancer, Hodgkin Lymphoma, when he was 18 years old at the beginning of his baseball career," she said. "It is very inspiring to see what he has accomplished after going through his own diagnosis and treatment."

Knowing Rizzo's story and seeing the success he has enjoyed is an inspiration for Wentzloff. She feel like she can also accomplish anything she sets her mind to accomplish.

"I also love how he gives back through his foundation, helping kids and their families. This is something I hope to do in my future."

Her second guest would be Ellen DeGeneres. She started watching Ellen’s show often while she was undergoing her treatments.

"She is really funny and would make me smile and laugh. I love how her mission is to spread kindness. I also love how she has real people on her show and tells their stories," she said. "There are a lot of amazing people out in the world and I’m glad that she uses her show to spotlight them."

Her last guest would be award winning author J.K Rowling.

Rylee Stall (left) and Wentzloff pose with the rest of the volleyball seniors and their parents on senior night back in October of 2019. (Photo: PhotoNews Media/Clark Brooks)

"I really like her stories and I am inspired by her own personal story," she said. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter series. "It is amazing how she really had nothing but worked hard and is now one of the most influential authors of all time whose stories are loved by children and adults."

More than likely she would have her posse with her. The pair, sisters Atleigh and Alyssa Hamilton, never fail to put a smile on her face.

"[They] are both really good friends of mine. They are great people, awesome athletes and so much fun to be around," Wentzloff said. "I will miss them like crazy next year."

If life returns to pre-Covid normalcy, the SJO graduate admits she won't miss remote learning.

"E-learning has been an adjustment and has taken some getting used to," she said. She added that she tends to be a more of a hands-on student. Her math classes with Mrs. Lianne Rash, Mr. Kiel Duval, Mrs. Ashley Krisman, and Mrs. Kelly Steffen were among her favorite in high school. "I would prefer to be in the classroom but it prepares me for the future the experience is definitely beneficial.

"My suggestion to students to make E-learning better is to communicate to your teachers. They are there to help and want you to be successful so don’t be afraid to reach out to them."

"My favorite teachers at SJO all care about their students so much and support them in so many different ways both inside and outside of the classroom," she said. Over the years, Anna’s favorite teachers include Mrs. Kinney, Mr. Risley, and Mrs. Bayles.

She is especially grateful for the support and strong shoulders of one teacher in particular that helped her while she persevered through the rigorous academic challenges in the classroom and cancer treatment.

"One of my favorite teachers, Mrs. [Jennifer] Brooks, who has always helped me with my academics, was also there for me during my cancer treatment and recovery," Wentzloff said. At school, she looked forward to her study hall time with Brooks. She shared one memory:

"About a month after I had been diagnosed, I was really losing my hair. I was very emotional about it and was having a hard time transitioning to what was happening. I also had homecoming and other events coming up. Mrs. Brooks along with one of her good friends was able to get me a wig in a very quick amount of time."

Brooks' kindness and compassion was magical.

"This helped me as I transitioned and gave me the confidence I needed and helped me feel better. She really went above and beyond and I am very grateful."

Wentzloff has yet to travel outside of the US. However, on her list of places to visit are Israel, Australia and France.

"I would like to travel to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower and try some of the amazing food there," she said. "I would also like to go to Australia to see the Great Barrier Reef and to the Holy Land to walk where Jesus walked."

The Class of 2020 grad has a few words of advice for the incoming class of students at SJO. "Get involved," she stressed. "Enjoy every minute, and do not take anything for granted."

Tuesday spotlight on seniors Tristan Fuqua, Austin Carnes & Caleb Evans

Tristan Fuqua

Clubs & Activities
Maroon Platoon

St. Joseph

A younger sister

Playing guitar, archery, and he enjoys mechanics and motorcycles.

Favorite classes:
Ag Construction and Ag Mech Tech

Favorite teachers:
Mrs. Mabry at St Joseph Middle School, and Senor Zak Sutton and Mrs. Heather Lindenmeyer at St. Joseph-Ogden High School

Parkland College

Advice to future SJO students:
Have fun and enjoy yourself.

Austin Carnes

Clubs & Activities
Track & Field

Originally from Crestview, Florida, he lives in Ogden

An older sister and two younger brothers

Watching any sports from football and basketball to golf

Favorite SJO memories:
His first track meet this past February at the U of I Armory.

Favorite classes:
Economics and Sociology

Favorite teachers:
Mr. Marshall Schacht, Mr. Ryan Searby, Mr. Jeff Kieffer, and Mrs. Jeanna Kerner.

University of Kansas, majoring Personal Finance and Accounting

Advice to future SJO students:
Take care of your school work starting your freshman year to keep a strong GPA throughout your high school career.

Caleb Evans

Clubs & Activities
Wrestling,Chorus, Maroon Platoon

St. Joseph

Three older brothers, a younger brother and a younger sister

Fishing, archery, and woodworking

Favorite SJO memories:
He enjoyed participating in wrestling and chorus.

Favorite classes:
World Geography with Mr. Jeff Kieffer

Favorite teachers:
Mr. William Billman and Mrs. Mary Benoit

Parkland College, majoring in Construction

Favorite quote:
"Don’t let others decide your path in life; make it your own."

Graduating from college with an undergraduate or advance degree? Let us know. Read more ...

Text & photos provided by St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Senior Spotlight on Jarrett Stevenson

Clubs & Football (4 years)
Baseball (1 year)
Track and Field (1 year)

St. Joseph

Three older sisters

Going to church and practicing computer coding

Favorite SJO memories:
His greatest memories at SJO revolve around the football team. He enjoyed playing in the IHSA Football Playoffs the past two years. Towards the end of Jarrett’s junior year, he became the starting running back for the SJO football team, which was inspiring for Jarrett. The feeling of brotherhood was incredible for Jarrett, and he will always remember these great moments.

Favorite classes:
Spanish III with Mr. Zak Sutton and Trigonometry with Mrs. Lianne Rash

Favorite teachers:
His mom (K-8), Mr. Stephenson, Senor Sutton, and Mrs. Rash.

College of DuPage, majoring in Culinary Arts

Advice to future SJO students:
Do not take anything for granted because high school goes by so quickly.

Text provided by St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

From the Editor:
The magnificiently talented Carson Mills

By Clark Brooks, Editor & Publisher

Yesterday, I missed something when I wrote The Sentinel's Spartan Spotlight on Carson Mills.

A member of Art Club at St. Joseph-Ogden High School and future graphic designer, I had asked Carson to send me a couple of samples of her work to include in her senior highlight. I totally missed the attachments at the bottom of her reply to me. If the illustrations she sent were a worm, they would have infected my entire computer network.

I opened the first image and involuntarily gasped, "OMG!" I was, undeniably, in awe. Still thoroughly, and I mean sincerely impressed, the second sample she sent ilicited an identical response.

After spending a good twenty minutes soaking in the attention to detail, use of colors, and the subtle shading and blending colors, I berated myself - and even as I pen this an hour later - for not being able to use pieces she sent for me to share in her Spartan Spotlight.

On my bucket list of vanity businesses to own, an art gallery is near the top flanked by an internet coffee shop and language school. If I had a gallery or restaurant or little coffee place in Ogden or St. Joseph, I would proudly sponsor mini-openings to showcase the work of incredibly talented young artists like Mills' and other high school artists in the community.

In her interview Mills said, "In ten years I see myself designing product advertisements or logos for a large company such as Coke or Disney."

With her artistic ability logos are just the tip of the iceberg of the what her talent and skills will create in years to come.

Pencil drawings by Carson Mills • Senior • Class of 2020

Are you a local artist? Know someone who is and we should feature? The Sentinel would love to hear from you. Email us at

Shining stars of SJO, senior spotlights with Samantha Gonzales, Jenna Schaefer & Erin Bridgewater

Samantha Gonzales

Clubs & Activities
Marching Band (4 years)

St. Joseph

Older sister

Flute and being around animals

Favorite SJO memories:
A memory that she will never forget is when the SJO Marching Band finishing in 3rd place at the University of Illinois Marching Band Competition. In fact, her best high school memories all revolve around band.

Favorite classes:
Band and Chemistry

Favorite teachers:
Mr. Dassow and Mrs. Mabry at St. Joseph Middle School and Mr. Kevin Simondsen and Mrs. Heather Lindenmeyer at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Eastern Illinois University, double major in Music Performance and Criminology

Advice to future SJO students:
Participate in extracurricular events and to get your schoolwork done.

Jenna Schaefer

Clubs & Activities
Band (4 years)
Drama Club, Scholastic Bowl, Rube Goldberg Team, NHS, Spanish Club, We The People

St. Joseph

Younger sister

Hiking, traveling, watching TV, and hanging out with family and friends.

Favorite SJO memories:
She has enjoyed everything about the SJO Marching Band. During her junior year, she enjoyed being a part of the musical and post-prom as well.

Favorite classes:
Spanish, Economics, Intro to Social Studies, PE, Algebra II, and Geography

Favorite teachers:
Mrs. Kirk at St. Joseph Grade School; Mrs. Jeffers at St. Joseph Middle School; and Mr. Marshall Schacht, Mr. Jeff Kieffer, Senor Zak Sutton, Senora Nelson, and Mr. Kevin Simondsen at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

University of Illinois, majoring in Environmental Economics and Policy.

Advice to future SJO students:
Get involved, be a part of all of the offered activities, and be nice to all of your teachers.

Erin Bridgewater

Clubs & Activities
Band (4 years)
We The People, Drama Club, Art Club

St. Joseph

Video games and learning Japanese

Favorite SJO memories:
Most center around her experience in the SJO Marching Band. During her senior year, the SJO Marching Band earned a 3rd place finish or higher in each of their six marching band competitions. This was a great achievement that she was a huge part of.

Favorite classes:
Band all four years of high school, Horticulture with Mrs. Duitsman, and all of her science classes.

Favorite teachers:
Mrs. Fitzsimmons at St. Joseph Grade School, Mrs. Jeffers at St. Joseph Middle School, and she has enjoyed classes with all of her teachers at SJO.

Eastern Illinois University, majoring in Computer Information Technology.

Advice to future SJO students:
Take your classes seriously and to do all of your homework.

Text & photos provided by St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

2020 Spotlight on St. Joseph-Ogden seniors Brendan Cooperider, Logan Lindsey & Mason McLain

Mason McLain

Clubs & Activities
Baseball (4 years)
Maroon Platoon
Spanish Club

St. Joseph

Older sister

Playing video games and hanging out with friends.

Favorite SJO memories:
His junior year baseball season. The Spartans had a great year last year, and he was excited to play baseball again this spring. He knows the SJO baseball team could have really done something this spring.

Favorite classes:
Civics with Mr. Marshall Schacht and Geography with Mr. Jeff Kieffer.

Favorite teachers:
Mr. Dunker at St. Joseph Grade School, Mr. Risley at St. Joseph Middle School, and Mr. Marshall Schacht and Mrs. Lianne Rash at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

University of Illinois, majoring in Kinesiology

Advice to future SJO students:
Dot take anything for granted and to enjoy all four years of high school.

Logan Lindsey

Clubs & Activities
Football (3 years)
Track and Field (2 years)
Wrestling (1 year)
Drama Club, Maroon Platoon

St. Joseph

One older sister and one younger brother

Writing and building his own computers

Favorite SJO memories:
Hanging out with his friends at lunch time and being around his friends playing sports. Logan developed a strong bond with his friends through athletics.

Favorite classes:
All of his math classes and science with Mr. Kevin Simondsen.

Favorite teachers:
Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Camp at St. Joseph Grade School; Mr. Risley and Mrs. Stone at St. Joseph Middle School; and Mr. Simondsen, Mrs. Morgan Downs, Mrs. Alisyn Franzen, and all of his math teachers at SJO.

Parkland College, majoring in computer programming

Advice to future SJO students:
Pay attention and to get your homework done

Brendan Cooperider

Clubs & Activities
Football (4 years)
Baseball (4 years)
Student Council, Spanish Club, NHS, Maroon Platoon

St. Joseph

Weightlifting and learning about cars

Favorite SJO memories:
His greatest memories at SJO revolve around the baseball team, which he enjoyed being a part of for all four years. One memory that stood out was the SJO Invite in May 2019, a round robin tourney hosted at SJO each year.

Favorite classes:
U.S. History and Civics

Favorite teachers:
Mr. Risley, Mr. Steele, and Mrs. Ford at St. Joseph Middle School and Mr. Kiel Duval and Mr. Marshall Schacht at SJO.

University of Iowa, majoring in Mechanical Engineering

Career goal:
Become a part of the Formula SAE race team.

Advice to future SJO students:
Learn time management skills early on

Text & photos provided by St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Spotlight on SJO senior Connor Lusk

Connor Lusk does a 230kg deadlift at the Illini Uplift for Muscular Dystrophy powerlifting competition on March 11 in 2019. Lusk, then a junior also squated 180 kg and maxed out on the bench press at 140 kg on Saturday. He finished first in his division and 11th overall. Hosted by the Illini Powerlifting Club, proceeds from the event were donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. (Photo: PhotoNews Media/Clark Brooks)

Connor Lusk

High School Clubs & Activities
Wrestling (1 year)
Maroon Platoon

St. Joseph

Competitive powerlifting, playing the bass guitar, and helping others at the gym.

Favorite SJO memory:
His greatest memories at SJO revolve around the weight room. He remembers back in his sophomore year when he started weightlifting. He will never forget how he deadlifted over 600 pounds in front of everyone.

Favorite classes:
U.S. History, World History, and Sociology

Favorite teachers:
Mrs. Mabry, Mrs. Svenson, and Mrs. Kinney at St. Joseph Middle School and Mr. Jeff Kieffer, Mr. Marshall Schacht, Mrs. Don Beckett, and Mr. Shawn Skinner at SJO.

Parkland College in the Pathways Program

Advice to future SJO students:
Have fun, don’t blow off your classes, and to pay attention.

Text provided by St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Senior Spotlights with Anna Tranel, Konnor George & Nathan Maier

Anna Tranel

Clubs & Activities
Track and Field (4 years)
Maroon Platoon, Spanish Club

St. Joseph

Four siblings: one older brother, one younger sister, and two younger brothers.

Running, writing with sidewalk chalk, and hanging out with friends

Favorite SJO memories:
She enjoyed going to all of the home football games and the powderpuff game before Homecoming during her senior year.

Favorite classes:
All of her math classes, U.S. History, Civics, and Advanced Biology.

Favorite teachers:
Mr. Risley and Mrs. Ford at St. Joseph Middle School and Mr. Marshall Schacht, Senor Zak Sutton, Ms. Kelly Steffen, and Mrs. Ashley Krisman at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Parkland College or Augustana University, majoring actuary science

Advice to future SJO students:
Make the most of high school and enjoy it because you never know when it will end.

Konnor George

Clubs & Activities

St. Joseph

Four siblings: one older sister, two younger sisters, and one younger brother.

His hobbies revolve around music. He really enjoys playing the guitar.

Favorite SJO memory:
Homecoming during his freshman year

Favorite classes:
World History and Geography with Mr. Kieffer, and U.S. History and Civics with Mr. Beckett.

Favorite teachers:
Mrs. Steele at St. Joseph Middle School and Mr. Jeff Kieffer, Mr. Shawn Skinner, Mr. William Billman, and Mrs. Alisyn Franzen at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Career Plans:
Plans to join the U.S. Army and possibly have a career in a law enforcement.

Advice to future SJO students:
Do homework and to stay on task.

Graduating from college with an undergraduate or advance degree? Tell us!

Nathan Maier

Clubs & Activities
Basketball (3 years)
Football (1 year)

St. Joseph

Two older brothers

Reading books, working on his computer, practicing photography, filming, and hanging out with family.

Favorite SJO memories:
His positive times being a part of the boys’ basketball team as a manager during his junior and senior years. Nathan felt motivated to be a part of the basketball family, and he will always remember these moments.

Favorite classes:
Trigonometry with Mr. Kiel Duval and Spanish with Senor Zak Sutton.

Favorite teachers:
Mr. Jeff Kieffer, Senor Zak Sutton, and Mrs. Heather Lindenmeyer

Parkland College, Business

Advice to future SJO students:
Always try to reach out if you need help because St. Joseph is such a welcoming community.

Text & photos provided by St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Senior Spotlight with Emily Hardimon, Lucas Downing & Faith Dahman

Faith Dahman

Clubs & Activities
Cheer (4 years), Track & Field (2 years), NHS President, SADA President, AMP, Future Spartans Mentoring Program, Spanish Club Leader, Bible Club Leader, Maroon Platoon, SJO Handbook Committee, Drama Club, We The People

St. Joseph

Younger brother

working at Sholem Pool, walking, and spending time with family and friends.

Favorite SJO memories:
She enjoyed mentoring in the Advisory Mentoring Program and being a part of the Future Spartans Mentoring Program. She also enjoyed her time as an SJO cheerleader, especially during the Homecoming games and at all of the Homecoming assemblies.

Favorite classes:
Advanced Civics with Mr. Marshall Schacht, Trigonometry with Mr. Kiel Duval, and U.S. History with Mr. Don Beckett.

Favorite teachers:
Mrs. Lubinski and Mrs. Ford at St. Joseph Middle School and Senor Zak Sutton and Mr. Schacht at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

University of Illinois, double major in Pre-Law and Political Science.

Advice to future SJO students:
Get involved in as many sports, activities, and clubs as you can.

Lucas Downing

Clubs & Activities
Soccer (2 years)
FFA, Maroon Platoon, Drama Club


Older sister and two younger brothers

Playing baseball, riding four-wheelers, and hanging out with friends.

Favorite SJO memories:
He thoroughly enjoyed FFA in high school, and he highly suggests joining FFA to all SJO students.

Favorite classes:
BSAA with Mrs. Duitsman and Mr. Pfundstein and Geometry with Mr. Kiel Duval.

Favorite teachers:
Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Anderson at PVO and Mr. Duval and Mr. Don Beckett at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Northwest Lineman College in Florida

Advice to future SJO students:
Be excellent, stay on top of your homework, and do not fall behind.

Graduating from college with an undergraduate or advance degree? Let us know. Read more ...

Faith Hardimon

Clubs & Activities
Spanish Club, SADA, Maroon Platoon, We The People

St. Joseph

Younger sister

Playing tennis, playing sand volleyball, and painting.

Favorite SJO memories:
Over the years, she has enjoyed post prom and playing hacky sack before school. She has also been a big part of the Maroon Platoon. During her senior year, she was one of the many road warriors from the Maroon Platoon that traveled to Unity High School to cheer on the SJO varsity volleyball team to victory. It is a moment she will never forget.

Favorite classes:
Spanish with Senor Zak Sutton, and all of the classes she had with Mr. Marshall Schacht as a teacher.

Favorite teachers:
Mrs. McDonald at St. Joseph Grade School, Mrs. Thompson at St. Joseph Middle School, and Mr. Schacht, Senor Sutton, and Mrs. Heather Lindenmeyer at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

Illinois State University, majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders with a minor in Spanish.

Advice to future SJO students:
Enjoy their senior year and to go to as many sporting events as possible.

Text & photos provided by St. Joseph-Ogden High School.

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