Small business employ 44% of workers in Illinois, two laws set to expire will hurt if not renewed

by Terri Dee
Illinois News Connection

A large tax hike could appear soon, that would affect Illinois' small businesses still rebounding from the pandemic. One group hopes Congress will act before two bills expire, and the tax increase takes effect.

A small business advocacy group, The National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) says one of them - the 20% Small Business Deduction Act - was created to align small business tax rates with those of larger corporate competitors.

The group's Vice President for Federal Government Relations Jeff Brabant said...

"It's difficult for small businesses to be able to compete with a lot of their larger competitors, and increasing prices isn't always a great option for them," said Brabant. "If you're an employee and you go to a small employer who may not have the money to be able to offer great benefits, versus a large employer who can offer those benefits, it's always going to put the smaller employer at a little bit of a disadvantage."

If Congress decides not to renew the 20% Small Business Deduction Act, Brabant predicted that 90% of America's businesses would face additional barriers to growth and hiring more workers.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration's 2023 Profile report, Illinois has slightly more than 2 million small business employees - which account for 44% of the state's employees.

The other law up for review by the House is the Main Street Tax Certainty Act, which permits small businesses to deduct up to 20% of their qualified business income and make it a permanent deduction.

Brabant noted that the NFIB strongly supports both measures, which expire on December 31, 2025 - and have bipartisan support.

As the country waits to see the presidential election results, he said he believes the plight of small businesses should be the "number one issue" on Congress's mind.

"It shouldn't be a Republican or Democratic issue," said Brabant. "This should be 'small businesses are the foundation of the economy,' and I don't think anyone wants to see Main Street businesses have a tax hike."

Brabant said the organization is glad both presidential candidates have talked about small businesses, because these discussions don't always occur.

He said NFIB's focus is to educate and increase Congress' awareness, and he said he hopes they will act sooner rather than later.

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Keywords: Illinois small business tax increase, 20% Small Business Deduction Act, Main Street Tax Certainty Act, Small business tax reform 2025, Impact of tax hike on small businesses

Money Matters |
Low down payment mortgages help first-time home buyers

(Brandpoint) - Traditionally, saving up for a 20% down payment has been the largest obstacle for aspiring homeowners and this challenge is even more acute when interest rates drive monthly mortgage payments higher. Despite higher rates cooling home sales last year, hundreds of thousands of first-time homebuyers leveraged private mortgage insurance (MI) to put as little as 3% down to access homeownership.

It would take the average homebuyer 27 years to save for the down payment and closing costs.

According to a report released by U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI), 64% of homebuyers who used private MI last year did so to purchase their first homes and to begin building equity, a 6% increase in first-time buyers' share of the market from 2020. Considering a 20% down payment on the national median home price of approximately $425,000 is $85,000, many aspiring homeowners without the resources to make large cash down payments understandably choose private MI. After all, putting 5% down on that same home requires saving only $21,000 in comparison. USMI reports that 35% of homebuyers using private MI in 2023 had annual incomes lower than $75,000.

"Private MI remains one of the most helpful tools available to first-time and low- to moderate-income buyers in the market. Private MI helps borrowers overcome the large down payment barrier to affordably and sustainably qualify for financing and start reaping the benefits of homeownership years earlier," said USMI Board Chairman and Enact President and CEO Rohit Gupta.

In 2023, private MI helped 800,000 buyers purchase homes using low down payment mortgages, and 39 million homebuyers have achieved this cornerstone of the American dream with private MI since it was first introduced. If a 20% down payment were required, it would take the average homebuyer 27 years to save for the down payment and closing costs, three times longer than the time it would take to save for the 5% down payment that is often used with private MI. Fortunately, you don't need a 20% down payment to become a homeowner.

USMI President Seth Appleton described the role that private MI plays for housing affordability and access as "opening the homebuying experience up to working families, including first-time buyers. People do not need to save for 20, 30 and even 40 years to meet the mythical - but not required - 20% down payment threshold to be able to afford their first house; instead, millions of homebuyers have achieved the American dream of homeownership and started building their wealth and equity by using private MI."

Another advantage for homebuyers, according to USMI, is that private MI is a temporary cost; monthly borrower-paid MI can cancel after the homeowner establishes sufficient equity either through regular payments or home price appreciation. When mortgage insurance is canceled, the borrower's monthly overall payment goes down.

There are many financing options for homebuyers to consider. Learn how you might be able to use private MI to start your homebuying process at, a resource launched by USMI to offer homebuyers low down payment mortgage information and dispel the myth that a 20% down payment is required to become a homeowner.


How cattle grazing protects and benefits the land

Photo provided
(Brandpoint) - With cattle ranching featured front and center in America's living rooms due to the popularity of shows highlighting the western lifestyle, and with Climate Week piquing interest in sustainability, it's a good time to raise awareness about how farmers and ranchers - and their cattle - do a lot more for the country and environment than just being the backdrop of a popular western drama series.

According to the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, it's about ranchers as stewards of sustainable land management, their cattle playing a crucial role in mitigating climate change and wildfires, and beef's role in a healthy, sustainable diet.

New research links cattle grazing to wildfire mitigation
New research by the USDA Agricultural Research Service recently reported some surprising findings: Grazing can benefit invasive sagebrush communities and more than that, can combat wildfires. With much of the western U.S. beset by wildfires in recent years, it is crucial for people living in those areas to understand that cattle grazing actively mitigates the effects and spread of fires by consuming plants that would otherwise act as fuel.

Outdated dogma suggests livestock grazing in the sagebrush steppe in western rangelands negatively impacts those ecosystems. This new research, published in the scientific journal Ecosphere, found the opposite is true. According to the report, the ARS discovered that "strategically applying livestock grazing prior to the occurrence of climate-induced wildfires can modify sagebrush steppe characteristics in ways that decrease fire probability in the communities, promote biodiversity while reducing postfire annual grass invasion, fire-induced loss of native bunchgrasses and fire damage to soil biocrusts."

In plain language, it means that if cattle graze on the sagebrush steppe regularly, it will induce shorter flame lengths if a fire occurs, slow the rate of fire spread and prevent invasive grasses from popping up after the fire moves through. That's because, when cattle graze, they're munching away on grass and plants that could otherwise act as fuel during wildfire season, and they're doing so on land that is most often unsuitable for growing crops.

How cattle grazing can benefit the land
"As we talk about climate change, and the dryness that we see, cows are a great mitigator of wildfires," said Janey VanWinkle, a fourth-generation cattle rancher in Colorado. "In a lot of areas where there are invasive plant species, for example, cheatgrass, cows will eat that forage down, which slows the burn once a wildfire is started."

Ranchers like the VanWinkle family are conservationists. While caring for their animals, they're also caring for the land.

"When talking about land use, you could ask, 'Could this land be used for producing crops and other types of food?' and the answer is, most likely not where I live, with one of the limiting factors here being water," VanWinkle explained.

The ways cattle grazing can benefit the land go even deeper than preventing wildfires. According to 2024 UC Davis research, grazing:

* Decreases the potential for soil erosion and regulates the return of nutrients to the soil

* Promotes plant diversity and abundance by regulating weed growth

* Preserves open space and regenerates soil and plant life to promote carbon sequestration through the biogenic carbon cycle.

Cattle and bison have been grazing on U.S. lands for centuries. With careful stewardship of ranchers like the VanWinkle family, they can be helping the planet for centuries more.

"Cattle grazing truly is the best use of this land as it provides wildlife habitat and a very high-quality source of protein," VanWinkle said. "What really matters is protecting our landscapes. I assure you that I want my grandchildren to know what it's like out in nature and on the ranch."


American farmers are being robbed blind by corporation profiteers

by Jim Hightower

America’s agriculture policies were written by corporate lobbyists who couldn’t run a watermelon stand

A farmer was asked what he’d do if he won a million-dollar lottery. “Well,” he said, “I guess I’d just keep farming ‘til the money runs out.”

Trying to make a living as a farmer is not for the fainthearted. You have to take out high-interest loans from cold-eyed bankers to put in a crop and buy supplies. Then you’re also at the mercy of everything from bugs to monopolistic middlemen. And here’s a cruel twist: If you defy the odds and produce a great crop, you lose money!

Lynn Danielson/Unsplash
This is happening right now. With unusually-good weather this year, corn and soybean harvests are expected to set records. But this abundance creates a market glut, allowing middlemen to knock down prices paid to farmers. A bushel of Illinois corn, for example, costs farmers $4.30 to produce, but they’re only getting $3.70 for it.

Meanwhile, the cost of such basics as seed, fertilizer, and tractors are skyrocketing. High costs coupled with low crop prices means that farmers’ income is expected to drop by 25 percent this year.

You might call this good crop-bad price phenomenon “ironic.” But it’s deliberate – an inevitable product of America’s perverse agricultural policy that pushes farmers to over produce in order to keep commodity prices low for giant processors and retailers. Little known fact: Our national “farm policy” is not written by farmers but by corporate lobbyists, lawyers, and economists – people who couldn’t run a watermelon stand if we gave them the melons and had the highway patrol flag down the customers for them.

That has got to change. To join an effort to demand a farm bill written by and for farmers, consumers, workers, and our environment, go to:

About the author ~

OtherWords columnist Jim Hightower is a radio commentator, writer, and public speaker. This op-ed was distributed by

Struggling to pay your rent? A couple tips to keep the roof over your head

Approaching your property manager can be intimidating. Before your conversation, consider seeking advice from a HUD-certified housing counselor or your local tenant union.
Photo: Sam Jotham Sutharson/PEXELS

StatePoint Media - Upfront and ongoing renting costs can put financial stress on any monthly budget. But whether you are experiencing financial hardship or just need a little extra help to make ends meet, you may have options by working with your property manager.

If you’re struggling to meet either of the two largest financial responsibilities of your lease — your security deposit or rent — here’s what you can do, according to Freddie Mac:

Alternative Security Deposits
The upfront cost of a security deposit can be a challenge for some renters. However, some property managers offer alternatives that decrease the amount due at signing. Common options include:
  • Recoupment: You agree to pay the property manager for any damages up to a pre-approved amount. If you fail to pay for damages at move out, a deposit company will bill you the amount owed.
  • Insurance: You pay monthly premiums for an insurance policy, up to a certain limit, to cover any damages you cause.
  • Installments: Rather than paying the full deposit at move-in, you’ll pay in smaller installments, typically monthly.

It’s important to know the different implications of each option. While these alternatives may seem attractive at lease signing, the cumulative out-of-pocket costs may be more than the amount of the traditional security deposit in the long run. Furthermore, depending on the option you choose, you may also still be liable for costs associated with damages to your unit. Make sure your agreed-upon terms are documented and that you fully understand them.

Rent Flexibility
Talk to your property manager about the flexibility they can provide on your rent payments. There are several common arrangements that they may be willing to offer you, which include:
  • Personalizing your payment dates: Most rent payments are due on the first of the month, and many properties typically offer a grace period. However, depending on your pay day, this timing still may not be ideal. Speak to your property manager about changing your payment due date to better align with your pay cycle.
  • Paying in installments: You may find it difficult to cover your full monthly rent in one payment. If this is the case, your property manager may be willing to work out an alternative schedule that allows you to make multiple smaller payments throughout the month.
  • Receiving a waiver for late fees or penalties: Late fees and penalties are intended to discourage repeated late payments — but sometimes, unexpected things happen. If you’re facing a temporary setback but are otherwise in good standing with your property manager, you may be able to negotiate a one-time exception for late fees or penalties.

Navigating the Conversation
Approaching your property manager can be intimidating. Before your conversation, consider seeking advice from a HUD-certified housing counselor to help you understand your rights and options, and to prepare any relevant information you may need. As you negotiate with your property manager, keep written documentation of any agreements made. And of course, keep the lines of communication open so that both parties are holding up their end of the agreement.

If you need assistance, reach out to a Renter Resource Organization, which can provide financial planning advice, educate you on your rights and responsibilities as a renter, offer mediation in landlord-tenant disputes, provide legal advice and more. Visit to find an organization servicing your region or call Freddie Mac’s Renter Helpline at 800-404-3097 to speak to a HUD-certified housing counselor.

If you’re struggling as a renter, actively communicating by asking questions or asking for assistance can relieve financial pressure and help you avoid eviction.

Money Matters |
5 ways to prepare for out-of-pocket healthcare costs

BPT - According to McKinsey & Co., 82% of U.S. consumers consider wellness a top priority, with more than half saying they prioritize it more than they did a year ago. However, rising healthcare costs pose significant challenges to consumers, and an unpredictable healthcare payment landscape can leave them with substantial out-of-pocket expenses.

These expenses can force people to forgo the care they want or need, leading to poorer health outcomes.

Photo: PEXELS/Pixabay

Given these realities, it's important to consider the following steps to inform financial decisions about potential out-of-pocket health and wellness costs.

1. Research the cost of your procedures or services in advance. Many websites provide estimated costs of various procedures by region or provider. You can also get estimates by calling your insurance company or the provider directly in advance of your appointment

2. Check if you qualify for subsidized coverage or financial assistance. People with incomes below certain levels may be eligible for health coverage at reduced or no cost. Hospitals may offer free or discounted care, known as charity care, to people not able to pay.

3. Confirm with your provider and insurance company that you are maximizing health plan coverage. Take advantage of your annual benefits, including getting recommended preventive screenings and visiting in-network providers that usually cost less than those who are out-of-network.

4. Enroll in an employer-based program that uses pre-tax dollars. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) and Healthcare Spending Accounts (HSA) allow employees to set aside money from their pay for qualified medical expenses.

5. Consider promotional financing options. Health and wellness credit cards, such as CareCredit, that offer deferred interest financing, enable you to pay for care over time with the opportunity to avoid interest charges, making out-of-pocket costs more manageable. Here are a few things about deferred interest financing to consider:

  • Deferred interest: No interest is assessed if the balance is paid in full by the end of the promotional period.
  • How deferred interest promotional financing works. Deferred interest financing allows consumers to avoid interest charges on larger expenses if they are paid off before the promotional period ends. If you don't pay off the full balance before the promotional period ends, you will have to pay interest that has accrued as of the transaction date.
  • The required minimum monthly payments. Understand the required minimum monthly payments and if those payments will pay the balance off in time. Online calculators, such as CareCredit's payment calculator, are a valuable resource to estimate possible monthly payments needed to pay off the balance within a given promotional period. Those payments may be more than the lender's monthly minimum payment requirement.
  • Mark your calendar for when the promotional period ends. It is important to track and pay the balance of the purchase before the end of the promotional period to avoid paying the deferred interest that has accrued on the purchase.

In the end, it's important that people have access to health and wellness care for themselves, their family and pets. As healthcare costs continue to rise, it is critical consumers be aware of the various benefit programs and payment options to plan for health and wellness costs. Financial literacy is key!

Commentary |

Our tax code reward corporate price gouging. Next year, we can change that.

by Rakeen Mabud

Rakeen Mabud
Next year, we’ll have to make one of the most important decisions about the future of our economy. Will we hand more power and wealth to big corporations and the rich — or invest in a healthy and resilient economy that works for all of us?

In 2017, Republican lawmakers passed tax loopholes and cuts that primarily benefited the wealthy and big corporations. President Trump signed these giveaways into law, spiking inequality and setting off a wave of corporate profiteering.

Next year, parts of that law will begin to expire, which gives us the opportunity to make changes.

For decades, both parties have created an economy where big corporations and the wealthy aren’t pitching in like the rest of us. We’ve been sold a bill of goods known as “trickle down” economics. Trickle down goes like this: Feed the rich the best cut of meat and maybe we’ll get a bit of gristle that falls on the floor — and we’ll thank them for it.

The rich and most profitable corporations aren’t just contributing less and less to our collective coffers. They’re using their power to enrich themselves further while more of us struggle. Senator Elizabeth Warren recently described this as a “doom loop” for our tax code: the wealthy and corporations get richer from tax giveaways and then use their wealth and power to boost their profits — and then lobby for more tax cuts.

For example, the 2017 Trump tax cuts dropped the top corporate tax rate to 21 percent from 35 percent (compared to 40 percent in 1987). Supporters argued this would lead to better wages and supercharge economic growth. Instead, economic growth continued at about the same pace as before the tax breaks. And while 90 percent of workers did not see a raise, billionaire wealth has doubled.

In the same period in which corporations have enjoyed lower taxes, they’ve also raked in record profits. As my colleagues at Groundwork Collaborative have highlighted, lowering corporate tax rates actually incentivized corporate profiteering in the wake of the pandemic, as companies that overcharged us got to keep more of their winnings.

Trickle down theory says these windfall profits and lower taxes should encourage companies to invest more in workers and innovation. But in an economy run by big corporations with enormous market share, that money ends up being funneled to shareholders instead of increasing worker wages, investing in new or more productive technologies, or holding critical inventories in case of a crisis.

If we want corporations to invest more in wages and productive investments, we should raise their taxes, since wages and research are mostly tax deductible.

In other words, corporate profiteering is not a foregone conclusion. Raising corporate taxes has the potential to boost investment, productivity, and economic growth — and get Americans some of their money back.

The Biden administration has taken critical steps to push back against failed trickle down economics and corporate profiteering. It capped the price of essential drugs like insulin, empowered regulators to go after corporations abusing their market power, and made historic investments in a green future. But more can be done by raising taxes on the largest, most profitable corporations.

Fundamentally, the coming tax debate is about who holds the reins in shaping our economy: megacorporations and their wealthy shareholders, or the everyday people who keep the economy humming. Next year is an opportunity for Congress to stand firm against the rich and powerful and build the economy that we want to see.

Unlocking homeownership with down payment assistance and savings plan

Photo: Jill Wellington/Pixabay
StatePoint Media - If you dream of owning a home but aren’t sure whether you have enough money for a down payment, take another look. You might already have enough or be closer than you think.
Down payment and closing cost assistance
Depending on your situation, you may qualify for a grant to help with your housing purchase. Grants can offer down payment and closing cost assistance. Some financing programs also allow qualified homebuyers to put down as little as 3%.

“Aspiring homeowners may want to talk with a mortgage professional to explore their options. They can help aspiring homeowners understand how much they need for a down payment and other upfront costs as well as for ongoing expenses such as insurance, homeowners’ association fees, and unexpected repairs,” says Ewunike N. Brady, head of African American Segment, Wells Fargo Home Lending.

If saving up to buy a home is your goal, how can you put more money away each month to get there sooner? Here are some savings tips to consider:

1. Pay down credit card and loan debt to save money on interest. This may also lower your debt-to-income ratio and increase your credit score, which helps when applying for a mortgage. Start with accounts with the highest interest rates, pay more than the minimum, make payments every two weeks instead of monthly, and consider setting up automatic payments.

2. Track your spending habits and evaluate what you can cut. Many helpful budgeting apps are available. Small changes can add up to big savings. For example, make your own coffee, pack a lunch, carpool, get your hair cut less frequently, or cook and watch movies at home instead of going out.

3. Reconsider subscription services and monthly memberships. How much do you spend per month, and do you use them enough to get your money’s worth? If you have gym membership, can you work out at home or enjoy public recreation areas? How many apps or streaming video or music services do you need?

4. Minimize account fees. Pay attention to when a bank account incurs fees so you can avoid them when possible – for instance, maintain the daily minimum account balance, use your debit card a specified number of times during the month, or stay below a maximum number of withdrawals from a savings account. And of course, avoid overdrafts.

5. Consider using automatic bill pay options through your financial institution or the billing entity, like your utility company. Then you’ll avoid accidental late payments and the fees that come with them.

While saving for a down payment seems daunting, it does not have to be. Understanding the facts about what’s required to buy a home and having a savings plan can put you well on your way to achieving your homeownership goal.

Commentary |
Stop the invasion of our nation

by Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

If President Biden could announce on November 1, 2024 that all student debt is forgiven, he would do so. That would surely be a way to get a few more votes. If you have a $100,000 student loan, then you have a heavy burden of paying back that loan. To suddenly have the debt cleared would be a marvelous feeling.

Would this make you feel like Biden is a great President? Would this boost your confidence in his ability to lead our nation? Or, would you see such an act as a last-ditch effort to do whatever it takes to stay in the oval office for four more years?

Thousands of Americans have carried the weight of student loans for years. Thousands have paid back the loans. Loans are never fun to pay back. Car payments, house payments, and credit card debt are tough to carry for years and years. Is it fair that many Americans have paid off student debt but suddenly thousands of Americans could have a large portion of their debt wiped away? It doesn’t seem fair. Is it good for America? Many more Americans need to borrow money for college. Paying back student loans is one way to keep money circulating back into the government coffers.

What if someone paid back 75% of their loan in ten years then the other 25% would be forgiven? What about a two or three percent interest rate on student loans? What if people went to community colleges their first two years? There has to be a better way than just waving the magic wand and clearing debt to boost popularity.

Interest rates are going to come down between now and November 1. A 30-year mortgage by November 1 will be closer to six percent. The stock market is roaring. If you have some money in stock then you have to be enjoying the increase. What goes up always comes down some, eventually. Don’t look for it to go down much between now and November first.

The one thing President Biden doesn’t seem to want to do is stop the invasion of America. The invasion of America continues. Allowing up to 8.5 thousand illegals per day is not a fix. Outlaw gangs have taken over parts of South America in Columbia and Venezuela and parts of central America. Gangs have taken over Haiti. The cartel seems to roam freely in Mexico. These outlaws are coming into America. Violence, stealing, and killing are all they know. They will fight with and kill police officers, assault and murder women, steal from you, and terrorize our communities. Most of our small American counties are understaffed to protect our citizens from gangs armed with semi-automatic weapons.

The invasion must be stopped today. Border states deserve all the help the federal government can give in securing the borders immediately instead of making it difficult on the states.

Soon there will be so many illegals from China and throughout the world in our country that we will not have enough police or military to protect ourselves. We see this happening before our very eyes.

The issues of student loans, interest rates, gasoline prices, inflation, and much more impact our lives significantly. Nothing is impacting our nation like the invasion.

Please Mr. President and Congress, stop the invasion of our nation.


He is the author of 13 books including Uncommon Sense, the Spiritual Chocolate series, Grandpa's Store, Minister's Guidebook insights from a fellow minister. His column is published weekly in over 600 publications in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization. We welcome comments and views from our readers. Submit your letters to the editor or commentary on a current event 24/7 to



Now might be the time to talk about inheriting wealth

NewsUSA - As a significant portion of the U.S. population ages, a significant transfer of wealth to younger generations is occurring. However, many families have not discussed inheritance plans, and many younger generations may find themselves unprepared, according to new research from Edward Jones, a leading financial services firm.

The so-called “great wealth transfer” from the Silent Generation and the Baby Boomers will vary.

In fact, 35% of Americans surveyed by Edward Jones said they did not plan to discuss transfer of wealth with their families, despite 48% saying that they planned to leave an inheritance.

“We know it can be extremely uncomfortable and nearly impossible to separate emotions from the financial decisions necessary when planning inheritance and wealth transfer, particularly as givers navigate family priorities beyond finances,” said Lena Haas, Head of Wealth Management Advice and Solutions at Edward Jones. “However, the wealth transfer is well underway, so it’s more important than ever to connect as a family, with the experienced guidance of a financial professional to help navigate the emotions and educate on the process.”

The so-called “great wealth transfer” from the Silent Generation and the Baby Boomers will vary, as people live longer and may delay retirement. Edward Jones’ research revealed four scenarios:

Traditional Giving.
Older adults transfer wealth through a combination of assets, cash, equities, and real estate.

Giving While Living.
Older adults support their families in the moment, paying for family experiences, contributing to education or purchasing homes. However, this strategy may force younger generations to return the favor and support parents in retirement.

Skipping a Generation.
Some older adults skip over their adult children and transfer wealth to grandchildren, often in the form of education or future security, but this can lead to hurt feelings and strained relations with adult children who do not directly benefit from this wealth transfer.

No Inheritance.
Older adults are living longer, and a combination of more active lifestyles for more years after retirement and/or the expenses of long-term health care means that in some families, little wealth will be left to transfer.

The survey, a joint effort between Edward Jones, Morning Consult and NEXT360 Partners, LLC, a global action research and strategy consultancy, was conducted online between December 28-29, 2023, and included a national sample of 2,202 adults.

According to the survey, only 25% of individuals who receive an inheritance feel prepared to manage it.

Working with an experienced advisor can help, and 57% of those surveyed said that working with a financial professional to guide discussions of wealth transfer and inheritance in advance would facilitate planning and family consensus.

Visit for more information about wealth transfer and financial planning.

Guest Commentary |
Gain some control over your life

by Glenn Mollette, Guest Commentator

Feeling like you have some control over your life is vital for life happiness.

Control is not always easy. It takes planning, sacrifice, work and good fortune.

Lots of things can happen in life that will shake the earth beneath our feet. Illness, weather disaster, a bad accident, and stupid mistakes. We are all vulnerable to any and all of these.

Considering anything can happen in life and chances are it will, we can all still make an effort to be in control of our daily lives.

First, know who you are and build on who you are. There is only one you and there will never be another like you. Chances are you may have become a clone. You started out as an original but became someone else. You may have redesigned your life to be accepted by a certain workforce, group, religious entity, fraternity, sorority, or political party mindset. This works for a while but you won’t be very happy because it requires more work to not be you than it takes to just be you.

Our country helps millions with Social Security disability and Medicare.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t be a better you. We all can and should strive to be better, smarter, and the best we can be. Being a lazy, irresponsible, and ignorant are sure ways to not feel good or very secure in life. Life security and a feeling of having control over our lives requires work and living higher. Living lower will sink you. Build on who you are for success and happiness.

Next, you have to work. Yes, we have to work. It’s essential to life security. The person who can work and wants to work will feel better and sleep better. There are all kinds of work and not every kind of work is for everyone. Discover what kind of work you enjoy and can do and learn to do it as well as you can. Working will give you a feeling of well-being. Millions of people in America can’t work for various reasons. Disability happens, millions are handicapped by various health related issues.

Our country helps millions with Social Security disability and Medicare. At least with these government assistance programs people have something on which to survive. Keep in mind that a disability income in never a ticket to prosperity. What you can afford will be very limited.

However, I do know people who have done well investing in the stock market even on a limited disability income and have done amazingly well financially. Keep in mind if you are going to make a house or car payment it requires a serious income and a paying job. Try to lock into a job that you enjoy and can do.

Third, save money and stay out of debt as much as possible. Buy a house you can afford and save some money every month in an IRA or 401k or whatever is available to you. Research index funds and consider buying some stock in an index fund as you can. Index fund fees are typically cheaper. I’m not a stock advisor so do your own investigating.

A school teacher friend bought index fund stocks every month for years and ended up with over a million dollars in stock by her retirement. Money isn’t everything but you’ll sleep better if you know you can buy groceries tomorrow and can pay your utility bills.

Finally, take a few minutes every morning and at the end of the day to be grateful. Give God thanks for all and anything you have and ask him to give you strength, wisdom and peace for the day or throughout the night.


He is the author of 13 books including Uncommon Sense, the Spiritual Chocolate series, Grandpa's Store, Minister's Guidebook insights from a fellow minister. His column is published weekly in over 600 publications in all 50 states. The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of any other group or organization. We welcome comments and views from our readers. Submit your letters to the editor or commentary on a current event 24/7 to

