Philo 150th Anniversary Committee to hold first meeting
New library rules now in effect
Village of St. Joseph board meeting agenda this Tuesday set
- A MFT Resolution for Maintenance
- Approval a contract with Jamaica Fireworks
- Approval of the bid for directional boring for the streetlights conduit
- A motion an ordinance and policy prohibiting Sexual Harassment
- Review and approval a resolution and the employee manual with a drug and alcohol policy
- Approval of a resolution accepting the low bid for drainage improvement at Meadow Circle
Apply for the Governor's Hometown Award, applications are being accepted now
Keep your friends and neighbors informed
Four village trustee seats open next April in Tolono
Village sewer rate increase goes into effect in St. Joseph
The schedule rate increase, approved in April 2019 by the St. Joseph Board of Trustees and put on hold due COVID-19 pandemic, will pay for upgrades as the aging plant nears its maximum operating capacity according to a release from the village.
The 15-year plan created last year is a detailed road map to ensure costs, operating expenses and plant capital maintenance needs are met to keep pace with the community's growth. The plan included incrementally increasing rates, which will be determined annually by the board, on a yearly basis rather of one or more large jump in monthly fees.
While the increase will impact low volume users minimally, heavy users will see likely see a noticeable change on their statements.
The new rate, starting on October 1, is $17.50, up from $15.00, for the first two units. Each additional unit used will be billed at at $1.75 more then the previous amount of $5.25 at $7.00 each.
Village Administrator job on St. Joseph board agenda
The Village Administrator would be responsible for day-to-day operation of village services, keep track of financial health and capital projects, assist in zoning enforcement as well as ensuring permit fees are collected.
"The way we do things now, we are far from being efficient," said Tami Fruhling-Voges, Village President/Mayor. "The Village should be ran like a business."
She said the Village Administrator is needed to help her and the trustees with research and policy recommendations. The person in the new position would also actively apply for state and federal grants.
"It will truly be a benefit to the community."
According to agenda for Tuesday, Mayor Fruhling-Voges will present a new Village Public Works calendar and announce the recipient of the St. Joseph's first Employee Appreciation Award. She will also unveil a Halloween Proclamation as well as tax levy comparisons and late distributions from the County Treasurer's Office.
The board will also hear and vote to approve an audit report from Feller & Kuester CPAs LLP, receive an updated from the recent Sewer Committee meeting and an update on the Linden Street retention pond.
If you have something that you want to bring up at the Village Board Meeting but do not want to attend, residents are encouraged to email the information to Your email should include your full name, address and phone number.
If you would like to attend the meeting in person, please use the side door which enters directly into the Village Board room. It will be the only door available for entry. Visitors may address the Board /Committee on subjects listed and not listed on the agenda during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. Speakers will must state their name and address for the meeting records. Masks and social distancing will be observed.
You can find the October 13 agenda here.
A letter from Mayor Tami Fruhling-Voges
Village of St. Joseph office closed to the public until further notice
It's an Arkansas Possum Pie, made with three delicious layers and crunchy toppings for a show-stopping dessert.
Research has shown ACEs can alter a child's brain chemistry and produce a prolonged toxic stress response. Experiencing at least one ACE as a child is linked to having alcohol and substance use problems in adulthood, and chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity.
What will? Replacing the subminimum wages that tipped workers make with one fair wage nationwide.
The federal minimum wage for most workers is just $7.25. But for workers who get tips, employers are allowed to pay them $2.13 an hour. If tips don’t raise your hourly pay to at least the ...
The culprit? She says symptoms of common mental health issues like depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and bipolar disorder can overlap. So, it’s important to stay in contact with your provider to make ...